August 9, 2009

Scientology Training Routines

Scientology Training Routines

The Scientology Training Routines, or TRs, are done on what Scientologists call "the gradient". The claim is that information should not be presented until the student is ready to understand the information. In this way, knowledge is presented in bite-sized pieces that won't cause the student (or "Mark" as The Rev. Dennis Erlich is prone to say) to "blow", or leave the training session.

In reality, the "gradient" is designed to place increasing levels of thought conditioning into the student. At the earliest level, OT TR0, nothing is asked of the student and the gradient position is zero. New concepts, controls, and conditioning are applied in increasing levels as the student gains higher levels within the Scientology system. The end-effect of these exercises (or processes, as Scientology refers to them) is to neutralize the student's critical faculties and render them prone to suggestion as they engage in further training or auditing.

The TRs are a series of mind-numbing exercises. Dick Sutphen in THE BATTLE FOR YOUR MIND, a speech given at World Congress of Professional Hypnotists Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, discusses various mind control techniques. This paper links my personal experience with the Scientology TRs to the Sutphen document.

Hubbard said, "THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM..., because the second you start telling anybody close to the truth, you start releasing him and he gets tougher and tougher to control." - Technique 88 . The fundamental lie of these TRs is that they are a "Communication Course", which is how they were presented to me when I first entered Scientology in the early 1980s. The TRs first appeared in HCOB June 11, 1957 as "processes", a Scientology term for thought conditioning (for example, Auditing is a process).

The second lie is that these TRs improve your ability to communicate. In fact, they are an introduction to Scientology dogma, which comes part and parcel with the "theory" behind the routines. The result is a continuous Scientology info-mercial. Rather than communicating with the real world, the terms are defined relative to Scientology, which only helps you communicate with other Scientologists. In other words, the TRs are indoctrination. 
OT TR0 Operating Thetan Confronting
[ Sit with eyes closed for hours, not moving or twitching, "confronting" coach. ]

As I took these TRs at the local Scientology Mission, I quickly learned that the students on course actually taught each other. It's a great way for the Co$ to collect the $250 registration fee and reduce their staff overhead. After introducing myself to another slightly confused man in his mid 30s, we sat in front of each other, eyes closed, for the required time. I could hear him breathing, creaking in his foldup chair, and the sound of the other students sequestered in their exercises.

This was my first encounter with sensory deprivation, hypnosis, and mind control. The hypnotic techniques used in OT TR0 are sensory deprivation and stress, which produces an altered state of conciousness. In the Philadelphia Doctorate Course tapes, Hubbard says that closing your eyes puts you into a light hypnotic trance. So here, L Ron lies about training you to "confront". In fact, he is putting you into a trance - a trance that is built upon with "the gradient", and which becomes the basis for auditing.

The sensory deprivation is audio as well as visual. While I cannot recall the audio, the TR was done in a large course room where other students are doing TRs. I heard all of the scieno-babble, which causes confusion and lowers your mind's defenses. Of course, the visual was completely cut off, creating some apprehension. I was sitting with my knees almost touching his. Violating someone's personal space, as well as being violated yourself creates more stress and apprehension. 
TR 0: Confronting
[ Sit with eyes open for hours, not moving or twitching, "confronting" coach.

For the two TR 0 drills, some hours without any reaction is a pass, 2 hrs recommended. ]

FLUNK! Body Movement. Start.

FLUNK! Talking. Start.

FLUNK! Eye movement. Start.

FLUNK! Non-confront. Start.

FLUNK! Not in Present Time. Start.

These were the words of my staff coach as I began this strange exercise of "confronting" a person. FLUNK! is given at Tone 40 and causes shock and confusion. The robotic "Start" command is given to begin the exercise. The last command for each of these drills is "That's it!", words which grew sweeter as training progressed. The student is not really told the rules for this game, but rather simply gets shouted at whenever a mistake is made. This sort of stimulus-response, I learned, is the hallmark of Hubbard's view of human beings (or "raw meat", as new recruits are called) - mere machines with "Start" and "Stop" buttons.

TR0 is billed as an auditor's tool for "confronting" the preclear (pc, raw meat, uninitiated mark, etc.), but it's more than that. It is a mind-control technique that opens up the mind for programming. TR 0 induces an eyes-open alpha state, building on OT-TR0. I vividly remember one of the instructions I received while learning TR0: "don't evaluate, just accept the data." Yeah, right. In other words, suspend disbelief and get programmed.

The long hours of staring at a fixed object caused hallucinations in me. I didn't realize at the time that this was a sign of hypnosis. The sensory deprivation is incredible. You're working hard on not FLUNK!ing, and having to start over. The Scientology staff coach does a good job of FLUNK!ing you for no apparent reason (at least in your own normally socialized mind), creating all sorts of uncertainty and confusion.

Perhaps it was true - thinking about what I felt and saw was causing the trouble. My "cognition" (spoon-fed to me by the Staff) was that I should stop thinking about this situation, even though it was contrary to all my social conditioning. So, I stopped evaluating. I suspended disbelief. I turned off my mind. Of course, this played right into my hypnotists' hands.

Reports of the "thousand mile stare" common to Scientologists are a direct result of this training routine. However, the Scientologist isn't staring at you, he's staring through you. Rather than intimidating you by "confront", the Scientologist is paradoxically in a non-confront. He is aware of your presence, but he's in alpha state and has his mind turned off. Trying to talk to someone like this is like trying to teach a pig to sing - it's frustrating for you and it annoys the pig.

TR0 forms the basis for nearly everything a Scientologist does, be it reading a book, talking to someone, or solving a problem. So, you're trained to go into a trance by the friendly folks at the Org from Day 1, conditioned to accept suggestion while in alpha state as a normal way to learn, and trained to suspend disbelief by Pavlovian command. The general public are hereby advised to steer clear of this exercise. 
TR 0: Bullbait
[ Sit with eyes open for hours, not moving laughing or twitching, "confronting" coach while s/he tries in every way to make you react. ]

Bullbait (TR0 with counter intention from the Pre-Clear) is the next step on the gradient. Here, the suggestive mind (in TR0) accepts contrary data and is not allowed to protest or even acknowledge what is happening. At this point on the Gradient, turning off your mind is mandatory. You will not progress past TR0 Bullbait by thinking about what your tormentor is saying or doing. You must sit passively, wondering what new attack will be used to make you FLUNK!.

I remember this exercising as being both degrading and crude. The job of the "coach" is to find your "buttons" - those phrases and movements which will cause you to react. The pattern suggested by the Staff coach centered on sexual perversion for the men and body part criticism for the women. Some of the gender-neutral abuse centered on Suppressive Person mockups, attempting to dredge up memories of past wrongs to gain a reaction. In fairness, it was not all abusive - sometimes a good joke ("mental pictures") could produce a FLUNK!.

Integral with this exercise is a Dianetics info-mercial about your "Case" and "Reactive Mind". It was your Reactive Mind that was the problem, the reason you had all these "buttons". Hubbard, under the guise of helping you communicate better, slips in a demonstration that you are seriously screwed up, and need auditing. Auditing is the real money-maker for Scientology.

To save staff expense (Hubbard: Make Money, Make More Money, Get Others to Make Money), you eventually become a coach in this exercise. Since I couldn't remember any good jokes, I eventually became abusive to produce a FLUNK!. To this day, I am ashamed of the things I said to one young woman.

Hubbard's objective for TR0-Bullbait is not about being able to confront through your "Case". It is about unquestioning acceptance of information. "Turn on your TR0-Bullbait, get your case under control, and let's talk about how Scientology is going to help you", is what Scientology is saying. "Don't think too hard about how strange this all sounds, because it's just your case talking. If you have any problems confronting Scientology, it's because of your case and proves your need for Scientology technology." It's classic circular reasoning.

Again, the general public is advised to steer clear of this exercise. 
TR 1: Dear Alice
[ Student reads dialogue from Alice in Wonderland at coach until they get the comm <gag> across without embarrassment. ]

I thought Bullbait was weird. I had no idea what was in store for me. In this routine, context-free snippets from Alice, printed on a sheet of paper, are read by the student to the coach. Hubbard's sense of humor shows through on this one. It's even worse if the coach gets the giggles. The humor is a relief after the stress of TR0 conditioning. However, humor won't advance you on The Bridge. Some of Lewis Carroll's stuff is either terribly imaginative or drug-induced, depending on your opinion of him. (Some think the caterpillar is Carroll's self-portrait, but I digress.)

To pass this exercise without getting a permanent case of the giggles requires you to become virtually humorless. The concept of mental image pictures was introduced in TR0. Here, canned script from a master storyteller conjurs up some fantastic and nonsensical images, which the student must refuse to process or fail the exercise. The result is robotic repetition of nonsense phrases, which some have come to recognize as a hallmark of what passes for conversation in Scientology.

Rather than conditioning you for the real world where nonsense is met with questions for clarification, Ron is conditioning the mark to confront "Scieno-speak." Ron's writing style and propensity to make up words because he couldn't think of the real ones could give a newcomer the giggles if it were not for this exercise. Some of Ron's prose, especially the Operating Thetan levels, is highly imaginative just like Carroll's. 
TR 2: Acknowledgments
[ Coach reads dialogue at the student and he must acknowledge (stop) what the coach said using one of the following "acks": okay, good, thank you, alright, or fine. ]

This is the twin sister of TR 1. In this installment of Hubbard's "Make Money Fast" series, the TR2 student acts as coach to someone being processed on TR1. The student makes positive acknowledgements "in a new unit of time" , that is, as if the statement and acknowledgement were being done for the first time. The Staff coach simply watches the acknowledgements of the students to see if they are believable.

While this training has the ostensibly positive benefit of teaching the student to complete "communication cycles", the repetitive nature of the acknowledgements can be hypnotic. The TR 0 alpha state can kick in, inducing acknowledgement to statements you didn't understand. The point of this training is to get the student to agree to any statement (hypnotic suggestion) while in alpha state. This training may help you survive the day with your precocious three-year-old's fantasies, but it can be counterproductive when listening to a used car salesman.

Acknowledging nonsense is not required in the real world. Ron's real purpose in this TR is to get the mark used to the idea of accepting off-the-wall statements as fact. As the mark proceeds up The Bridge, increasingly dissonant ideas are introduced, culminating in Hubbard's full-blown cosmology in the Operating Thetan levels. 
TR 2 1/2: Half-Acks
[ The coach reads a line from Alice in Wonderland and the student must respond with a half-acknowledgment, such as ``Mmmm hmmm'' or ``Uh huh''. ]

This is supposed to be a technique for getting the pc to continue talking, by giving him the feeling that he is being heard. In contrast, Hubbard emphasized that a full acknowledgment ends communication on a topic. If done powerfully enough (really good TR 2), it ends communication altogether: Hubbard says in HCOB 16 August 1971R II (Training Drills Remodernized) that an auditor ``can take a pc's head off with an acknowledgment.'' Comments like this, which are spread throughout Hubbard's writings, reinforce the idea that auditing subjects are machines to be manipulated rather than autonomous persons with rights of their own. In Professional Auditor's Bulletin 149 he says "If you acknowledge a preclear well, you will have the preclear under much better control."

The bit about taking a pc's head off, though not meant to be taken literally, adds to the mystique of Scientology training by claiming supernatural effects if the techniques are practiced expertly. The inevitable failure to obtain such a high degree of control over people serves only as evidence that the student requires further training. 
TR 3: Duplicative Question
[ Student asks coach repetitively, "Do birds fly?" or "Do fish swim?" Coach tries not to answer. Student repeats the question using this repeater phrase, verbatim: "I will repeat the auditing question." Continued until the student knows he will be asked questions until he answers them. Coach tries to physically leave the "session" and the student must restrain the coach and place him or her back in the chair, and repeat the same question until answered. Drill is passed when student can always get his questions answered. ]

I will repeat the auditing question. What a strange phrase to have in a "Communications Course". Auditing is Scientology's main money-making activity. It is highly sought-after "counselling" which is integral with making it up The Bridge. Auditing up to this point has been hyped as the Road to Nirvana, and now the student is introduced to a prepatory drill for auditing or being audited, namely that the question must be answered to the satisfaction of auditor, not the preclear. Contrary to many Scientologists' opinion, the preclear is not in control of the auditing session. While a treatment of the auditing process is beyond the scope of this discussion, questions in session are asked until an acceptable response is given. "Cognitions" are spoon-fed to the preclear. Their purpose reinforces Scientology dogma and typically point to the need for more auditing.

It must be mentioned again that the student eventually becomes a coach in these TRs. In this way, the student learns that they must answer the question, that they will be repeatedly asked until the correct answer is given, and that they will be forcibly restrained if they attempt to leave the session. 
TR 4: Preclear Originations
[ Same as TR 3 but coach mixes the comments with important "case" information like, "My foot suddenly started hurting." and "I'm getting upset, let's stop." Student has to get the coach to continue using stuff like "Oh that's pretty normal, lets just continue and see what happens. I'll repeat the auditing question. *Do* birds fly?" ]

This next stop on the Road to Total Freedom (or is it the "Slippery Slope to Total Slavery"?) adds another auditing concept - case information. A "case" is the emotional baggage that comes along with the preclear to an auditing session. Scientology teaches that our Reactive Mind, which can be thought of as the Devil, must be pushed aside in order to achieve Clear (salvation).

As the coach (remember, the student becomes the coach), the student learns that they may feel strange things during an auditing session, thereby increasing its allure. Rather than being viewed as warning signs that they are being controlled in session, the preclear is conditioned that if these strange feelings are "handled", big case gains can occur. The point of the auditor's complete control of the session is reinforced. Any diversions by the Preclear will be summarily "handled", but the question will be answered to the satisfaction of the auditor.

TR 4 is nothing more than an exercise in overriding someone's better judgement. The normal apprehensive feelings about being asked certain questions should be swept aside because they are part of your Reactive Mind. If you want to go up The Bridge, you need to handle those distracting feelings of apprehension. 
Upper Indoctrination TRs.
TR 5: Hand Mimicry [obsolete since ~1965]
[ Auditor and student are seated closely enough for auditor's knees to be locked outside the hypnotic subject's. The auditing command is: "PUT YOUR HANDS AGAINST MINE, FOLLOW THEM AND CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR MOTION." ]

TR5 was first used as a CCH process. (CCH = Control, Communication and Havingness. Another of Hubbard's famous triangles.) At that time (I believe it was early 1957 they first issued forth from the Hubbard Communications Office) the TRs were used as Processes. It was called "Hand Mimicry". If you had Objective Processing you remember: "PUT YOUR HANDS AGAINST MINE, FOLLOW THEM AND CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR MOTION."

Auditor and victim seated closely enough for auditor's knees to be locked outside the hypnotic subject's.

Later that year, Hubbard changed TR5 to an obscure process that is rarely used any more. Only if the subject will not cooperate with the processing. "SEAT THAT BODY IN THAT CHAIR!".

It was common for Hubbard to point out the obvious. In order to process a person you must get them to sit still for it, he'd write over and over.

In 1958 he got reissued TR5 with a bit of fine tuning: "YOU MAKE THAT BODY SIT IN THAT CHAIR!" was the new command.

True fact! 
TR 6: 8-C (Body Control)
Part One:
[ Student walks coach around like a robot, in constant physical contact. The student physically makes the coach's body start, change direction and stop with the student forcibly controlling the coach's body into doing those things. ]

As coach, you are instructed to offer some resistance, just to be sure the student is controlling you properly. This exercise is the first gradient step toward giving control of your body to someone else. In Part Two, you are shouted at until you comply with the instructions given.

This is another strange exercise for a "Communications Course". The bait given to the mark is that all processes have these three steps: Start, Change, Stop. Ultimately, this exercise is about Control and Being Controlled. Note that the student eventually becomes a coach. One suggestion I received was to coach with eyes closed, ostensibly to fine-tune the student's control. This effectively removes all control from the coach.

Hubbard knew that the mark's internal controls ("Case", "Reactive Mind") may cause him to "blow" the auditing session. This training is meant to intimidate the mark into bodily compliance, an extension to "Seat that body in that chair!". Physical force, if necessary, will be used to keep you on course and in session.
Part Two:
[ Student controls coach by and while giving the commands:

"TURN AROUND!"             "THANK YOU!"

No physical contact. ]

In this installment of the Gradient, you are introduced to verbal command. After sufficient repetition, the commands on the coach become almost robotic. Keeping good TR0 and being in Present Time (i.e. not thinking about past or future) keeps you somewhat tranced and response becomes almost automatic.

If physical force is used in an auditing session, the mark could realize he is actually being controlled against his will, and blow the session and Scientology as well. Therefore, it is necessary to condition the mark to respond to firm (but not overbearing) verbal command like a good little robot.  
TR 7: High School Indoc.

"TURN AROUND!"             "THANK YOU!"

[ These exact commands and acknowledgements are given to the coach with Tone 40 Intention (intention without reservation or limit). The coach's body is then forced, by being physically restrained and dragged if necessary, to comply with the command. Coach does not do more than physically thwart the student from forcing him to comply. But not too hard. ]

This training routine gets the student accustomed to the idea of controlling and restraining others, and thereby accustomed to being controlled . In real-world terms, Tone 40 involves talking in a forceful enough voice so that the target knows you mean business. It works well on three year olds, though in most adult interactions where common goals motivate cooperation or compliance, Tone 40 invokes resentment. This Training Routine is not about communication in the real world. It is about the way communication works in Scientology.

Here, Hubbard's message is clear: non-compliance with Scientology's commands, especially during auditing, will be met with escalating levels of force - non-verbal, verbal, shouting, and physical. When you sign up for services, you give away your right to resist, since it's just your "case" talking. Your case is something to be "handled", and it can be handled up to the point of physical intervention. 
TR 8: Tone 40 On Objects
[ Trying to make the ashtray STAND UP. Student gives Tone 40 command "STAND UP!". Tone 40 acknowledges with "THANK YOU!". "SIT DOWN!". "THANK YOU!."

Repeat until cognition (about an hour). ]

By this point, I was so deluded by the concept of Tone 40 that the fact that I was LIFTING IT WITH MY HANDS was irrelevant. I gave the command, the ashtray stood up. After doing this for half an hour, I felt like God, lifting the ashtray by sheer intention. My Thetan's (Scieno-babble for "spirit") Intention was using my arms and hands, though that was only for convenience, since with sufficient intent they were not necessary. I was allowed to stop when I cog'ed (Scieno-babble for "cognition") on this. TR8 is heavy-duty Scientology processing, or thought conditioning.

In retrospect, TR0-bullbait is a mandatory prerequisite for TR8. Without it, uncontrolled Tone-40 laughter would be the result. Having experienced the delusion makes it easier to understand what happens at the higher levels. Repetitive exercise numbs the mind to the point that even simple actions become nearly supernatural.

OK, Hubbard, explain to me how shouting at an ashtray helps me communicate with the real world. 
TR 9: Tone 40 with Bullbait
[ TR7 with verbal bullbait by coach. Student uses physical enforcement to assure compliance. The auditor is trained for situations in which a PC wants to blow the auditing session. ]

At this point, the student is nearly done with the course and is being body-routed to the Registrar for the next service. High emphasis is placed on auditing, which is a major revenue producer. The mystique of auditing, as well as the preconditioning given in these training routines, makes the lure hard to resist.

This last TR has nothing to do with communication and everything to do with Auditor Training. Here, the student (Auditor) issues Tone 40 commands to the coach (preclear) while the coach offers verbal as well as physical counter-intent. (As an amusing aside, this TR can be quite rough when two hormone-driven young males play the game. This TR was done in a large room devoid of sharp corners on a carpet with a thick pad.) The student (as coach) learns that counter-intent during session will be thwarted. You are not allowed to leave a session without severe consequences. The Dennis writes: "The Auditor must NEVER allow the mark to control the session. NOT EVER! It violates the Auditors' Code. True story."

Of course, if the thought conditioning is complete, it never occurs to the preclear that they can simply leave the session, or even Scientology. Hubbard's lie is just that: Scientology gives you more abilities, and leaving Scientology means being permanently shackled to your Case. 
While not part of the Training Routines, it bears mentioning that after you complete a Scientology course, you are required to write up your "Big Win". The mark stands up in front of his group and recites what he learned, why it's useful, and how it can be applied. For most normal people, speaking to a group of near-strangers produces anxiety. Being forced to manufacture a list of "Wins" creates cognitive dissonance. By saying it in public, you are forced to carry through regardless of what you may have thought before.

After this stressful experience, the mark is "love bombed" by the group. Everyone robotically affirms your win as a sign of acceptance into the group. You breathe a sigh of relief. These are indeed your friends.

The trap is sprung, the door closes. You are a Scientologist. Congratulations on your BIG WIN.

Inside Scientology/Dianetics - Appendix N: First Abridged Unapproved Dictionary of Scientologese

First Abridged Unapproved Dictionary of Scientologese

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
- A -
n. Acknowledgment; thank you. v. To acknowledge; to thank.
One of the higher Conditions of Ethics.
The thinking, computing mind; term used chiefly in Dianetics.
Advanced Org(anization).
Advanced Org Los Angeles.
Advanced Org United Kingdom.
ARC (A=Affinity; R=Reality; C=Communication):
Understanding and/or affection.
An upset with someone or something.
A memory drill.
The reading of a list to locate the most highly-charged item on that list.
An assessment to locate the cause of upset.
A process the auditor runs on him/herself to prepare for self-auditing.
An oral or written statement that one has completed a course or stage or understands a set of instructions.
The administering of a Scientology process by a Scientology practitioner.
Asking a question, getting an answer and acknowledging the answer.
An auditing question or instruction.
An auditing command.
A person trained to administer Scientology processes; "one who listens."
Nineteen do's and don'ts for the auditor to observe when auditing.
A record made by the auditor during the session of the beginning and end of the session, and the major events of the running of the process during the session.
- B -
The reactive mind, or stimulus-response mechanism.
The earliest and most malignant engram (traumatic event) on a chain.
A series of words found in the reactive mind.
1. To disperse charge, tension, trauma; 2. To run away from auditing, Scientology, an org.
A rapid and significant discharge of tension, as indicated by an E-meter.
An alien soul affixed to a person's body.
A drill that teaches an auditing-in-training to confront a preclear.
Words, subjects or gestures highly-charged to an individual, upsetting him or making him laugh.
Charge, or tension, missed in previous auditing.
- C -
Reading out loud an item from the Upper Level materials.
1. One's state of being vis-a-vis Scientology. 2. Inner trouble, from mild quirks to violent mental or physical disturbance.
To discuss one's own processing, or mental or physical symptoms, out of an auditing session.
A handbook that lists every type of preclear disturbance, diagnoses it, and gives a counteracting technique.
A comprehensive examination and checking out of all the processing a preclear has had to date.
Sick; overwhelmed; cracked-up.
1. Confidence in one's understanding of Scientology data, or of the running of a process. 2. Faith in L. Ron Hubbard.
The office at an org that gives out certificates for completions of Grades, Levels, courses and review sessions.
Harmful energy of the reactive mind.
One who has completed the Special Briefing Course and is qualified to audit preclears to Grade IV Release.
A Class VI who has done internship at Saint Hill, Sussex, England.
At the time of this book, an elite Upper Level auditor. (Now superseded by Classes IX, X, XI and XII.)
v. Destimulate; discharge tension. adj. Non-reading, flat. n. A question or area with no charge.
No reads, or a floating needle.
n. A Clear; a person who no longer has a reactive mind. v. To erase the reactive mind. adj. The state of being clear.
A testimonial.
Looking up words in the English and Scientology dictionaries before processing to make sure that the preclear understands the auditing commands to follow.
n. An insight.
Communication; the "C" in "ARC."
Shows the Ethical Condition of the students, staff, Sea Org members at an org or Scientology dwelling.
Auditing or study material from Grade V on up.
A series of phrases in the reactive mind.
1. Thoughts, ideas, notions, opinions. 2. Criticisms of Hubbard/Scientology.
- D -
1. Facts, reality, truth. 2. Scientology information; that which emanated from Hubbard's mouth or pen.
The lowest Condition of Ethics.
(developed unnecessary traffic):
Deviation from correct procedure for lines, hats, policies.
The locating and erasing of unconscious trauma.
Erratic, traces jagged patterns.
To cut off all communication with one who has been found to be suppressive.
A written statement that one is disconnecting from person, family or group.
Proselytization of Scientology.
One of the lower Conditions of Ethics.
Aberrated behavior stemming from the reactive mind.
Correct carrying out of Hubbard's instructions.
- E -
A portable electrical device that gauges one's mental state and its moment-to-moment changes. The E-meter is based on a Wheatstone bridge, which measures differential resistance in an electric current, and has dials, knobs, and needles, and two empty tin cans, clamped to wires connected to the box, which are gripped by the preclear during an auditing session.
Termination, or release point, of a Scientology process; floating needle.
Highly-charged words that describe a preclear's dramatizations.
One of the lower conditions of Ethics.
A mental image picture, memory or recording or an incident containing pain and unconsciousness.
Elimination of the charge, or harmful effect, of an incident or an item.
1. A system for classifying one's moral or spiritual state at any given moment. 2. A system of rewards and punishments.
A written reprimand.
ETHICS CONDITIONS (in ascending order):
Degraded Being; Treason; Enemy; Doubt; Liability; Non-existence; Danger; Emergency; Normal Operation; Affluence; Power.
A series of steps followed to arrive at the next higher Condition than one is in at the moment.
Judgment, appraisal, opinion.
Determines the course of action to be taken on one's case; found in Qual Office.
The state of being out of one's body.
- F -
Attestation, or honor system.
Charge removed; unrestimulative.
Release point, as indicated by the E-meter.
A private auditing business run by professional auditors.
- G -
Word phrases that make up the core of the bank (reactive mind).
A list of questions that customarily begins a review session.
- H -
To do something in a Scientology way.
Job; post; duty; chore.
Detailed written description of a hat.
Considerations, or preconceptions, about what Scientology processing should accomplish.
- I -
Words or incidents imprinted on a person's Time Track eons ago by malicious beings bent on overwhelming, suppressing and controlling him.
An engram or secondary.
Determination; decision; postulate.
Criticism, denial, rejection, suppression, lowering, putting down.
1. An entry on a list made up by the preclear in response to an auditing question. 2. An entry provided by Hubbard in the confidential materials.
- J -
A lengthy and particularly intimidating security check with the E-meter.
- K -
n. A moment of restimulation v. To bring restimulation
- L -
One of the lower Conditions of Ethics.
One of the items in the Clearing Course materials.
Strictly defined procedures for operations at an org.
An auditing technique used to locate the most highly-charged item on a list concerning a specific subject or question.
- M -
The actual mass of thought.
Matter/Energy/Space/Time; the physical universe.
A wrongdoing that was nearly found out.
- N -
1. Picayune chatter emanating from the reactive mind. 2. Criticisms of auditing, the auditor, the E-meter, Hubbard, Scientology.
One of the lower Conditions of Ethics.
One of the Conditions of Ethics.
- O -
A section of the Clearing Course materials.
Scientology organization headquarters in a given locale.
General term for the executive element of the Scientology movement, with its various branches and powers.
A chart giving the chain of command at an org.
A person who has been spiritually restored through Scientology processing, and possesses superhuman abilities.
Upper Levels; the stages about clear.
n. The running of a process past the release point; "cleaning a clean." v. To run a process past the release point; to clean a clean.
n. Wrongdoing in present life or a past life.
- P -
Totally unresponsive needle.
n. 1. An intention. 2. An intention in accord with Hubbard's wishes. v. To arrive at or hold an intention.
1. The Grade V Power Process. 2. The highest Condition of Ethics.
1. A person who is not clear. 2. A person self-auditing or being audited.
n. A set auditing command, or series of commands, that culminates in a specific release. v. To audit.
An auditing command on a given process.
Potential Trouble Source.
A severely disturbed PTS.
- Q -
v. To deviate from the auditing comm cycle. Colloquial: chatter; argue; talk like a wog. n. "He left home because he couldn't stand all that Q-and-A."
Review department; a preclear goes there when having trouble self-auditing or being audited.
- R -
A person who has never been audited.
A stimulus-response mechanism that robs the individual of his/her volition, awareness, rationality and health; the bank.
n. E-meter needle action on a question or item. v. To read.
1. The "R" in "ARC." 2. A person's subjective reality. 3. Scientology data; that originating with Hubbard.
A checking out, or revalidation, of a preclear's releases, using an E-meter.
n. 1. A degree of freedom from the reactive mind; the culmination of a Scientology process. 2. A person who has completed a Scientology process.
A stirring-up of the reactive mind.
An extra help auditing session, from a booster to emergency treatment.
Scientology data; fact; reality; truth.
A violent needle movement on the E-meter.
Systematic shifting of posts at an org or Scientology dwelling.
A brief series of questions to get, or keep, a preclear auditable.
n. One repetition of the Clearing Course materials during self-auditing. v. To do a process (example: to run an engram) or an assessment.
- S -
A process designed to locate a suppressive person, group or object.
Special Briefing Course.
Eleven rules governing conduct away from the auditing table.
1. A money and power game created and formerly conducted by L. Ron Hubbard. 2. The study of knowledge in the fullest sense of the word.
One of the nuclei of Hubbard's die-hard followers; the enforcing branch of Scientology.
A set of questions, monitored by the E-meter, designed to: 1. Detect those who have evil intent, ulterior motive. 2. Relieve the typical uneasiness of one entering an AO, or exposed to confidential materials for the first time. 3. (in some people's opinion) gather information for the Scientology organization to use against the person sec checked if such need is deemed to occur.
A mental image picture of an incident involving loss.
Like auditing, except that auditor and preclear are one and the same person.
A computation that makes an individual right and other wrong. Example: "They'll never let me succeed so I won't even try."
A section of the Clearing Course materials.
The End-Words process.
Grade VI.
L. Ron Hubbard
Qualifies a person to audit preclears through Grade IV Release.
Visualizing oneself, during the Clearing Course, at the earliest moment in time.
Verbal testimonial
Written testimonial
A brief account of an auditing session, written up by the auditor or self-auditor just after end-of-session.
n. 1. an evil person. 2. a person who is against Scientology or L. Ron Hubbard. adj. 1. evil. 2. against Scientology or L. Ron Hubbard.
- T -
1. The tone-arm, a knob that centers the needle on the large dial of the E-meter. 2. The tone-arm numbers, lowering of which signifies charge blown from the bank.
Hubbard's technology; the methods of auditing, processing and training.
Correct application; duplication of Hubbard's instructions.
Mistakes, misduplication.
THETAN (from the Greek letter theta):
The immortal soul.
A recording of every moment lived by an individual during present and past lifetimes.
Knob used to center the needle on the meter.
Voice of powerful command.
Gradient on the TONE SCALE.
Graded list of emotional states, from negative to positive.
1. The totality of what keeps an individual in spiritual degradation, unaware of himself as a thetan. Implications of karma, illusion, samsara (Oriental), and The Fall (Occidental). 2. Resistance to Scientology; rejection of Hubbard; the voice from the bank.
One of the lower Conditions of Ethics.
1. A set of training drills that teaches students how to audit. 2. One's presence; ability to confront another person, or hold an eye-lock.
- U -
Has charge remaining.
Won't bother you.
- V -
Role; unwitting imitation of another's characteristics from this or past lifetimes.
Approval, encouragement, acknowledgment, recognition of a person as worthwhile, beautiful, a thetan, a Scientologist.
- W -
The Time Track, especially past lives.
n. 1. Something a person is unwilling to reveal. 2. Concealment of an overt.
Find out, clean up, get off, blow a withhold.
A non-Scientologist; a square; a tolerable fool, a contemptible idiot; a Neanderthal.
The world outside of Scientology.
Blow-by-blow account of what is happening in an auditing session.
Inside Scientology/Dianetics - Appendix N: First Abridged Unapproved Dictionary of Scientologese

Church of Scientology Missions offer basic Dianetics and Scientology services

Scientology Mission International


Use this glossary to look up and define any SCIENTOLOGY words or terms you come across in these pages that you do not fully understand.

aberration: a departure from rational thought or behavior.

Advanced Organization: A type of Scientology Church that delivers upper-level services.

assessment: the action of an auditor calling off questions or items to a preclear from a prepared list and noting down any E-METER reaction to the questions or items called.

auditing: the application of DIANETICS or SCIENTOLOGY processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor. The exact definition of auditing is: The action of asking a person a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer.

auditor: a person trained and qualified in applying DIANETICS and/or SCIENTOLOGY processes and procedures to individuals for their betterment - called an auditor because auditor means, one who listens.

bank: see reactive mind.

beingness: the assumption or choosing of a category of identity.

Birthday Game: A yearly competition participated in by Missions, Scientology Organizations and Advanced Organizations. The purpose of the game is expansion, and its points are earned each week based on the trends of the statistics. The Birthday Game started in 1974 when L. Ron Hubbard was asked what he wanted for his birthday and his answer was "5X the stats!" The result was one of the biggest booms in Scientology to that date, and the Birthday Game has since become a tradition.

Bridge, The: The Bridge to Total Freedom, another name for the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates. The Bridge is a term which originated in early Dianetics days, symbolizing travel across and abyss from unknowingness to revelation.

C/S: see case supervision.

case: a general term for a person being treated or helped. It also refers to his condition, which is monitored by the content of his reactive mind. A person’s case is the way he responds to the world around him by reason of his aberrations.

case gain: the improvements and resurgences a person experiences from auditing; any case betterment according to the pc.

case supervision: referring to the actions of the Case Supervisor. The C/S directs what auditing actions are done for each individual preclear under his care. All case supervision is for the benefit of the preclear.

case supervisor: see case supervision.

Central Org: A Scientology Church which is placed at the next level in the hierarchy above groups and missions. Like Scientology groups and missions, a local church provides introductory lectures, workshops, seminars and other religious services to people new to Scientology. And it is where they can also discover exactly how to chart their path to Clear and beyond.

Centre Magazine: The mission journal, a publication of Scientology Missions International.

charge: harmful energy or force accumulated and stored within the reactive mind, resulting from the conflicts and unpleasant experiences that a person has had. Auditing discharges this charge so that it is no longer there to affect the individual.

Clear: the name of a state achieved through auditing or an individual who has achieved this state. A Clear is an unaberrated person and is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint.

co-audit: an abbreviation for cooperative auditing. It means a team of any two people who are helping each other reach a better life with DIANETICS or SCIENTOLOGY processing.

confessional: a SCIENTOLOGY action which asks a person to straighten out his interpersonal relationships with others.

DIANETICS: man’s most advanced school of the mind. The word comes from Greek dia, through, and nous, soul. DIANETICS is defined as what the soul is doing to the body.

Dianetics Seminar: (See Hubbard Dianetics Seminar)

doingness: the action of creating an effect. An effect in creation is action.

dynamics: there could be said to be eight urges (drives, impulses) in life. These we call dynamics. These are motives or motivations. These are urges for survival as or through (1) self, (2) sex and family, (3) groups, (4) all mankind, (5) living things (plants and animals), (6) the material universe, (7) spirits, and (8) infinity or the Supreme Being.

E-METER: an electronic device for measuring the mental state or change of state of Homo sapiens. It is not a lie detector. It does not diagnose or cure anything. It is used by auditors to assist the preclear in locating areas of spiritual distress or travail.

engram: a mental image picture which is a recording of an experience containing pain, unconsciousness and a real or fancied threat to survival.

Executive Director: The executive responsible for controlling and running a Scientology service organization.

Expanded Grades: Six major auditing actions which are done as part of every person's individual auditing program. Each Grade consists of a series of auditing processes which enable an individual to rehabilitate or regain specific abilities needed to succeed in life. For example, Grade 0 consists of twenty-three individual processes which address a person's ability to communicate, each of which is run in sequence to its proper result. These Grades are called Expanded as each one uses all the processes developed for it.

exteriorization: the state of the thetan being outside his body. When this is attained, the person achieves a certainty that he is himself and not his body.

Field Auditor: An auditor who is active in the community, doing professional auditing.

Field Control Division: The division of a Scientology Organization responsible for keeping the field and its existing people active through field activities, community programs and public relations actions. Its product is an interested, thriving field that is serviced and who spill over into the org for services. The Field Control Division is Division 6C.

Grade: A series of processes culminating in an exact ability attained, examined and attested to by the individual. Grades are designated by Roman numerals, i.e. — Grade 0, Grade I, Grade II and so on.
Grade(s): a series of processes which are run on a preclear with the purpose of bringing him to a particular state of Release.

Grade Chart: see THE BRIDGE.

Hubbard Dianetics Auditor: The name of a course which teaches someone to deliver Dianetics auditing, or a person who has completed this course.

Hubbard Dianetics Seminar: A seminar which teaches basic Dianetics auditing techniques. Its purpose is to give the student the knowledge that something can be done about the reactive mind and to give him experience in handling the reactive mind.

Hubbard Qualified Scientologists: The name of a course which offers a broad survey of key Scientology principles and gives a thorough introduction to the subject; also used to refer to a person who has completed this course.

Life Improvement Course: Any of various basic courses covering Scientology data and discoveries one needs to improve his life in numerous areas such as marriage, raising children, interpersonal relations, personal integrity and many others.

New Era Dianetics: A summary and refinement of Dianetics, released in 1978, based upon thirty years of experience in the application of the subject.

Personal Efficiency Course: The name of an entry-level course in which new public learn Scientology fundamentals.
MEST: the physical universe. A word coined from the initial letters of Matter, Energy, Space and Time, which are the component parts (elements) of the physical universe.

NEW ERA DIANETICS: a summary and refinement of DIANETICS based upon thirty years of experience in the application of the subject. NEW ERA DIANETICS was released in 1978.

Objectives: Objective refers to outward things, not the thoughts and feelings of the individual. An Objective Process deals with the real and observable. It calls for the preclear to spot or find something exterior to himself in order to carry out the auditing command. It locates the person in his environment.

Operating Thetan: a thetan exterior who can have but doesn’t have to have a body in order to control or operate thought, life, matter, energy, space and time.

org: (SCIENTOLOGY slang) an organization that delivers DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY training and processing.

OT: see Operating Thetan.

outpoint: any one datum that is offered as true that is in fact found to be illogical; the anatomy of insanity.

pc: see preclear.

pluspoint: a datum of truth.

postulate: that self-determined thought which starts, stops or changes past, present or future efforts.

preclear: a spiritual being who is now on the road to becoming Clear, hence pre-Clear.

pre-OT: a thetan beyond the state of Clear who, through the pre-OT levels, is advancing to the full state of Operating Thetan (OT).

process: a set of questions asked or commands given by an auditor to help a person find out things about himself or life and to improve his condition.

processing: the action of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer and acknowledging him for that answer. Also called auditing.

PTS: potential trouble source, somebody who is connected with a suppressive person who is invalidating him, his beingness, his processing, his life.

PTS/SP Course: The name of a course which contains the technology covering Potential Trouble Sourses and Suppressive Persons, and the policies on how such situations and persons are handled.

Purification Rundown: A program consisting of nutrition, sauna and exercise which is designed to purify and clean out of one's system the restimulative drug or chemical residues which could act to prevent spiritual gain from Dianetics or Scientology processing.
randomity: a consideration of motion. There is plus randomity and minus randomity. There can be, from the individual’s consideration, too much or too little motion, or enough motion. “Enough motion” is measured by the consideration of the individual.

reactive mind: that portion of a person’s mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis, which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. The reactive mind is where engrams are stored.

Release: the term for what occurs when a person separates from his reactive mind or some part of it.

roller coaster: a slump after a gain.

rundown: a series of steps which are auditing actions and processes designed to handle a specific aspect of a case.

Saint Hill: The English residence of L. Ron Hubbard from 1959 through 1967, and the worldwide headquarters of Scientology from 1959 to 1970, located in East Grinstead, Sussex, England. During the mid-1960s L. Ron Hubbard ran Saint Hill as the Executive Director which was renowned as a period of extremely rapid expansion. The term "Saint Hill" now applies to any organization authorized to deliver certain upper-level Scientology services.

Sea Organization: A religious order that is distinct from the various Scientology Church organizations, though Sea Org members are responsible to the particular Church corporation for which they work. Unlike other Scientology staff, each member of the Sea Org signs a pledge of eternal service to Scientology and its goals — and thus members of this religious order form the dedicated core of the religion. The Sea Organization derives its name from its earliest beginnings in 1967 when L. Ron Hubbard, having retired from his position as Executive Director International, set to sea with a handful of veteran Scientologists to continue his research into the upper levels of spiritual awareness and ability. Although the majority of Sea Org members are now located on land, in keeping with the tradition of the beginnings of the Sea Org, they still wear maritime uniforms and have ranks and ratings. Commitment to the Sea Org is a sign of devotion to the religion and its objectives of spiritual salvation.
SCIENTOLOGIST: one who knows he has found the way to a better life through SCIENTOLOGY and who, through SCIENTOLOGY books, tapes, training and processing, is actively attaining it.

SCIENTOLOGY: SCIENTOLOGY applied religious philosophy. It is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life. SCIENTOLOGY means scio, knowing in the fullest sense of the word and logos, study. In itself the word means literally knowing how to know.

session: a precise period of time during which an auditor audits a preclear.

Student Hat: A course which covers all aspects of Scientology study technology.

Success Through Communication Course: A basic course which consists of eighteen communication drills presented in a gradient that anyone can learn and immediately apply. The purpose of this course is to train a person to guide and control communication for social, business and other purposes.

SP: suppressive person.

TA: tone arm; a control lever on the E-METER. The tone arm registers density of mass in the mind of the preclear. This is actual mass, not imaginary, and can be weighed, measured by resistance, etc.

theta: energy peculiar to life or a thetan which acts upon material in the physical universe and animates it, mobilizes it and changes it; natural creative energy of a thetan which he has free to direct toward survival goals especially when it manifests itself as high tone, constructive communications.

thetan: the person himself - not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity which is the individual.

tone scale: a scale which shows the emotional tones of a person. These, ranged from the highest to the lowest, are, in part, serenity, enthusiasm (as we proceed downward), conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief, apathy.

track: time track; the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulates through a person’s life or lives. It is very exactly dated.

Training Routine:, often referred to as training drills. Training routines are practical drills on the cycle of communication.

TRs: see training routines.

upper indoc: “Indoc” is short for “indoctrination” (meaning to teach) and Upper Indoc TRs are the series of TRs that follow Professional TRs in auditor training. They teach adroitness in starting, changing and stopping.

withhold: an unspoken, unannounced transgression against a moral code by which the person was bound. Something the preclear did that he or she is not talking about.

Word Clearing: The procedures used to locate and clear up words the student has misunderstood in his studies are called Word Clearing.
Church of Scientology Missions offer basic Dianetics and Scientology services

Join the great nichopoulouzo - throughsoul Scientology Sunday YouTube Debate

Joined: May 30, 2007
Last Sign In: 16 hours ago
Videos Watched: 5,220
Subscribers: 1
Channel Views: 695
Key Stable Data:

1. Something can be done about it.
2. Find out for yourself
3. Think for yourself

Principle codes:

1. Code of Honor
2. The Auditor's Code (known verbatim)
3. The Code of a C/S (Case Supervisor)

Communication is the Universal Solvent.

Note: My profile picture shows the materials I have studied in just the last 18 months summing up to approximately 4500 pages and 450 lectures.

I studied these materials in this manner: I read the book, read the glossary, listen to the accompanying lecture series twice and then I read the book again.

So far that is everything from The Original Thesis to Scientology 8-80 TWICE and ALL the Congresses.

I had previously studied most of these materials between 3 to 5 times already.
Country: United States
YouTube - throughsoul's Channel

Hypno-Scientology Techniques Revealed

(27 minutes ago) throughsoul:
Please. Don't be such a pussy. "A subtle form of hypnosis" is NOT hypnosis. "I was conscious of everything that was going on" again is NOT hypnosis.

These techniques referred to in this video are designed to STRIP OFF hypnosis. One can experience a semblance of hypnotic effect as it is RUN OUT

The only way out is through. This technique makes one MORE AWARE of there surroundings not less and is therefore the OPPOSITE of hypnosis.

This "report" is only for sensation and controversy.

(1 minute ago) NICHOPOULOUZO:
OK, Flunk! You said, 'Pussy'; although to be fair, you did start with the other P-word that you guys are taught to employ. "SIT DOWN IN THAT CHAIR! THANK YOU."

Did you do it? If so, you've been HYP-MO-sciZED, BABA O'REILY. Hey, what's the name of that Space Alien ya'll worship again?

You're not gonna escalate this into an Official Scientologist Watch-list Doka...Are you? Because I need some good Home Video shot of me outside (for insurance purposes). I hope you're not just a Sci-Wannabe!

Michael Jackson Coroner Office Autopsy Tour

Follow @mrjyn RT mrjyn - - @nichopoulouzo #video #youtube #LA #Drug #elvis #Michaeljackson #death #obituary #dea #fbi

"michael jackson" MichaelJackson Coroner Office Autopsy #video #youtube #PRESLEY #Coroner #LA #losangeles #Drug #elvis #Michaeljackson #Autopsy #dead #death @mrjyn @nichopoulouzo #obituary #obit #Propofol #dea #fbi #Doctor #conradmurray #od @youtube mrjyn nichopoulouzo

Hypno-Scientology Techniques Revealed

RT @mrjyn - - Follow @mrjyn @nichopoulouzo FOR MORE #video #youtube #SCIENTOLOGY #PRESLEY #HYPNOSIS #Drug #elvis #Michaeljackson #TOMCRUISE #PRESLEY #HYPNOSIS #Drug #Propofol #Doctor #conradmurray TECHNIQUE @youtube

Michael Jackson Drug Propofol Doctor ODs

RT @mrjyn - - FOLLOW @mrjyn OR @nichopoulouzo For More #Michaeljackson #Drug #Propofol #Doctor #OD #conradmurray #elvis #dr. george nichopoulos...etc.*

Vered Gallery - Modern and Contemporary Masterworks


Why is this painting of the King of POP, MICHAEL JACKSON by ANDY WARHOL, the King of POP ART the greatest work to come to auction?.

Michael Jackson�s Thriller video hit MTV in 1984. It rocketed to the top of the charts and became the greatest selling video of all time. Michael Jackson, twenty-five years old was a phenomena. The Warhol portrait was commissioned by Time Magazine and published immediately on March 19, 1984. It marked the enormous success of Michael Jackson.

Today, the Michael Jackson Portrait with the yellow background, as published on the Time magazine cover, is in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC.


The question abuzz is: What is it worth. The opening price is clear  its $800,000  it was set before June 25, 2009, before Michael Jackson died. Weve received numerous bids at the opening amount. Where will the bidding end? There are several landmarks to point to.

The highest price Andy Warhol Green car crash - Green burning car Christies May 16, 2007 $71,720,000 (estimate $25,000,000 - 35,000,000)

The highest price Warhol portrait is Lemon Marilyn Christie's New York: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 $28,040,000 (estimate upon request).

Vered Gallery - Modern and Contemporary Masterworks

Michael Jackson Bodyguard Matt Fiddes On Oliver Star Mark Lester Paternity Claim For Paris Jackson | World News | Sky News

Jacko Guard: Why Tormented Lester Went Public

6:11pm UK, Sunday August 09, 2009

Pete Norman, Sky News Online

Michael Jackson's former British bodyguard has revealed his attempts to stop Mark Lester going public about the paternity of Paris Jackson.

Lester, Jackson and Fiddes

Lester is godfather to both Jackson and Fiddes' children

Speaking exclusively to Sky News Online, Matt Fiddes also confirmed the former child actor, who is godfather to Michael Jackson's three children, has despaired at being shut out of their lives.

"Mark wanted to go public a couple of weeks ago about this but I talked him out of it," he said.

"We hoped a call would come in from the family but the phone never rang.

"I've seen Mark spiral down since Michael's death and become very depressed, but every effort Mark has made to stay in contact with the children has fallen on deaf ears."

Lester, 51, who appeared in Oliver! as a child, claimed in a Sunday newspaper that he donated sperm for Paris Jackson's conception prior to the singer's marriage to nurse Debbie Rowe.

He doesn't want to be their dad, he just wants those kids back in his life as a godparent.

Michael Jackson's bodyguard Matt Fiddes on Mark Lester

In addition to being godfather to the Jackson children, Lester is also godfather to Fiddes' three daughters.

He said both he and Jackson shared faith in their friend as a rock for their respective families.

Such was the closeness between Jackson and Lester that the singer ordered his bodyguard to contact him first if ever his life was in danger.

Fiddes told Sky News Online: "Michael told me on several occasions, 'If anything happens to me, if I am ill or kidnapped, you must call Mark Lester'."

Devon-based Fiddes, who runs a network of martial arts schools around the UK, also explained why the Jackson family may not have returned Lester's phone calls or emails.

Matt Fiddes

Matt Fiddes talking on Sky News

"Mark is an incredibly loyal guy and this is the last thing he want to do, but I know the Jackson family and love them dearly and the way they have been treated since childhood means they automatically put the shutters up."

"Mark didn't have any options left, he has tried everything," Fiddes said.

"Mark is a great guy and is going through hell - he just wants to see the kids as godparent and that's all he wants to do."

Fiddes said: "He was so close to them as a family and changed their nappies as babies."

Mark Lester as a child in Oliver

Mark Lester as Oliver

Security man Fiddes also believes the singer's mother Katherine, who now has custody of the singer's three children, is their ideal carer.

"Mrs Jackson came out to Devon last year and lived with us for six weeks and despite her age she has great support and is very capable," he said.

"Michael was extremely close to his mother and it is just convincing her that Mark is honest."

Fiddes added: "I spoke to Mark at 11pm last night for an hour and he is distraught - he doesn't want to be their dad, he just wants those kids back in his life as a godparent."

After Jackson's suspected drug-fuelled death on June 25 Fiddes previously revealed to Sky News how he and Uri Geller had tried in vain to keep the pop star away from illicit prescription drugs in previous years.

Michael Jackson Bodyguard Matt Fiddes On Oliver Star Mark Lester Paternity Claim For Paris Jackson | World News | Sky News