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June 16, 2007
365 Days #167 - Stanley Z. Daniels, M.D. - Sex For Teens (Where It's At) (mp3s)
By request... this one is for "snoopy" who wrote, "Ooooo! Do you have "Sex for Teens" by Stanley Daniels? please, please, please, please....."
With 4 mentions of the word please and having the cdr by my computer, the call had to be answered.
Never have owned the album or the ones in the series... yes series! I have only heard this one and hope to hear the others one day. The series featured "Sex Explained For Children," "Sex For Teens (Where It's At)," and "Sex For Adults (Is Fun - Particularly When You're In Love)".
I obtained a really nice quality copy of Sex For Teens on CDR from John K. Fitzpatick (proprietor of The Oddball Auditorium years back). I remember John mentioning he found it on Napster (or maybe Audiogalaxy or Newsgroups). It's a great quality copy of my all time favorite sex-ed record (the Christopher Recordings coming in at second place). So here it is... Sex For Teens!
Oh yea, some guy named Beck sampled it too. And a handful of other folks.
- Contributed by: Otis Fodder
Media: LP
Album: Sex For Teens (Where It's At)
Label: Event/Carapan
Catalog: EV-5693
Credits: Stanley Z. Daniels, M.D.
Date: 1969Posted by 365 on June 16, 2007 at 12:30 AM in 365 Days Project, MP3s, Sex | Permalink
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It sounds like Bill wants to fuck his sister and he's jealous of her boyfriend.
Posted by: detroitsuperfly | June 16, 2007 at 07:13 AM
Speaking of requests, how about "Vertigo" by Jay Livingston & Ray Evans? It was recorded as a demo to help publicize Hitchcock's upcoming movie, but doesn't seem to be on the web anywhere. In this wondrous future day we live in, there must be somebody who could furnish an mp3 for us culture lovers.
Posted by: Kip W | June 16, 2007 at 11:42 AM
"bill, you playa hata, she ain't a 'ho, she's a biatch".
BTW, post war dad is denying and projecting something fierce, huh?
Posted by: K | June 16, 2007 at 07:38 PM
I have the "Sex For Adults" LP (the cover is currently displayed prominently on my bedroom wall) and I've always wondered what the Kids and Teens versions might sound like, since the Adults LP is closer to pornography than anything educational. It starts out with a couple visiting a doctor to discuss their sex problems, but as the record progresses the doctor goes into ever greater graphic (yet oddly poetic) description of what loving adults can do to pleasure each other. I'm looking forward to checking out just how dirty these teens get ...
Posted by: Fred | June 18, 2007 at 12:12 PM
Hola Otis,
Ha! I might have known this (sex for teens) would turn up here. I've been using it and Sex Explained For Children (which is fantastic, by the way) for over 20 years on the radio and anywhere I can. This year's 365 Days seems to be rounding up a lot of the better sex-ed records. Nice to have them all in one place for people.Posted by: Mindwrecker | June 28, 2007 at 09:19 PM
i downloaded this 3 days ago and yesterday i was listening to the cloudead album(anticon label) and heard a sample from this vinyl on pt 4. side A. what a coincidence heh. i guess a lot of people have sampled this
Posted by: shekk | July 25, 2007 at 09:27 AM
This record is sampled by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion.
On a single off the "Now I Got Worry" album I think. Ad Rock scratches this record above a song with them called "COOL VEE".WAHHHAAAT A LOOSER!
Posted by: DJ | September 20, 2007 at 04:56 PM
If there was ever a record begging to get sampled...
Posted by: Sensei_Rebel | October 30, 2007 at 04:16 PM
I sometimes wonder where the special=FX laden crew splashed down with blah blah blah we're all hungry
Posted by: This is it... walkthough though | November 23, 2007 at 04:28 PM
"It sounds like Bill wants to fuck his sister and he's jealous of her boyfriend."
hahahahah yes indeed.
Posted by: Ronald Rios | January 08, 2008 at 03:55 PM
probably most famously sampled by Beck on the hit track "Where It's At".
Posted by: derek | February 17, 2008 at 05:24 PM
((probably most famously sampled by Beck on the hit track "Where It's At".))
Where in "Where It's At" did he sample?
Posted by: | April 10, 2008 at 12:58 AM
((probably most famously sampled by Beck on the hit track "Where It's At".))
(Where in "Where It's At" did he sample?)
Here are the parts used in the song.
"What about those who swing both ways? AC/DCs?"
"We're all part of the total scene"
"That's beautiful, Dad."
Where It's At info and Lyrics
http://whiskeyclone.net/ghost/songinfo.php?songID=321Posted by: Thunderpeel | May 13, 2009 at 09:45 PM
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