Michael Jackson Bodyguard Matt Fiddes On Oliver Star Mark Lester Paternity Claim For Paris Jackson | World News | Sky NewsJacko Guard: Why Tormented Lester Went Public
6:11pm UK, Sunday August 09, 2009
Michael Jackson's former British bodyguard has revealed his attempts to stop Mark Lester going public about the paternity of Paris Jackson.
Lester is godfather to both Jackson and Fiddes' children
Speaking exclusively to Sky News Online, Matt Fiddes also confirmed the former child actor, who is godfather to Michael Jackson's three children, has despaired at being shut out of their lives.
"Mark wanted to go public a couple of weeks ago about this but I talked him out of it," he said.
"We hoped a call would come in from the family but the phone never rang.
"I've seen Mark spiral down since Michael's death and become very depressed, but every effort Mark has made to stay in contact with the children has fallen on deaf ears."
Lester, 51, who appeared in Oliver! as a child, claimed in a Sunday newspaper that he donated sperm for Paris Jackson's conception prior to the singer's marriage to nurse Debbie Rowe.
Michael Jackson's bodyguard Matt Fiddes on Mark LesterHe doesn't want to be their dad, he just wants those kids back in his life as a godparent.
In addition to being godfather to the Jackson children, Lester is also godfather to Fiddes' three daughters.
He said both he and Jackson shared faith in their friend as a rock for their respective families.
Such was the closeness between Jackson and Lester that the singer ordered his bodyguard to contact him first if ever his life was in danger.
Fiddes told Sky News Online: "Michael told me on several occasions, 'If anything happens to me, if I am ill or kidnapped, you must call Mark Lester'."
Devon-based Fiddes, who runs a network of martial arts schools around the UK, also explained why the Jackson family may not have returned Lester's phone calls or emails.
Matt Fiddes talking on Sky News
"Mark is an incredibly loyal guy and this is the last thing he want to do, but I know the Jackson family and love them dearly and the way they have been treated since childhood means they automatically put the shutters up."
"Mark didn't have any options left, he has tried everything," Fiddes said.
"Mark is a great guy and is going through hell - he just wants to see the kids as godparent and that's all he wants to do."
Fiddes said: "He was so close to them as a family and changed their nappies as babies."
Mark Lester as Oliver
Security man Fiddes also believes the singer's mother Katherine, who now has custody of the singer's three children, is their ideal carer.
"Mrs Jackson came out to Devon last year and lived with us for six weeks and despite her age she has great support and is very capable," he said.
"Michael was extremely close to his mother and it is just convincing her that Mark is honest."
Fiddes added: "I spoke to Mark at 11pm last night for an hour and he is distraught - he doesn't want to be their dad, he just wants those kids back in his life as a godparent."
After Jackson's suspected drug-fuelled death on June 25 Fiddes previously revealed to Sky News how he and Uri Geller had tried in vain to keep the pop star away from illicit prescription drugs in previous years.