September 27, 2009

LE CLANDESTIN. THE CLANDESTINE killer cat in five minutes

Il ya des oeuvres qui inspirent : CITIZEN KANE, LE LABYRINTHE DE PAN, FREAKS et... There are works that inspire: CITIZEN KANE, THE LABYRINTH OF PAN, Freaks and ... LE CLANDESTIN. THE CLANDESTINE. Vous me croirez ou non mais c'est bien ce film là qui m'a redonnée l'envie furieuse de renoircir des pages. You can believe me or not but that's what film is given back to me envy furious renoircir pages. En le regardant je me suis dit : "mais que de choses à dire !!!!! oui mais à qui les dire ????". Looking at him I said, "but things to say yes !!!!! but who say ????".

Question existentielle n'est-il pas ? Existential question is not it?

Avant de vous faire part de mes réflexions métaphysiques, laissez-moi vous conter la génèse du visionnage de cette oeuvre qui allait changer ma vie. Before I share my thoughts metaphysical, let me tell you the genesis of viewing this work that would change my life. Si si. If so. J'insiste. I insist. Au commencement ma génitrice - j'ai nommé la mère Dumeur - dans un rayon DVD de supermarché. In the beginning my progenitor - I named the mother Dumeur - within DVD supermarket. Ma donneuse de vie a aussi un autre don, plus méconnu des humains lambda : repérer les nanars. My giver of life has another gift, most misunderstood human lambda: identify nanars. Ma mère a un saunar à nanars : vous la mettez au milieu d'une pile de DVD de toutes sortes et de toutes les couleurs, et pan ! My mother has a saunar to nanars you put it among a stack of DVDs of all kinds and all colors, and bang! direct elle va faire le bonheur de vos dimanches après-midis de torpeur post barbecue. Live it will bring happiness to your Sunday afternoon of torpor post barbecue. Elle dit qu'elle est aveugle, moi je dis mon cul, à moins que le sixième sens à nanars ça existe. She says she is blind, I say my ass, at least the sixth sense nanars it exists.

Et ma mère elle l'a elle l'a tututudu tutudu. And my mother she has she has tututudu tutudu.

Donc LE CLANDESTIN de quoi ça cause mes jeunes amis ? THE CLANDESTINE So what's the cause of my young friends? Prenez quelques acteurs criant famine, quelques bombasses et quelques autres pas encore célèbres, mélangez le tout à la manière n'importenawak brushing des années 80, liez la sauce avec des éléments fantastico-pourraves et vous obtiendrez ça : Take a few players crying famine, a few bombs and some other not yet known, mix all the way n'importenawak brushing 80s, bind the sauce with elements fantastico-pourraves and get this:

Un genre de LA CROISIERE S'AMUSE mais avec du poil dedans. A sort of The Love Boat, but with the hair inside. Le rouquin tout poilu ci-dessus représente le titre du film, c'est effectivement lui LE CLANDESTIN. The redhead all hairy above is the title of the film is actually THE CLANDESTINE him. Déjà y'a une arnaque dans le titre pisske le fameux rouquin il va être ramené sur le bateau par la blonde qui le tient amoureusement sur la photo, donc ça fait pas de lui un clandestin puisqu'il est invité à bord. Already there's a scam in the title pisske the famous redhead he will be brought on board by the blonde who is lovingly on the photo, so it is not illegal because he is a guest aboard. Moi je dis déjà ça pue du cul cette histoire. I say it already stinks of ass this story.

Mais, mais, mais et là peut être que le titre prend tout son sens, dans le chat il ya ça : But, but, but and there may be that the title makes sense in the cat there is this:

Oui ça tout entier. Yes it whole. Et régulièrement ce truc là il sort de la bouche du chat - qui a subi quelques expériences pas catholiques dans un labo, j'ai oublié de préciser - hé oui de la bouche, un vrai accouchement buccal. And that thing regularly here it comes from the mouth of the cat - who has suffered some experiments Catholics not in a lab, I forgot to mention - ah yes the mouth, a true oral delivery. Et la bestiole j'aime autant vous dire qu'elle est pas commode, et qu'elle a tendance à boulotter tout ce qui bouge. And I love the creature as you say it is not easy, and it tends to tuck everything that moves. D'ailleurs, rapatrié comme clandestin sur le bateau au bord duquel a embarqué LA CROISIERE S'AMUSE (je relie quand même le titre à l'histoire parce que là j'ai l'impression d'aller moi aussi n'importe nawak, tout comme le film d'ailleurs), le bidule alien va s'en prendre à tout le monde, et aussi aux pancakes planqués dans le frigo : Besides, repatriated as illegal on board the boat which boarded The Love Boat (even when I connect the title to the story because there I feel myself going anywhere nawak, just like the movie for that matter), the alien contraption will blame everyone and also pancakes stashed in the fridge:

Là c'est LA CROISIERE S'AMUSE donc... Here is The Love Boat So ...

Et là - mais on voit pas bien parce que je m'initie tout juste aux captures d'écran sur VLC - c'est l'attaque fulgurante de l'alien rouquin qui s'en prend à la cheville de George KENNEDY, qui se demande encore ce qu'il fout là sur le plateau. And there - but we see no good because I just initiates me into the screenshots on VLC - it's lightning attack of the alien redhead who blames the ankle George Kennedy, who still wonder what he doing there on the shelf. Et le casting brillantissime (oué pardon mais y'a quand même aussi Clu GULAGER dedans avec des fausses dents, et Alex CORD qui a déjà tourné dans un épisode de... LA CROISIERE S'AMUSE) de se faire assaillir de tous les côtés par le matou si meugnon en apparence : And the cast Ultra Shine (oué sorry but there's still too Clu Gulager in with false teeth, and Alex CORD has already turned into an episode of The Love Boat ...) to be assailed on all sides the cat if meugnon apparently:

Là c'est Rob ESTES qui paraît-il a été recruté dans MELROSE PLACE suite à ce regard globuleux tortillé du sourcil, Here is Rob Estes who it seems has been recruited in MELROSE PLACE continued to look twisted bulging brow,

Et là c'est... And there is ... ben je sais pas qui c'est, mais en tout cas elle joue admirablement bien la nana qui se vernit les ongles de façon indolente, alors que sur le pont c'est l'apocalypse. Ben I know who he is, but in any case it plays beautifully the chick who is varnished fingernails so lazy, while the bridge is the Apocalypse. Là, dans cette photo prise admirablement par mes soins, elle joue la blonde affamée qui vient visiter le frigo du bateau et tombe sur une manne de miettes contaminées par la bave du chat, miettes qu'elle s'empresse de sniffer parce qu'elle sait pas que le chat les a léchées avant. Here in this photo taken by me admirably, she plays the blonde hungry just visit the refrigerator of the boat and fell on a windfall from crumbs contaminated by the saliva of cats, crumbs quick sniff it because it know that the cat has licked before.

Vous ne comprenez pas de quoi je parle ? You do not understand what I mean? Moi non plus ça tombe bien, c'est que j'ai du piquer du nez pendant mon visionnage journalistique et je suis nulle en transition. Moi non plus they're not alone, that I had to bite my nose while watching journalism and I am no transition.

Pour résumer, LE CLANDESTIN c'est l'histoire de gros branques qui embarquent sur un bateau de luxe on sait pas trop pourquoi, avec un chat qui a subi de terribles bidouilles génétiques, à tel point qu'il ne se contente pas du Sheba pour dire je t'aime. To summarize, THE CLANDESTINE is the story of big branques who board a luxury boat is unclear why a cat that has suffered terrible genetic tinkering, so much so that it does not merely of Sheba to say I love you. Et les bidouilles génétiques c'est pas bien, ça change même la race et la couleur du poil à la fin : And genetic tinkering is not good, it changes the same race and color of hair at the end:

Casting brillantissime je vous le disais, dans le film c'est quand même les chats qui jouent le mieux. Cast Ultra Shine I said in the film is still the cats that play the best.

Avant de conclure, je regrette amèrement de ne pas savoir capter des extraits vidéos avec du son dedans, parce que LE CLANDESTIN c'est aussi du bonheur à vos oreilles. Before concluding, I bitterly regretted not know how to capture video clips with sound in it, because it THE CLANDESTINE also happiness to your ears. J'aurai bien voulu partager ça avec vous tiens. Well I wanted to share it with you like. Dedans l'ingénieur du son tellement motivé à l'idée d'avoir son nom dans ce générique illustre, a laissé traîner ses doigts tout boudinés sur la touche "le chat miaule" ou "le chat est pas content", même quand le chat à l'écran il ne manifeste rien de spécial. Inside the sound engineer so motivated to have his name in this generic example, let's drag all pudgy fingers on the button "the cat meows" or "the cat is not happy, even when the cat on screen it does not show anything special. Ca miaule à tout va dans ce bordel. It meows at any step in this mess. Le pire c'est quand le monsieur il bruite une scène de baiser : y'a tellement de bruits de succion mouillée salivaire dans la dite scène qu'on se croirait dans un porno à plusieurs voire 12 (enfin je dis ça mais j'en ai jamais vu des pornos, on m'a raconté), même que j'ai failli en vomir mon quatre heures ; je ne suis pas délicate mais le coup du micro bloqué dans la gorge des protagonistes pendant qu'ils échangent des fluides, ça je peux pas. The worst is when the man it sound a kissing scene: there's so much noise sucking wet saliva in said scene that looks like a porn 12 or more (well I say that but I 've never seen porn, I was told), even that I almost throw my four hours, I am not sensitive but the blow of micro stuck in the throat of the protagonists as they exchange fluids, it I can not.

Alors si comme les Dumeurs ce week-end vous voulez passer un moment inoubliable, ruez-vous sur le DVD, disponible dans toutes les bonnes animaleries. So if like Dumeurs this weekend you want to spend an unforgettable moment, Ruez you on DVD, available from all good pet.

Ou alors jetez votre mère dans un rayon DVD. Or throw your mother in a ray DVD. Parce que les chats c'est que des gros branleurs qui fument des pétards et jouent au babyfoot toute la journée. Because the cat is as big wankers who smoke of firecrackers and playing table football all day.

Alvino Rey - Talking Steel Guitar Says 'Goodbye'

MISSING! ONE TALKING STEEL GUITAR VIDEO - REWARD - PETE DRAKE'S 'FOREVER' - Please contact - visualguidanceltd.blogspot - if you can help locate my old Alvino Rey Orchestra "St. Louis Blues" clip from the movie "Jam Session" with the Talking Steel Guitar Puppet (stringy) and vocals by Skeets Herfert. Pappy Stuckey has a wonderful SLB uploaded with the King Sisters singing, but that's not the one. - How To Tie A Tie

How To Tie A Tie

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How To Tie a Tie
Knots and Tips

Four-In-Hand Knot

One of the easiest ways to tie a necktie is using the Four-In-Hand knot. If tied correctly this knot will still have a professional appearance. In fact, most zipper ties and clip on ties use a knot that is similar to the Four-In-Hand knot. This knot is less complex and only wraps around a couple of times, tall people will find it to be desirable if they can not achieve their desired necktie length with other methods.

Half Windsor Knot

The Half Windsor is a simple, professional looking knot for your necktie. The Half Windsor is a large knot that has a nice uniform shape to it. This knot is usually used with uniform ties that are made of thick materials like polyester and wool, but will work good with most necktie materials. If the knot appears to be too large, you may want to use a Four-In-Hand knot with your necktie. The Half Windsor knot will make your necktie shorter, if you are tall you may also want to try the Four-In-Hand knot.

Windsor Knot

The Windsor knot is the most professional looking knot for your necktie. The Windsor knot is a large knot that has a nice uniform shape to it. This knot is usually used with silk neckties or ties that are made of thin materials. If the knot appears to be too large you may want to use a Half Windsor or Four-In-Hand knot with your necktie. The Windsor knot will make your necktie shorter, if you are tall you may also want to try the Half Windsor or Four-in-Hand knot.

Proper Necktie Length

A necktie is tied to the proper length when the tip of the tie lies directly in line with the bottom of your belt buckle. If you are having problems getting the desired length for you necktie, you might need to use a different style of knot. Check out the knot styles to see which ones will make the tie shorter or longer. The Windsor will be the thickest knot, making your tie length shorter, followed by the Half Windsor and the Four-In-Hand, which will be a smallest knot.

The Dimple In Your Tie

The dimple adds that finished look to the necktie. When you are done tying your tie, but before you have completely tightened the knot, hold you finger on the center of the necktie slightly inside the knot. Then you simply push on the middle of the tie and squeeze the edges as you tighten the knot. The dimple will work best with the Windsor and Half Windsor knots. If you are using a Four-In-Hand knot it will be tough to get a nice looking dimple. - How To Tie A Tie

Fidel Castro fathered at least 10 children by a string of women, says book

London, September 27 (ANI): Cuban leader Fidel Castro has at least 10 children from his relationships with a string of women, if a new book is to be believed.

Even though discussing his womanising ways is strictly taboo on the Caribbean communist outpost, journalist Ann Louise Bardach has thrown light on Castro’s philandering in her book ‘Without Fidel’.

To be published by Scribner, the book chronicles the lives of Castro and his brother Raul, reports the Telegraph.

When Ann Louise, a long-time Cuba-watcher, once asked Castro how many children he had during an interview with Vanity Fair in 1993, the smiling leader answered: “Almost a tribe.”

While researching for the Without Fidel, she found how true that observation was.

Castro had one child, Fidelito (Little Fidel), with his first wife Myrta Diaz-Balart in 1949 and five boys between 1962 and 1974 with Dalia Soto del Valle, a little-seen companion whom he is said to have secretly married in 1980.

However, according to Ann Louise, there have been many more paramours and several other children along the way-most notably from the time when the 29-year-year old rebel leader celebrated his release from prison in 1955 for a failed uprising.

Three Castro offspring were born to three women during 1956, and Natalia Revuelta, an aristocratic beauty who became a fierce defender of his revolution, bore him a daughter, Alina Fernandez.

Ann Louise had previously reported the existence of another illegitimate 1956 child, Panchita Pupo. She was not even known to his other offspring and her mother remains unidentified.

In her book, the investigative journalist has now revealed the identity of the mother of Jorge Angel, the third Castro child of 1956 – Maria Laborde, an admirer who Castro met just after was he freed.

She also talks about a son known as Ciro, the early 1960s product of another brief fling.

He was previously unknown outside the family inner circle, but a close relative of Celia Sanchez, Castro’s closest confidante and yet another rumoured lover, revealed his existence to the author.

Earlier this year, a Cuban intelligence defector claimed that Castro had sired another son in 1970, which, if true, would take the count to 11 children by seven women. (ANI)

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