May 3, 2009

Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band: Electricity

The Cap and his Magic Band playing their oh-so-conventional sound to a bunch of hip crowd members on a beach.

Tarzan (#2 1934) [Johnny Weissmuller] + Jane [Maureen O'Sullivan]

This 1934 classic was Johnny Weissmuller's second Tarzan film and the first to present Jane as his live-in "wife". In this final big action scene, enemy natives trap Jane and her safari party into a corner, then use lion calls to summon a large pride of big cats to come and finish them off. When the lions arrive, so does Cheetah (75 years old and still living!) bringing his army of apes to chunk enemy natives out of the trees and into the mouths of their own lions. Meanwhile, most of the safari party gets eaten but Jane, of course, is rescued at the last minute by Tarzan, who then helps the apes throw the remaining few bad jigaboos to the lions. After he gets bored with that, he starts bulldogging the lions themselves, who eventually back off after he kills the biggest alpha-male with his knife. Next he calls in his army of elephants. They turn out to be more than happy to crash the party and thoroughly enjoy themselves in a spirited lion-squashing rampage. (When the clip reaches 4:30, pay close attention for a Maureen O'Sullivan crotch shot)

Charles Manson: The Family Children [Documentary 1973]

Barfly (Mickey Rourke, 1987) - Second Fight Scene