December 28, 2008

Michael Nesmith - Cruisin'

Another classic music video from the pre-MTV era, I guess I first saw this video on Don Kirschner or some other late-night music show. I love how in the olden days the plot of a music video actually followed the song's lyrics. Plus how can you beat a line like "Trying to make connections with their blemish-free complexions"?

Crispin Glover "Clowny Clown Clown"

Jazz #2 (1969)

Please Don't Touch Me! [Ron Ormond] + Slapstick of Another Kind: Jerry Lewis + Madeline Kahn [Worst Vonnegut Adaptation: 1982]

Please Don't Touch Me! - Ron Ormond

A melodramatic moment from the message drama from Ron and June Ormond. The 1963 film, also called "Teenage Bride," was a very tame affair that capitalized on, as you see here, the fact that the word "rape" could now be said on American screens

For those who haven't heard of the film "Slapstick of Another Kind" (1982), here's some text from yours truly, from the former Funhouse blog:

Writer-director-producer Steven Paul made in Slapstick a film that attempts to visualize some of Vonnegut's craziest, cartoon-like images, and fails in a really amazing manner. In the process, a really dazzling cast of comic actors do their damndest, but only provoke groans and open-mouthed wonder. Jerry Lewis and Madeline Kahn play a couple who give birth to mutant giant twins (also Jerry and Madeline) who become a joint mastermind when they put their heads together (literally). Marty Feldman does a Peter Lorre impression as their guardian, Merv Griffin and Virginia Graham are on hand, Pat Morita plays a miniaturized Chinese head of state, Jim Backus is the president, and yes, that's the voice of Orson Welles as the alien leader. It's one rough ride, even at a mere 85 minutes, but it truly does have to go down as one of the worst pics ever made.