November 18, 2008

Bob Dylan- Renaldo and Clara Part 3 (Helena Kallianiotes)

Renaldo and Clara Part 3
Bob is playing the guitar and flirting with Helena Kallianiotes (Thanx to keepingitrandom for identifying her).

Bob Dylan vs A.J. Weberman (p. 1)

Well before 2007 goes to an end here is another Dylan rarity which I would like to share: The famous Weberman Tapes. It is my gift to you all......
Here you can listen to an (audio) conversation between Bob Dylan and A.J. Weberman. Enjoy, rate and do leave comments.....
P.S. Because it is audio only, I decided to put a photo slideshow of Mr Dylan (boring to stare at a blank screen right?)

INFO: A.J. Weberman (founder of Dylanology) is an obsessive Dylan fan, who in the late 60's was going through Bob's trash looking for evidence that Bob was a heroin addict (no evidence was found,and Bob eventually beat him up). Weberman recorded a telephone conversation he had with Dylan on 06.01. and 09.01.1971.

paul mccartney pete townsend and david gilmour