Showing posts with label CRAZY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CRAZY. Show all posts

February 25, 2019

My First Codepen! this previous post was messing everything up. go see Michael Stipe site: most interesting css on the WWW

We is, or, are, formal, proprietary, non-canonical, and other technical stuff too technical for me to explain.

In the more frequently associated, trend-endorsing, standardized practical building of our most perfect semantic web ever, WE must find a way to show what the WWW is!

Say it out loud so that TB-L can hear you!
WE inhabit a mesosphere, and not an imaginary place in the clouds.

These are responsive, canonical WWWebcities in the sky, a philosophy even President Donald Trump could  get behind (maybe with the Space Force), which (not) includes me.

[yes, here is one of our famous 'sups'! it really is an annoying fellow], but everybody wants to see it on the tour, so get it out of your system

See the Pen WmNddm by mrjyn (@mrjyn) on CodePen.

June 18, 2012

Charles Mingus Checks Bobby Fischer in Bellevue

Charles Mingus Checks Bobby Fischer in Bellevue

What is it about Bellevue and your artist types?

Bellevue hospital, howled around by the best minds of Ginsberg's generation. Bellevue, Charlie Parker's last hospital - he checked in after an attempt to check out of life a year before heart failure, pneumonia, and cirrhosis of the liver did the job for him. Where Caitlin McNamara Thomas spent her first night in NY. And Bellevue, where, according to his extraordinary autobiography, Charles Mingus bumped into Bobby Fischer.

If this excerpt doesn't qualify as fair use, I submit it here under, as we say in Ireland, The Grandfather Rule - that is to say, as lyrics, on which the good fight is still being fought. (E2 FAQ: Copyright Changes)

This forms the vocal voiced by Robbie Robertson on (and I fear here a succession of deep breaths may be in order) "Canon (Part 2) includes 'Playing Chess With Bobby Fischer In Bellevue Reverie' from "Beneath The Underdog'", track three from Hal Wilner Presents Weird Nightmare: Meditations on Mingus. Phew!



Chuck's shrink, Dr. Edward Pollock, is probably the "Dr. Wallach" who appears here, and later wrote the sleevenotes to the Mingus album The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady, hence making it one of my Top Ten Jazz Albums with Liner Notes Written by a Clinical Psychologist.



There was a boy sitting across the table from me, reading a book on mathematics - I could see the equations and symbols. I saw him walking around earlier that morning - very tall and gangly, sandy haired, only about eighteen years old. I later learned he was a champion chess player and spoke seven languages. He was a genius, I guess. His parents had him committed, he told me, but he didn't say why. He didn't seem to mind. He was quiet and good-natured and always busy doing something. When he saw me looking at him he asked if I wanted to play a game of chess and he brought out his board. I showed him what I had just wrote.

He looked very thoughtful, and said, "I don't have time to hear everything, but I'm interested in music and keep abreast of what's happening. It's odd you say you haven't been productive. It seems to me you have several-Let's see-" and he counted in his head - "I'd say six or seven albums that came out last year. That isn't bad." I was amazed, but he was right, and I realised last year seemed like ten years ago to me.

He checkmated me three times in a row, and I could see he was getting bored, so I went back to my bunk and tried to write some poetry. A good title came to my mind. Nice Of You To Have Come To My Funeral.


Oh damn it all blues.
Screwed to the melting frozen walk of dared-to-embrace stone,
concrete hard, imagined soft
only to overdue erections of loneliness
that turned feminine and speaks back wet, warm tears,
not to far removed from its common denominator,
Iced urine melting at dared hot death
That clings to life for love at thought of some response
Be it only the clay, dirt or pavement I behold in my
drunken, fevered search for a true woman's groin,
Wanting me as I want her to never hate me
because we found refuge of satisfaction as two drunken stones
warmed themselves side by side
In outside our guttered ideas of opposite sides fucking.

"Do you understand that poem, Dr. Wallach?"

"Well, Charles, it certainly is a very personal expression."






There endeth the original write-up.

My fellow Mingus afficionado, Angie Lane, notes that there is no mention of Fischer by name in Beneath The Underdog, and indeed this is so.

He is only referred to there as Chess Champ; it is the Wilner record that gives his name.

Wilner had the original manuscript (which was, incidently, at least three times the length of the published book), worked closely with Mingus's wife for this record and risked the litigation, so it truly must be Fischer, and not, as kozmund has it, "...well...a different polygot chess prodigy."

Charles's other pal in Bellevue was The Dancer. I have no clues as to his identity. Mingus formed a plan that he, The Dancer and Chess Champ would teach the other inmates math, chess, languages and dancing. They were all for it, but within an hour Mingus is summoned by Bellevue head honcho Dr. Bonk who says, "Mr. Mingus is going to organize Bellevue for us. May I comment that compulsive organization is one of the prime traits of paranoia." And that was the end of that.

Hear "Hellview of Bellevue" on Mingus, Charles' second album for Candid Records, recorded at Nola Penthouse Sound Studios, New York, New York on October 20th, and November 11, 1960, with Eric Dolphy (alto saxophone, bass clarinet); Charles McPherson (alto saxophone); Booker Ervin (tenor saxophone); Lonnie Hillyer, Ted Curson (trumpet); Jimmy Knepper, Britt Woodman (trombone); Nico Bunick, Paul Bley (piano); Dannie Richmond (drums).

Charles Mingus Checks Bobby Fischer in Bellevue What is it about Bellevue and your artist types? Bellevue hospital, howl ed around by the best minds of Ginsberg 's generation. Bellevue, Charlie Parker 's last hospital - he checked in after an attempt to check out of life a year before heart failure ... » See Ya at » What Gets Me Hot

May 29, 2012

Military To Weaponize Animals

7 Insane Military Attempts To Weaponize Animals

From Hannibal's mighty elephants to Genghis Khan's swift horses, or even those hoversharks the British used in the Falklands, animals have always been used in warfare to fight, and die, right alongside us.

But some animals go farther. We speak, of course, of the exploding animals, those four-legged friends who trotted bravely into battle for the sole purpose of blowing shit up. Even if they didn't know that's what they were doing.


Rat Bombs" alt="" />

What Were They Thinking?

1941 was a dark year for England. The Germans had already subjugated half of Europe, the Luftwaffe was pounding London from the air and U-boats were inflicting terrible losses along Allied shipping routes. Assailed on all sides, the English searched high and low for a chink in the seemingly impenetrable armor of the German war machine.

Then, someone said, "I've got it! Rat bombs!" And the entire course of the war was changed not at all." alt="" />
"Look, all I'm saying is, I bought too many rats and we've got a ton of extra dynamite."

Dear God, What Have We Done?

Developed by the Special Operations Executive, these were actual rat carcasses stuffed with explosives. The plan was to sow German coal supplies with rat bombs in the hope that the rats would be shoveled into boilers along with the coal, whereupon the heat would detonate the bombs.

If successful, the damage to German infrastructure could have been massive." alt="" />
Jesus, even the rat in the diagram looks like it's in pain.

That's a big freaking "if."

The Result:

The Germans intercepted the first shipment of rat bombs and, alerted to the threat, began scouring their coal supplies for suspiciously stiff, bomb-shaped rat carcasses, whereupon the British gave up on the whole idea. Or at least, that's what they want the rest of the world to think.

Fire Birds and Bat Bombs" alt="" />

What Were They Thinking?

Since the beginning of time, man has looked with awe at the majesty of birds in flight and thought, "If only those bastards were on fire, man, that'd be awesome." Indeed, people have been trying to use birds as incendiary weapons for ages. The thinking was that if you caught the birds that nested within a walled city, and attached fire to them somehow, they would return to their nests and start an inferno.

Chinese military manuals from the Tang and Ming dynasties describe the technique, and it was put into use by both Olga of Kiev in the 10th century and Viking badass, Harald Hardrade, in the 11th century, and was a success both times." alt="" />

But the idea didn't reach its full potential until the final years of WWII, when an American dental surgeon, named Lyle S. Adams, tried to come up with a way to bring Japan to its knees.

Dear God, What Have We Done?

Instead of birds, though, Adams proposed using bats. Millions of them. Each bat would have a small incendiary charge attached to its leg. The bats would then be packed by the thousands into special bomb casings and dropped over the target.

At the right altitude, the casings would open and release the bats in a Hellstorm of leathery wings seldom seen outside a Meatloaf album cover. When dawn came, the bats would go off in search of some nice, dark place to sleep. Like a nice, big building. Later, timers would detonate the charges, and all Hell would break loose." alt="" />
Thanks, Google Image Search!

The Result:

Initial results were promising, including one large-scale test that all involved considered a rousing success. Unfortunately, the military pulled the plug on the project when the atomic bomb came along, even though that bomb didn't involve any bats at all.

Then again... how long until the technology is there to make tiny atomic bombs? Ones small enough that they can be attached to bats?

Just wait, guys. Your time is coming.

Cat Bombs" alt="" />

What Were They Thinking?

Well, we've done rats and bats, so...

WWII was the golden age of the dive bomber. Dive bombers were especially used to attack high-value targets, such as ships. But even experienced pilots in state-of-the-art planes sometimes missed. How could military engineers improve accuracy when the guidance technology at the time was so limited? If you just jumped to your feet and shouted "Cats, of course!" then you, too, can be a military engineer." alt="" />

Dear God, What Have We Done?

According to the book A Higher Form of Killing, this was a project of the Office of Strategic Services (the forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency).

The thinking was that cats hated water so much that, if you dropped a cat bomb in the general vicinity of a ship, the cat would instinctively guide the bomb to the deck below in order to avoid getting wet. Exactly how a 10 pound cat was supposed to guide a 500 pound bomb is unclear. In fact, the entire concept may have been based on experts' confusion between real cats and the sentient ones you see in cartoons." alt="" />

The Result:

The project never got past the testing stage. It seems the cats tended to lose consciousness when plunging towards the earth at terminal velocity while strapped to a bomb. And that, as much as anything, is why cats will never be man's best friend.

Camels, Mules, Horses and Donkeys" alt="" />

What Were They Thinking?

Back in 1978, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. A homegrown resistance movement--the Mujahideen--soon rose up to challenge the invaders, and the CIA--reasoning that the enemy of the enemy is our friend--wasted no time in helping to train, finance and equip them. Thank God the CIA never acts without considering the long-term consequences.

Dear God, What Have We Done?

In almost any other country in the world, one of the main weapons of a small guerrilla force fighting an invading superpower would be the car bomb: the classic weapon of asymmetric warfare." alt="" />
Above: "Car."

Unfortunately, we're talking about Afghanistan, a country so bereft of motor vehicles that driving a Pinto will probably get you laid. In the absence of a ready supply of cars, the CIA turned to the next best thing: camels.

The Result:

The Soviet Union was finally defeated and driven out of Afghanistan by 1989, but whether the ultimate cause was domestic politics, global economics or wave after wave of dull-eyed camel bombs, we may never know. What we do know is that the idea of strapping a bomb onto a beast of burden and sending it off to its fiery doom caught on around the world.

Of course, each culture puts its own spin on the idea. In India, they use mules; in Colombia, they use horses and in the Palestinian Territories, they use donkeys." alt="" />
This little guy.

And of course, we have the Australian military, whose entire strategy depends on kangaroos bouncing along with bombs strapped to their... oh, wait. That was also a cartoon.

7 Insane Military Attempts To Weaponize Animals From Hannibal's mighty elephants to Genghis Khan's swift horses, or even those hoversharks the British used in the Falklands, animals have always been used in warfare to fight, and die, right alongside us. But some animals go farther. We speak, of cour ... » See Ya at » What Gets Me Hot

May 6, 2012

Brato Ganibe

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Brato Ganibe - The Official Online Store of Col. Bruce Hampton, Ret. Aug 10, 2011 – All orders from Brato Ganibe ship for just $3.00. Sorry, we can only ship within the US | No Refunds or Exchanges Shipping is via USPS Parcel ... Col. Bruce Hampton, Ret. Officia ... » See Ya at » What Gets Me Hot

March 3, 2012

U.S. Army All-Hazards/Protection--Not just terrorist attacks!

Emergency responders treat a simulated casualty following a simulated hazardous substance scenario during last year's force protection exercise. This year's exercise takes place Mar. 5-7 and could feature any type of event " attack, weather or otherwise " that would stress and test the post's emergency response and mitigation systems.

FORT RUCKER, Ala. (Mar. 1, 2012) -- Exercise scenarios could put Fort Rucker through a simulated catastrophe such as a terrorist attack or a weather emergency during next week's All-Hazards/Protection Exercise.


The exercise will be March 5-7 during which the installation will be put through a scenario that will test Fort Rucker's response system in the event of an attack or a natural disaster, according to Michael Whittaker, installation antiterrorism officer.

The exact scenario will be unknown until the time of the event, but a briefing was held Feb. 23 at the headquarters building to show those that will be involved in the exercise an overall concept of what will be going on, he said.


"[The presentation] gives those involved an idea of how everyone is supposed to participate and respond," said Whittaker. "It also makes them update all of their unit and activity rosters, their emergency management rosters for key personnel and their plans for how they protect their own buildings -- their physical security plans."


In the past, the exercise was called the Force Protection Antiterrorism Exercise, but was changed this year to the All-Hazards/Protection Exercise to include any type of disaster,  not just terrorist attacks, said the antiterrorism officer.

"Now we've got to be prepared for whatever inject that might be thrown at us in the last minute," such as weather disasters, he said.

The purpose of the exercise is to get the directorates of the entire installation involved as they are put through drills at different force protection levels.

"The entire installation will be participating," as well as outside agencies, said Whittaker. "It helps the installation exercise [its] agreements with outside agencies like the hospitals and other law enforcement."


The objectives of the protection exercise are to: validate implementation plans; test notification systems, dissemination systems and Crisis Management Team functions; implement force protection condition measures; protect high risk targets and mission essential vulnerable areas; exercise reporting procedures; and test communication systems and consequence management operations, according to the antiterrorism officer.

"This is an awareness type exercise for people on post," he said. "We have to prove that we can mitigate [disasters]. If not mitigate, [we have to be able to] at least lessen the damage if something happens."

Tuesday will be the day of "boots on the ground," which is when the actual incident occurs, said Whittaker. Both the fire department and police will have to respond when the unknown incident occurs.

"You never know what kind of scenario you're going to be getting into," he said. "There could be an explosion at the shoppette that could be a boiler explosion or otherwise. Until [the first responders] get there, it could be anything."

Various outside agencies, such as the Red Cross, will also be involved with the exercise that will be coordinating with the Directorate of Public Safety and the fire chief in order to deal with the incident, according to Whittaker.

An emergency warning will be sent out through the installation loudspeaker system to alert people on post of the potential dangers that may be going on in their area, said Whittaker. The entire installation will not be affected, however, and the "boots on the ground" portion of the incident will occur between 9 and 11 a.m., which should reduce the effect on morning and lunch traffic.

"The exercise should be pretty transparent for most people on post because most people won't play and be active in the exercise," said Whittaker. "[The incident] will be in a quartered off area of the post," that shouldn't affect day-to-day life on the installation.

Signs will be posted at the entrances to the installation to let people know that an exercise will be occurring and people will be notified over the loudspeaker, but for most on post, that will be the extent of their involvement, according to the antiterrorism officer.

After the day of the incident, there will be the tabletop portion of the exercise, which is the remediation after the actual exercise to see what is to be done in the aftermath of the event.

"Anytime you have a catastrophic event, people tend to stop it there," said Whittaker. "We have to go beyond that. What happens to the building that is affected or the people that were in that building? How would it affect the post if something happened to Bldg. 5700? Everything that happened the day before has to be dealt with. It's a pretty deep subject that needs to be addressed."


U.S. Army All-Hazards/Protection--Not just terrorist attacks! Fort Rucker tests readiness with force protection exercise March 1, 2012   Emergency responders treat a simulated casualty following a simulated hazardous substance scenario during last year's force protection exercise. This year's exerci ... » See Ya at » What Gets Me Hot

March 1, 2012

Elvis Helicopter

Elvis Helicopter

for angie


  • Elvis comes early
    (Canberra Times, October 18 2009, p. 9)
    Elvis the helicopter - one of Victoria's key bushfire weapons - will start duty a month earlier this year to help fire authorities be better prepared for the bushfire season. The helicopter will be on the job from the third week of November. An additional [AUD] $21 million is being spent over the next four years to improve fire protection on public land around Melbourne's urban fringes.

  • Move over, Elvis, here's Elsie
    By Emily Sherlock
    (Canberra Times, October 21, 2007, p. 6)
    Fresh from battling the Greek fires, air-crane pilot Don Mcleod is back in Australia and gearing up for what is predicted to be a "dangerous" bush fire season. The pilot will be based in Canberra again this year providing vital support to local fire crews.

    Two air cranes - Elvis and Elsie - also touched down in Australia last week and are being assembled and tested before their contracts start late next month. It is believed that Elsie will be based in Canberra and Elvis in Melbourne.

    ... While the helicopters attracted a lot of attention because of their fire-fighting capacity - holding 9800 litres (or 9.8 tonnes) - of water collected in 35 seconds, Mr Mcleod said the fire fighters on the ground wre true heroes. "They [helicopters] are just another tool in the arsenal," he said. ...

  • Move over Elvis, Rocky scoops the pool: Liquid asset - the Rocky Skycrane can draw 9000 litres of water in less than 50 seconds
    By Jonathan Pearlman
    (Sydney Morning Herald, November 25, 2005)
    The state's latest weapon against bushfires can carry 9000 litres of water, costs about $4 million a season and is named after a flying squirrel with an annoying voice. The Rocky Skycrane, named after the sleuthing rodent in the cartoon series Rocky and Bullwinkle, arrived in Sydney from Oregon and unveiled yesterday by the Government and the NSW Rural Fire Service. A spokesman for the fire service, Murray Hillan, said the helicopter could scoop a tankful of water in less than 50 seconds. To fill up, it needs a water source that is at least a metre deep and 70 metres clear of obstacles. ... "Rocky will be a very reassuring sight for property owners, landholders and national park users this summer. It is essentially the same type of aircraft as the famous Elvis."...

  • Fire service backs claim 'Elvis' overrated
    (ABC News Online, January 25, 2005)
    The South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS) has backed claims that heavy-lift helicopters, such as the Erikson Sky Crane nicknamed "Elvis", are overrated and expensive tools in the firefighting effort. A national inquiry into bushfire mitigation has found that helicopters are no more effective than ground crews.

    CFS chief officer Euan Ferguson has faced criticism because of delays in calling in water bombers for the deadly Eyre Peninsula bushfires and he agrees with the inquiry findings. "That's one of our concerns, that Elvis is overrated," he said. "Firefighting aircraft generally are overrated and if I can just perhaps snatch a couple of words from the report, which says that 'the effective practice of firefighting lacks a scientific evaluation'. It's saying that it's overly influenced by media images of aircraft such as Elvis and self-promotion of aircraft operators."

  • 'Elvis' costs a bomb
    By Bernard Lane
    (The Australian, January 25, 2005)
    THE multi-million-dollar cost of water-bombing bushfires by "Elvis" and other aircraft has been called into question. Smaller helicopters were no better at firefighting than crews on the ground with hand tools, according to an independent national inquiry into bushfire mitigation released by Prime Minister John Howard yesterday, nine months after he received it.

    The wide-ranging report of the Council of Australian Governments' inquiry made 29 recommendations to improve bushfire preparedness, including the update of building standards for bushfire-prone areas. The costly practice of aerial firefighting "lacked sufficient scientific evaluation", was influenced by media images of aircraft such as Elvis - the Erickson Aircrane helicopter - and the self-promotion of aircraft operators, the report said. The report backed the new aerial fire-fighting centre as an example of national leadership, but said its future should depend on a review being undertaken by the Bushfire Co-operative Research Centre.

  • Elvis hits the sky
    By Mark Moor
    (Herald Sun, January 14, 2005)
    A LITTLE Elvis will be the guardian angel of Melbourne's water catchments during the summer bushfire season. Acting Premier John Thwaites welcomed a water-bombing helicopter from Canada to help fight possible fires in water catchment areas over the next 14 weeks. Smaller than the Elvis water helicopter that has battled fires in past years, the 1300L chopper is only ever 15 minutes from Melbourne's water catchments. "A serious fire in Melbourne's water catchments would be devastating for Melbourne's long-term water supply," Mr Thwaites said. "It could contaminate the supply with ash, silt and debris and reduce the quantity of water flowing to reservoirs." ...

  • Victorian firefighters still battling blaze
    (The Age, January 13, 2005)
    Fire crews were today working furiously to contain a blaze in Victoria's far west, battling hot weather and gusts of north-westerly wind. Extra crews were sent to the area from across the state in an effort to control the fire that has already killed 6,000 head of livestock and destroyed several buildings since it began on Tuesday. Temperatures in the low 30s and wind gusts of 50kph were hampering firefighters' efforts to quell the fire. Ten aircraft, including the water-bombing aircrane Elvis, helicopters, and four fixed-wing fire bombers were helping about 600 firefighters attempt to create a control line bordering the area in Fulham Reserve, north of the western Victorian town of Balmoral. So far the fire has burned more than 8,800 hectares, and that figure is set to rise before operations are completed. ...

  • Anti-Elvis helicopter sends forests up in flames
    By Peter Brewer
    (Canberra Times, October 19, 2004)
    Trailing streams of flaming gel, a specialised heli-torch yesterday peformed the final act in the destruction of the once-abundant pine plantations to the west of Canberra. ... The heli-torch was brought in from Tasmania to accelerate ACT Forests' controlled burn-off of the plantation vestiges remaining over some 2000ha of the former Pierces Creek, Uriarra and Stromlo forests. ...

Go to earlier articles


Graceland, Elvis, and Elvis Presley are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc (EPE)
(c) Copyright 2000 onwards, Presleys in the Press
Site provided free, courtesy of Elvicities

  Graceland, Elvis, and Elvis Presley are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc (EPE) (c) Copyright 2000 onwards, Presleys in the Press Site provided free, courtesy of Elvicities ...»See Ya

February 26, 2012

Danny Thomas First Spit-Take

Danny Thomas First Spit-Take

spit-take is a comedic technique in which someone spits a beverage out of his or her mouth when he or she reacts to a statement. In this context, the word "take" is used in the sense of taking in information. It is similar in construction to the phrase "double-take."



Danny Thomas sometimes is credited with popularizing its use in comedy.

danny_thomas_spit_take.flv Watch on Posterous


Example: Two characters sit at a table. Character #1 has a cup of coffee in hand.

Character 1: Did they ever find that missing toxic sludge?
Character 2: Yes.
(Character 1 sips coffee.)
Character 2: Someone poured it into the coffee urn.
(Character 1 spits the coffee all over the table.)

In a spit-take, the reaction is usually one of surprise. The "spit" action is overly dramatized; performers will add lots of noise and spray liquid from their mouth in an exaggerated fashion.

The surprise need not be related to the substance being consumed; it is a vehicle to convey shock or surprise humorously with an exaggerated visual.

Example: Three characters sit at a table. Character #3, wearing a yellow sweater, has a cup of juice in hand.

Character 1: Hey, did you hear that laundry detergent can cause fatal psoriasis?
(Character 3 sips from cup.)
Character 2: Yeah, but only for people who wear yellow sweaters.
(Character 3 spits the drink all over the table.)



Albert Brooks' short film, The Famous Comedians School, features a workshop on spit takes.

Jon Stewart mentioned the spit-take on The Daily Show, Dec. 14, 2011, in the segment "Lowe's Balls of the Week." He also sometimes performs obviously-staged spit-takes as a running gag. [1]



I'm no Danny Thomas... But +Kendrick Jackson made me do a spit take during the chili beans/no beans debate that knocked my keyboard and computer out of commission for days.

Moral: Do not drink liquids while on Plus with the BadA.S.S. Posse.

That is all.

Danny Thomas First Spit-Take spit-take is a comedic technique in which someone spits a beverage out of his or her mouth when he or she reacts to a statement. In this context, the word "take" is used in the sense of taking in information. It is similar in construction to the phrase "double-take."   D ...»See Ya

February 25, 2012







    • à Paris

       l'Hippodrome de la Porte de Pantin

James_Brown_1981_hippodrome.mp4 Watch on Posterous

jame_brown2_hippodome_papa.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Valid CSS!

Valid CSS!

UNBELIEVABLE! James Brown (l'HTML5) UNBELIEVABLE!   James Brown 'Rap Payback' Video response to Arthur Brown Découvrez un concert de James Brown extrait de l'émission Rap Payback   Too funky in here It's a man's man's world     Papa's got a brand new bag       et   Sex machine       à Paris  l'Hippo ...»See Ya

Prophet Royal Robertson 'No Lien Adulteress Whores!'

Prophet Royal Robertson 'No Lien Adulteress Whores!' from the visionary documentary 'Make'!

Prophet "Royal Robertson"  make No Lien Adultress Whores Adulteress mrjyn barristers "regenia perry" adelle robertson manda "v j manda" sausage outsider art folk bastrop Louisiana self-taught "outsider art" artist

Prophet Royal Robertson 'No Lien Adulteress Whores!' from the visionary documentary 'Make'! Prophet "Royal Robertson"  make No Lien Adultress Whores Adulteress mrjyn barristers "regenia perry" adelle robertson manda "v j manda" sausage outsider art folk bastrop Louisiana self-taught "outsider art" a ...»See Ya

February 24, 2012

Jerry Lee Lewis Ruth Buzzi Breathless

According to sources, the blow was so deep in The Green Room, he was then renamed.

Mick Fleetwood came first, AND KEEF flew from JAMAICA, PRIVATE TYPE, AND as he mentions, THIS is the only gig he would always OR for a Tux. JERRY LEE, of course, do not use cocaine, While the leaves, JOEL, pretty sure KENNY have withdrawn and Mick Fleetwood.

Well, you would not think that there would be ANY Lagniappe After the brothers WAS EMPTY road with their BABANIA, but apparently they LEFT AND Gary Busey Ruth Buzzi their VOLLEYBALLS in the stuff when they went, because as you will SEE FOR thighs, AND THE MOST INCREDIBLE VERSION oF "HIGH SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL" ALSO ON DM [SEARCH UNDER MRJYN], a SONG JERRY LEE reported to hatred, but, here, at the Gary Busey conducts ceremony FADE aS A SET SILVER BAYOU LEFT with ITS WITHDRAWAL tarnish RESISTANT MADNESS. that and the fact that Jerry Lee LOOKS LIKE The Doonesbury and CHILD LOVE Dean Martin.

Selon des sources, le coup était si profond dans La Chambre verte, Il a ensuite été renommé.

Mick Fleetwood sont arrivés les premiers, ET KEEF pris l'avion de la JAMAIQUE, PRIVÉE DE TYPE, ET comme il le mentionne, C'EST le seul concert Il a toujours OU porterait un Tux pour. JERRY LEE, bien sûr, ne pas consommer de la cocaïne, Alors que les feuilles, JOEL, à peu près sûr KENNY s'en sont retirés et Mick Fleetwood.

Eh bien, vous ne penseriez pas qu'il y aurait TOUT Lagniappe Après que les frères VIDE AVAIT leur route avec des BABANIA, mais apparemment ils GAUCHE ET Gary Busey Ruth Buzzi à leurs EYBALLS dans l'étoffe Quand ils sont allés, parce que comme vous allez le VOIR PAR LA PRÉSENTE, ET PAR LA VERSION LA PLUS INCROYABLE DES «HIGH SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL" AUSSI SUR DM [RECHERCHE EN VERTU DE MRJYN], UNE CHANSON JERRY LEE a signalé à la haine, mais qui, ici, lors de la cérémonie Gary Busey procède à TERNISSEMENT COMME UN ENSEMBLE EN ARGENT BAYOU GAUCHE AVEC SON RETRAIT ternir FOLIE RESISTANT. Cela et le fait que Jerry Lee RESSEMBLE LA Doonesbury ET DE L'ENFANT AMOUR de Dean Martin.

According to sources, the blow was so deep in The Green Room, he was then renamed. Mick Fleetwood came first, AND KEEF flew from JAMAICA, PRIVATE TYPE, AND as he mentions, THIS is the only gig he would always OR for a Tux. JERRY LEE, of course, do not use cocaine, While the leaves, JOEL, pretty sure ...»See Ya

December 14, 2011

*Charles Dickens (video) Christmas Carol (with Martians) *If Charles Dickens had been George Orwell!

*Charles Dickens

Un chant de Noël

(A Christmas Carol)

(with Martians)





christmas_aliens_fr.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Un *Charles Dickens Christmas Carol (with Martians) *If Charles Dickens had been George Orwell! , généralement désigné sous l'acronyme Charles Dickens, désigne un phénomène aérien qu'un ou plusieurs témoins affirment avoir observé sans avoir pu l'identifier, ou encore une trace qui peut avoir été enregistrée par différents types de capteurs (Charles Dickens, George Orwell, radar, etc.) mais dont on ne connaît pas l'origine ou la nature exacte.


Shaped like a Christmas story: the tale of a on Earth Un chant de Noël (A Christmas Carol), également publié en français sous les titres Cantique de Noël, Chanson de Noël ou Conte de Noël, est un conte écrit par Charles Dickens en 1843. Originellement écrite pour rembourser une dette, cette histoire est devenue l'un des contes de Noël les plus populaires. Au cours de la nuit précédant Noël, un vieillard égoïste et avare nommé « Ebenezer Scrooge » reçoit la visite du fantôme de son défunt associé Jacob Marley venu lui dire que son comportement actuel ne peut le rendre heureux car s'il continuait il supporterait de lourde chaine pour l'éternité et peut être même plus. Plus tard dans cette même nuit, Scrooge reçoit la visite successive de trois fantômes incarnant les Noëls passé, présent, et futur.
  • A Christmas Carol (A Christmas Carol), also published in French under the title Song Christmas Song Christmas Christmas Story is a tale written by Charles Dickens in 1843. Originally written for a debt, this story has become one of the tales of the most popular Christmas.
Des observations d'Charles Dickens


  • A Christmas Carol (A Christmas Carol), also published in French under the title Song Christmas Song Christmas Christmas Story is a tale written by Charles Dickens in 1843. Originally written for a debt, this story has become one of the tales of the most popular Christmas.

  •  During the night before Christmas, a selfish and greedy old man named "Ebenezer Scrooge" is visited by the ghost of his deceased partner Jacob Marley came to tell him that his current behavior can not make him happy because if he continues to bear heavy chain for eternity and maybe more. Later that night, Scrooge is visited by ghosts of three successive Christmases embodying the past, present and future.


American Saturn V rocket is followed a short time
  • rocket up towards the sky - very big flame in the back
earth away fast (taken from a camera placed on a rocket) Title in the form of a question mark: "Aliens"

L’ufologie ou l’ovniologie est une discipline non scientifique voire pseudo-scientifique qui consiste à recueillir, analyser et interpréter les données se rapportant au phénomène OVNI, par exemple des photographies, des témoignages ou des traces au sol.

L'acronyme anglais UFO (unidentified flying object) fournit la racine du mot ufologue qui a été inventé par le capitaine Edward J. Ruppelt (premier directeur du projet Blue Book) en 1952 pour remplacer l'expression populaire de « soucoupe volante »  

Ufology or ovniologie [1] is a non-scientific discipline or even pseudo-science of gathering, analyzing and interpreting data pertaining to the UFO phenomenon, such as photographs, stories or ground tracks.

The acronym UFO (unidentified flying object) provides the root of the word UFO was coined by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt (first director of Project Blue Book) in 1952 to replace the popular expression of "flying saucer" [2]. Ufology is marked by its character of non-official research on the UFO phenomenon, in contrast to formal studies of the U.S. Air Force, or CNES, for example.

Ufologists are not necessarily supporters of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, they can also study the socio-psychological aspect of this phenomenon and be skeptical about the possible existence of UFOs but they can also defend paranormal theories.

Among ufologists find themselves scientists and engineers, but mostly people without specific scientific training. There are also people who are dedicated to the debunking of the UFO phenomenon by the method of scientific skepticism.

L'ufologie est marquée par son caractère de recherche non-officielle sur le phénomène des ovnis, à l'inverse des études officielles de l'US Air Force ou du CNES par exemple.

Les ufologues ne sont pas forcément des défenseurs de l'hypothèse extraterrestre, ils peuvent tout aussi bien étudier l'aspect sociopsychologique de ce phénomène et être sceptiques au sujet de l'existence éventuelle des ovnis mais ils peuvent aussi défendre des théories paranormales.

Parmi les ufologues se retrouvent des scientifiques et des ingénieurs mais principalement des personnes sans formation scientifique spécifique. Il existe également des personnes qui se consacrent à la démystification du phénomène OVNI par la méthode du scepticisme scientifique.


Drapeau de France 

Actionnaires Etat français
Activité(s) Audiovisuel, Production, Diffusion
2 young children dressed warmly playing on railroad tracks - in the background, in the mist, electrical towers and buildings in Gennevilliers
  • VG in the mist, the arrival of a "Flying Saucer"
CU of child looking skyward

VG's "Flying Saucer" preparing to land on a railway track - the GP "saucer" on the ground 
two children away

En forme de conte de Noël : les tribulations d'un martien sur la Terre

4 shots of girls in mini skirts in the streets of London - VG PANO in the entire Gennevilliers - 1 plan, old wooden houses in the background, modern buildings - two children on arrival, warmly dressed, playing with the "saucer" - GP below a shod foot, child, towards the camera explosion, like an atomic bomb.

  •     * The first ghost he revives a Christmas of his childhood spent in the orphanage. That of Christmas Present shows him Tiny Tim, the son of his ill employee. The ghost takes her last day of his funeral, which no one attends. All this makes him realize that he will find peace in devoting themselves to others.
  •     * A Christmas Carol is the story of Christmas the most popular in the United Kingdom and the United States. It has been many adaptations to the radio, film and television. The character of Ebenezer Scrooge has inspired Carl Barks for the creation of Scrooge McDuck (Scrooge McDuck in English) in 1947. The Christmas story also served as the basis for cartoon Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983), with precisely the role of Scrooge in Scrooge.
  •     * In 1984, Michel Bouquet has played the role of Scrooge, with Manuel Bonnet.
  •     * In 1988, director Richard Donner depicts a modern adaptation of Dickens as the Scrooged (Scrooged), starring Bill Murray.
  •     * Go through the Muppet Show, The Muppet Christmas Carol entitled with the participation of Michael Caine as Scrooge, and the animated Charlie, the Christmas story.
  •     * The television series Xena: Warrior has a episode called Winter Solstice whose scenario vaguely remember the story of Charles Dickens.
  •     * In 2005, the young filmmaker Jehan Hedde-Moon, who was at that time only 16 years old, made a feature film called SolArid (modernized tale and film largely inspired by the Dickens tale), in which the main character dies and suddenly finds himself directly in front of a smuggler, between Life and Death. They will show him his good and bad memories so he can choose his death and be at peace. The film also shows inspiration from Japanese film After Life, directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda describing the same concepts as SolArid (life after death, visiting the lost memories, the end of life and the beginning of a new era ).
  •     * Around Christmas 2006, developers of Sony Online Entertainment to the events of Frostfell 2006 (Addendum temporary world of gaming multiplayer persistent Everquest2 for Christmas time or in this imaginary world Frostfell) incorporate a scenario that shows the outline of the story in which each player becomes the time of an instance a local equivalent of Ebenezer Scrooge.
  •     * In an episode of the television series Quantum Leap, Sam Beckett is opposed to the whims of a formidable businessman he compares to Scrooge. The hologram Calavicci Al decides to show him to play the role of the three ghosts and make him change.
  •     * In the television series The West Wing, the spokesman of President Jed Bartlet, CJ Cregg, compares to Ebenezer Scrooge, as it lacked the gift distribution.
  •     * In the series Futurama, in the first episode is happening at Christmas, a child robot (with a crutch, as the real one) named Tiny Tim appeared.
  •     * In 2008 the French shortcom Noob, episode 10 of season 1 called "The Nightmare Before Christmas Dark Avenger" (referring to The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack). You see players in Santa Claus or the little match girl to girl, but more importantly, the Player Killer Dark Avenger meets three NPCs who are the spirits and the following in a quête.Avec spirit of Christmas past, when he sees , junior, he suffered the mockery of experienced, with that of this, the terror it inspires others to kill power to avenge the wrong that has been fait.L spirit shows him the future that will cause death-in-a true force joueur.A happen nerves on him, the player fell backwards and broke the cou.Mais, contrary to usual experience does not change Dark Avenger who begins to kill other avatars from December 26.
  •     * The same year the TV movie Barbie and the Magic of Christmas (Barbie In A Christmas Carol VO) resumes the story, transforming the miserly old man in a young woman selfish. All the main characters are feminized: the ghost of the partner becomes that of the late aunt of the heroine, an employee of Scrooge here is his costume, the three spirits are three women, Tiny Tim is a sick girl renamed Tammy . But the basic message remains indented.
  •     * In 2009, the film Ghosts of Girlfriends Past with Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner is inspired by this story.
  •     * The same year, Catherine Tate made an adjustment in the form of a skit Nan's Christmas Carol where she performed Joannie 'Nan' Taylor (character from his own show The Catherine Tate Show) replacing Scrooge. We see Ben Miller also appear in the role of the ghost of the past, David Tennant in the present and Roger Lloyd Pack in the future. Other regular characters from the show also introduced her.
  •     * Also in 2009, a new film adaptation of A Christmas Carol directed by Robert Zemeckis is for Disney with Jim Carrey as Scrooge. Two clips from the film were shown at Cannes Monday, May 18
  •     * This book was also taken by the film Bah humduck: a looney tunes christmas starring Daffy Duck


* Charles Dickens Un chant de Noël ( A Christmas Carol)   ( with Martians )       christmas_aliens_fr.mp4 Watch on Posterous   Un *Charles Dickens Christmas Carol (with Martians) *If Charles Dickens had been George Orwell! , généralement désigné sous l' acronyme Charles Dickens , désigne un phénomèn ...»See Ya