December 17, 2021

Mark Zielenski M.D. succinctly describing the man FMOL / OLOL / LSU-HSC (NPI Number: 1194875625)

Mark Zielenski M.D.



 The  North  American  Province  of  the  Franciscan  Missionaries  is  headquartered  in  Baton Rouge.   It is the parent organization of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, which is a non-profit corporation, organized under the laws of the state of Louisiana.  It is owned by the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, North American Province, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  

The  North  American  Province,  in  turn,  is  a  constituent  group  of  the  Franciscan  Missionaries  of Our  Lady, Paris, France, which conducts health and education programs in 17 countries around the  world.  The  world-wide  organization  operates  under  a  mandate  of  the  Roman  Catholic Church.   
Through  their  sponsored  facilities,  the  Franciscan  Missionaries  of  Our  Lady  are committed to carrying out the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, while promoting the dignity and wholeness of the human person.   With total assets of approximately $3.6 billion, FMOL Health System  is  committed  to  greater  participation  of  the  people  whom  they  serve  in  the  decision making process in order to ensure that quality health care is delivered to them.

(NPI Number: 1194875625)

"We have already begun planning for the continuity of services and the many complexities of a relationship as long and deep as our with Mary Bird Perkins," said Scott Wester, Our Lady of the Lake president and chief executive officer, in a letter to employees. "I remain confident in Our Lady of the Lake's way forward as premier cancer care providers."

Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center has reached a deal with Nashville-based OneOncology to join its nationwide network, ending its affiliation with Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center.

Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center was founded 50 years ago and will remain an independent nonprofit organization once the deal closes in the fall. The deal is for an affiliation, not sale of assets.

The goal is to expand resources for patients while driving growth, reducing patient costs and providing a connection to more clinical trials. It opens the door for the center to have a broader network of cancer care physicians nationwide, access to technology and national purchasing power.

“It’s a strategic move for the organization that supports our continued philosophy of focusing 100% on cancer," said Todd Stevens, CEO of Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center in a news release.

The decision left the Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center leadership "stunned" and "disheartened".

"We were reassured by Mary Bird Perkins that their preference was to continue our relationship for the radiation and management services they provide," according to a statement from the medical center. "We are very disheartened to see our good work together in cancer care, built over the past decade, being dismantled for out-of-state interests. We’ve all watched these outside groups enter into communities and make decisions strictly for their out-of-state profit and investors."

Mary Bird Perkins owns the building on Essen Lane in Baton Rouge and expects to continue providing services to patients there. The partnership was a cost-saving measure for both organizations which shared in both expenses and profits associated with cancer care. Any profits generated were re-invested back into the joint venture of then-Mary Bird Perkins - Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center.

"As our team currently performs miracles in this COVID-19 surge, we are even more disappointed by Mary Bird Perkins’ decision and dismayed by the swift nature of this out-of-state transaction,"
the statement said.

Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center had formed a partnership with Mary Bird Perkins in the early 1990s and was previously known as Mary Bird Perkins - Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center.


Woman's Hospital has been working with the cancer center since 2017 for breast and gynecologic cancer treatment, now offered at the Woman's campus.
Louisiana State University (LSU) Board of Supervisors, LSUHSC-NO-BR Residential Program Directors, Professors, Academia, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Sisters, Patriarchs, Ordinaries in Peace & Communion with the Apostolic SEE, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (FMOLHS), Executive Board, Stakeholders, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center (OLOL-RMC), and any whose eyes through HIPPA be authorized to read this grievance of injury and medical malfeasance ...

Mark Zielinski M.D. lied to have me excommunicated from largest healthcare provider in state of order of Sisters who befoul Catholic Church WHERE I was inculcated, where I was born, to which I am now apostate, disgraced by professor of alma mater--and of my mother and father's--my disaffiliation, LSU Board of Supervisors ignored communication, messages,  social media posts from date of occurrence, June 2, 2021, during pandemic--I contracted COVID-19, dealing with blackballing BY FMOLHS, which includes Non-Communication, Denial of Service from Primary Care Physician, Dr. J. Robinson M.D., denial of pharmaceuticals, causing  withdrawals, further dismissal  preceding denial of service constituting Physician Abandonment, implemented by order and approval of FMOLHS in violation of laws and rules of federal agencies, through an impenetrable web of secrecy and silence. 


June 2, 2021, Mark Zielinski M.D.'s Actionable Abandonment Malpractice,  FMOLHS OLOL, Provider Negligence and Silent Denial of Grievance Requests, Due Process, Administrative Appeal.

Date Mark Zielinski, Lannis Tynes M.D., PhD., Kathleen Crapanzano M.D., MACM, LSUHSC-NO-BR, and Physicians Group Clinic, September 2021, J. Michael Robinson, M.D., Physicians Group Picardy Clinic, Denial of Treatment, Failure to Prescribe Vital Pharmaceutical Medication, and FMOLHS Blackballing, physician cancellation of appointments, etc.




   United States Federal Agencies have explicitly warned in official statements of intent their decision to fully prosecute opportunistic acts of unlawful process, specifically by discrimination or exploitation of the Coronavirus during Pandemic, any retaliation under federal whistleblower protection, and any by healthcare providers of fraudulent billing or discrimination to the underserved population, pertaining to Medicare and Medicaid, and locally to the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (FMOLHS), Integrated Catholic Healthcare, where after the upheaval that was Bobby Jindal-era privatization and personal enrichment (I know having been unable to criticize the Cheshire Lanthanum Governor), to the Secret Agreement struck with LSU Board of Supervisors--though not until Obama's reviled (by same faction for ending of same) Affordable Care Act, United States' 'most successful healthcare initiative since Medicaid,' bolstering distribution through it, dropping unemployment, and currently ranking as leading industry in America--endowing Franciscan ministry of multiple regional medical centers just in time to save Louisiana's underserved late-start, rural, and overburdened minority population from ranking as worst state for healthcare, into antepenultimate place: Baton Rouge (flagship OLOL), Lafayette, Monroe, Gonzales, Bogalusa, and many other FED funded Satellites, Universities, Educational, Research Centers, and Hospice Care, too numerous to detail.

    I spotlight a rogue medical practitioner (as a matter of moral correctness and self-preservation), and his association with 501(c)(3) managed care organization (MCO), through the 'charism' of Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health Service, henceforth known as (FMOLHS), whose dominion of the Catholic Church (largest non-governmental provider of medical services in the world), guides the self-professed "[l]argest healthcare center in the state;" licensed and reimbursed by the United States Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) Medicare and Medicaid (CSM), through the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), LSU, the State (LA GOV), and its governing bodies.


   In vocation of faith (inspired by St. Francis of Assisi), and instituted as Our Lady of the Lake (OLOL), Baton Rouge flagship by the French mendicant order of Franciscan religiosae (don't call them nuns--they work), a life of prayer and vow of poverty ($3.6 billion buys a lot of scapulars), as an international Third Order Regular, apostolic institute of the Catholic Church, serving through healthcare, education and social services.

That is where the charity stops.


Louisiana State Law

Under Louisiana state law, the definition of a false or fraudulent claim is slightly broader LSA R.S. 46.437.--, “8)


"False or fraudulent claim"

means a claim which the health care provider or his billing agent submits knowing the claim to be false, fictitious, untrue, or misleading in regard to any material information. “

Under state law, (12) "Knowing" or "knowingly" means that the person has actual knowledge of the information or acts in deliberate ignorance or reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information.


Louisiana state law

“a private person (“Qui Tam plaintiff)  may institute a civil action (“Qui Tam Action”) in the courts of this state on behalf of the medical assistance programs and himself to seek recovery

Louisiana State False Claims Penalties

  • Payment of actual damages

  • In addition to actual damages, a civil fine not to exceed 10,000 dollars per violation; OR

  • A civil fine not to exceed three times the value of the illegal remuneration, whichever is greater.

  • Payment of interest on the mandatory civil fine imposed.

   FMOLHS - OLOL Executive Board consists of one Ordinary among Baton Rouge businessmen, well-connected in every aspect of state and local business and politics (as was disgraced President / CEO John Paul Funes, convicted and sentenced on wire fraud in the commission of embezzling cash payments for the benefit of pediatric cancer patients in a Gift Card Swindle of hellish proportions and timeframe, not discovered internally but by Forensic Auditors to FMOLHS CMS books, Funes' taboo seven-year depravity under their nose netted almost $1 million, frivolously used for the adolescent self-aggrandizement of the truly unethical (unspoken by FMOLHS) deed which included, boosterism-on-steroids bribery payouts to two 2018 LSU Tiger Football players, commandeering the FMOLHS Private "Patient Transport" jet to see LSU Tiger Football away-games (one on New Year's Eve with family), and support of a Secret Family in Florida).

    "The medical profession has long subscribed to a body of ethical statements developed primarily for the benefit of the patient. As a member of this profession, a physician must recognize responsibility to patients first and foremost, as well as to society, to other health professionals, and to self." --AMA delegates, AMA Board of Trustees, AMA Councils and AMA Sections

   (The following Principles adopted by the American Medical Association  (AMA - APA), are not laws, but standards of conduct which define the essentials of honorable behavior for the physician.)

     '...[a]rbitrary decisions to exclude a person seeking mental health treatment based on information obtained through dubious means which may or may not be correct, further stigmatizes and discriminates, and penalizes patients for behaviors that could be the result of illness, and decreases access to care, in direct contravention of principles enjoining physicians to ...'

     '... [s]upport access to medical care for all people,' and

    '... [b]e dedicated to providing competent medical care with compassion and respect for human dignity and rights.' 
Sections 1, 2, and 9, PMEAEAP



is also required to abide by these rules for physician, same as applies to FMOLHS institution, by which licensure to practice medicine in a state by State Board, Federal agency superimposition mandates to state, through bylaws, official departments, associations and committees; whereby Louisiana Law governs and recognizes as part, section, or both, American Medical Association (AMA), and American Psychiatric Association (APA), under whose specialized designation physicians and psychiatrists are sworn, and upon failure to uphold these, penalized or censured.

    I was victim to Physician Abandonment, as recognized and defined by AMA Code of Medical Ethics, terminated of clinic and medical attention, access to vital pharmaceutical medicines, and therapeutic visits during time of COVID-19 and DELTA Pandemic uncertainty.

I formally request reinstatement my rights to seek medical treatment at FMOLHS OLOL and its facilities as provided by their official Patient Rights, whereby, having been unlawfully denied these services through medical fraud by FMOLHS, OLOL, LSU School of Medicine (LSU-HSC BR), Residential Program, and designated clinic of psychiatry at O'Donovan by Mark Zielinski M.D., through administrative mishandling, and punishment for alleged, untruthful, non-injurious, third-party report of his nurse, to facilitate my severance, in retribution from Mark Zielinski M.D., and three organizations, through whose employ he is  also designated a Louisiana Civil Servant of the state, LSU Board of Supervisors, Directors, Supervisors, Professors, bound to uphold code of ethics.

    whereby 20 minutes before I was to patch through for a Televisit ...

        I was interrupted by Mark Zielinski's new Office Manager who explained to me that Dr. Zielinski had delegated her to inform me that as of "right now," I was no longer to be seen by him.

    And with no referrals, no answers to inquiries about appeal, and no information about records or vital pharmaceutical medication taken daily, I was abandoned by Zielinski and of his practice of  clinic affiliation--a malevolent cutthroat whose lie was as injurious as the stab to the spine which sent me to the floor.

        No person shall make any false statement, certificate, mark, rating, form or report with regard to any application, test, certification, personnel transaction, appointment or employment made under any provision of the Article, the Rules, or a regulation of the Department of Civil Service, or in any manner commit or attempt to commit any fraud preventing the impartial execution of the Article, Rules and regulations.


Conflicts Between Ethics and Organizational Demands  

If the demands of an organization with which psychologists are affiliated or for whom they are working are in conflict with this Ethics Code, psychologists clarify the nature of the conflict, make known their commitment to the Ethics Code, and take reasonable steps to resolve the conflict consistent with the General Principles and Ethical Standards of the Ethics Code. Under no circumstances may this standard be used to justify or defend violating human rights.           

   15. The collective conscience is sorry only upon being discovered--no communication to make right shameful abidance, instead supporting and hiding action by physician representing them ... disgraced as Apostolic Brethren of Diocesan Church, who having been ordered to confess and seek redemption by Holy Father, have seen the virtue of Catechism.

            16. Federal, State, Criminal Laws broken by these parties. Time over for response, I have been forced to slog through long avenues of jurisdictions, agencies, committees, and boards,  to consider cost, and time, waiting for FMOLHS to exhaust every trick in its highly paid legal diversionary tactics employed already, and doubtlessly doubled in future, which shall certainly be insufferable and tedious to what they realize is an impossible disputation to defend.

Dare lie as to its truth--"indulgentia a culpa et a poena".   

As St. Thomas says (Supplement.25.1 ad 2um), "He who gains indulgences is not thereby released outright from what he owes as penalty, but is provided with the means of paying it."

The Church therefore neither leaves the penitent helplessly in debt nor acquits him of all further accounting; she enables him to meet his obligations.


            Please detail your complaint allegations concisely, including the name, date of birth and date of admission for the patient involved.

            complaint allegations involved an incident with a staff member or department of the facility, please be sure to include the name of the staff person involved and his/her title (eg. R.N., LPN, aide etc.), date that it occurred, and the name of the particular department that was involved (i.e. radiology, surgery, kitchen, dining room, etc.).

            Complaint forms received by Health Standards Section are reviewed and a determination is made as to the course of action.

            If the facility fails to send you a written response within 30 days, you may contact our office to file a complaint.

            Please include a copy of your original complaint letter that was mailed to the facility along with a completed complaint form.

            Please return the complaint form to

            Health Standards Section: Mail:

            Health Standards Section PO Box 3767 Baton Rouge, LA 70821
            Phone: 225.342.0138 Fax: 225.342.5073


Dear Mr. Patrick Gillies Medicaid Executive Director State of Louisiana Department of Health 628 N 4th Street P.O. Box 91030 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9030

Kathleen Crapanzano, MD, MACM
Program Director LSU Psychiatry Residency Program-Baton Rouge
5246 Brittany Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Ph: 225-757-4212   

etymology of the word “humiliation” has a universal characteristic in the sense that in all languages the word involves “downward spatial orientation” in which “something or someone is pushed down and forcefully held there”.

This approach is common in judicial decisions where judges refer to violations of human dignity as injuries to people's self-worth or their self-esteem.

Instrumentation or objectificationDehumanization

    This aspect refers to treating a person as an instrument or as means to achieve some other goal. This approach builds on Immanuel Kant's moral imperative stipulating that we should treat people as ends or goals in themselves, namely as having ultimate moral worth which should not be instrumentalized.


    Violations of human dignity as degradation refer to acts that degrade the value of human beings. even if done by consent, convey a message that diminishes the importance or value of all human beings. modern society generally considers unacceptable for human beings,such as selling oneself to slavery, orprisoners in inhuman living conditions.

     strip a person or a group of their human characteristics describing or treating them as animals or as a lower type of human being genocides Holocaust and in Rwandaminority were compared to insects.

Marcus Bachhuber Chief Medical Officer

Tara Leblanc Medicaid Deputy Director - Eligibility Division    

Michael Boutte Medicaid Deputy Director Program Operations  


Kelly Zimmerman Interim Medicaid Deputy Dir Pol Public Aff

Daniel Cocran CFO:

Mitzi Hochheiser Chief Technology Officer

medical directors of the managed care organizations (MCO)


maintain the quality of Medicaid Program by contributing knowledge available within Medicaid, with individuals, organizations and institutions with Louisiana Department of Health WHO receive, provide and/or pay for medical care services.

The term "practitioner" means a physician, pharmacy, hospital, or person licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted, by the United States or the jurisdiction in which he practices or does research, to distribute, dispense, conduct research with a controlled substance in the course of professional practice or research.