January 13, 2022

Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 30 - Financial Liability Protections (Rev. 10862, 07-14-21) Transmittals

Medicare Claims Processing Manual

Chapter 30 - Financial Liability Protections

(Rev. 10862, 07-14-21)

10 - Financial Liability Protections (FLP) Provisions

20 - Limitation On Liability (LOL) Under §1879 Where Medicare Claims Are Denied

20.1 - LOL Coverage Denials to Which the Limitation on Liability Applies

20.2 - Denials When the LOL Provision Does Not Apply

20.2.1 - Categorical Denials

30 - Determining Liability for Disallowed Claims Under §1879

30.1 - Beneficiary’s Knowledge and Liability

30.1.1 - Other Evidence of Knowledge

30.2 - Healthcare Provider or Supplier Knowledge and Liability

30.2.1 - Evidence of Healthcare Provider or Supplier Knowledge

30.2.2 - Medical Record Evidence of Healthcare Provider or Supplier

30.2.3 - Acceptable Standards of Practice
30.3 – The Right to Appeal

30.4 - Fraud, Abuse, Patently Unnecessary Items and Services

40 - Written Notice as Evidence of Knowledge

40.1 - Sources of Written Notice

40.2 - Written Notice Standards

40.2.1 - Other Written Notice Standards

40.2.2 - Written Notice Special Considerations

40.3 - Medical Emergency or Otherwise Under Great Duress Situations

40.4- Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)



50.2.1 - Optional ABN Uses

50 -
Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (ABN)
50.1 - ABN Scope

50.2 - ABN Uses

50.3 - Issuance of the ABN

50.4 - ABN Triggering Events
50.5 - ABN Standards

50.6 - Completing the ABN

50.7 - Retention Requirements

50.8 - ABN Delivery Requirements

50.8.1 – Options for Delivery Other than In-Person

50.9 - Effects of Lack of Notification, Medicare Review and Claim Adjudication

50.10 - Using ABNs for Medical Equipment and Supplies Claims When Denials
Under §1834(a)(17)(B) of the Act (Prohibition Against Unsolicited Telephone
Contacts) Are Expected

50.11 - ABNs for Medical Equipment and Supplies Claims Denied Under
§1834(j)(1) of the Act (Because the Supplier Did Not Meet Supplier Number

50.12 - ABNs for Claims Denied in Advance Under §1834(a)(15) of the Act

50.13 - ABN Standards for Upgraded Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics,
Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS)

50.14 - ABNs for items listed in a DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program (CBP)

50.15 - Collection of Funds and Refunds

50.15.1 - Physicians’ Services RR

50.15.2 - DMEPOS RR Provision for Claims for Medical Equipment and

50.15.3 - Time Limits and Penalties for Healthcare Providers and
Suppliers in Making Refunds

50.15.4 - Supplier’s Right to Recover Resalable Items for Which Refund
Has Been Made

50.16 - CMS Regional Office (RO) Referral Procedures

50.17 - ABN Special Considerations

60 - Home Health Change of Care Notice (HHCCN), Form CMS-10280

60.1 - Background on the HHCCN

60.2 - Scope of the HHCCN

60.3 - Triggering Events for HHCCN/ Written Notice

60.4 - Completing the HHCCN

60.5 - HHCCN Delivery

70 - Skilled Nursing Facility Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (SNF ABN)

70.1 -
SNF ABN Standards
70.2 - Situations in Which a SNF ABN Should Be Given

70.3 - Situations in Which a SNF ABN Is Not Needed to Transfer Financial Liability to
the Beneficiary

70.4 - SNF ABN Specific Delivery Issues

70.5 - Special Rules for SNF ABNs

70.6 - Establishing When Beneficiary Is On Notice of Non-coverage

70.6.1 - Source of Beneficiary Notification

80 - Hospital ABNs (Hospital-Issued Notices of Noncoverage - HINN)

100 - Indemnification Procedures for Claims Falling Within the Limitation on Liability

100.1 - Contractor and Social Security Office (SSO) Responsibility in
Indemnification Claims

100.2 - Conditions for Indemnification

100.3 - Development and Documentation of Indemnification Requests

100.3.1 - Proof of Payment

100.4 - Beneficiary Requests Indemnification, but Had No Financial Interest in
the Claim

100.5 - Questionable Indemnification Requests Procedure

100.6 - Determining the Amount of Indemnification

100.7 - Notifying the Provider, Practitioner, or Supplier

100.8 - Making Payment Under Indemnification

100.9 - Limitation on Liability Determination Does Not Affect Medicare

100.10 - Exhibits

Exhibit 1 - Letter to Provider

Exhibit 2 - Letter to Beneficiary Who Requests Indemnification

Exhibit 3 - Letter to Someone Other Than Beneficiary Who Requests

Exhibit 4 - Letter to Practitioner or Supplier (Noninstitutional Services)

Exhibit 5 - Letter to Beneficiary Who Requests Indemnification
(Noninstitutional Services)

Exhibit 6 - Letter to Someone Other Than Beneficiary Who Requests
Indemnification (Noninstitutional Services)

Exhibit 7 - Statement of Claimant or Other Person

110 - Contractor Instructions for Application of Limitation On Liability

110.1 - Payment Under Limitation on Liability

110.2 - When to Make Limitation on Liability Decisions
110.3 - Preparation of Denial Notices

110.4 - Bill Processing

110.5 - Contractor Review of ABNs

110.5.1 - General Rules

110.5.2 - Situations in Which Contractor Review of ABNs is Indicated

110.5.3 - Other Reasons for Contractor Request for Copies of ABNs

120 - Contractor Specific Instructions for Application of Limitation on Liability

120.1 - Documentation of Notices Regarding Coverage

120.2 - Availability of Coverage Notices to Operating Personnel

120.3 - Applicability of Limitation on Liability Provision to Claims for Outpatient
Physical Therapy Services Furnished by Clinics

120.4 - Limitation on Liability Notices to Beneficiaries From Contractors

120.5 - Contractor Redeterminaions or Reconsiderations in Assignment Cases
Conducted at the Request of Either the Beneficiary or the Assignee

120.5.1 - Guide Paragraphs for Contractors to Use Where §1879 Is
Applicable at Redetermination Level

130 - A/B MAC (A) and (HHH) Specific Instructions for Application of Limitation on

130.1 - Applicability of the Limitation on Liability Provision to Claims for
Ancillary, Outpatient Provider and Rural Health Clinic Services Payable Under
Part B

130.1.1 - Determining Beneficiary Liability in Claims for Ancillary and
Outpatient Services

130.1.2 - Determining Provider Liability in Claims for Ancillary and
Outpatient Services

130.2 - Prior Hospitalization and Transfer Requirements for SNF Coverage as
Related to Limitation on Liability

130.3 - Application of Limitation on Liability to SNF and Hospital Claims for
Services Furnished in Noncertified or Inappropriately Certified Beds

130.4 - Determining Liability for Services Furnished in a Noncertified SNF or
Hospital Bed

140 - Physician Refund Requirements (RR) Provision for Nonassigned Claims for
Physicians Services Under §1842(l) - Instructions for Contractors and Physicians

140.1 - Services Furnished Before October 1, 1987

140.2 - Services Furnished Beginning October 1, 1987

140.3 - Time Limits for Making Refunds
140.4 - Situations Where a Refund Is Not Required

140.5 - Appeal Rights
140.6 - Processing Initial Denials

140.6.1 - Initial Beneficiary Notices

140.6.2 - Initial Physician Notices

140.7 - Processing Beneficiary Requests for Appeal

140.8 - Processing Physician Requests for Appeal

140.8.1 - Appeal of the Denial or Reduction in Payment

140.8.2 - Beneficiary Given ABN and Agreed to Pay

140.8.3 - Physician Knowledge

140.9 - Guide Paragraphs for Inclusion in Appeal Determination

140.10 - Physician Fails to Make Refund

140.11 - OIG Referral Procedures

140.12 - Imposition of Sanctions

150 - DMEPOS Refund Requirements (RR) Provision for Claims for Medical Equipment
and Supplies under §§1834(a)(18), 1834(j)(4), and 1879(h) - Instructions for Contractors
and Suppliers

150.1 - Definition of Medical Equipment and Supplies

150.1.1 - Unassigned Claims Denied on the Basis of the Prohibition on

Unsolicited Telephone Contacts

150.1.2 - Unassigned Claims Denied on the Basis of Not Being
Reasonable and Necessary

150.1.3 - Unassigned Claims Denied on the Basis of Failure of the
Supplier to Meet Supplier Number Requirements

150.1.4 - Assigned Claims Denied on the Basis of the Prohibition on
Unsolicited Telephone Contacts

150.1.5 - Assigned Claims Denied on the Basis of Failure of the Supplier
to Meet Supplier Number Requirements

150.1.6 - Assigned Claims Denied on the Basis of Not Being Reasonable
and Necessary

150.2 - Items and Services Furnished on an Unassigned Basis on or After January
1, 1995

150.3 - Items and Services Furnished On an Assigned Basis On or After January
1, 1995

150.4 - Time Limits for Making Refunds

150.5 - Supplier Knowledge Standards for Waiver of Refund Requirement

150.5.1 - Knowledge Standards for §1862(a)(1) Denials
150.5.2 - Knowledge Standards for §1834(a)(15) Denials - Denial of Payment in Advance - When a Request for an Advance Determination of
Coverage Is Mandatory - When a Request for an Advance Determination of
Coverage Is Optional - Presumption for Constructive Notice - Presumption When Advance Determination was
Requested - Presumption for Listed Overutilized Items - Presumption for Listed Suppliers - Presumption for Medical Necessity - Presumption About Beneficiary Knowledge

150.5.3 - Knowledge Standards for §1834(a)(17)(B) Denials

150.5.4 - Knowledge Standards for §1834(j)(1) Denials

150.5.5 - Additional Knowledge Standards for All Medical Equipment and
Supplies Denials

150.6 - Advance Beneficiary Notice Standards for Waiver of Refund Requirement

150.7 - Appeal Rights

150.8 - Processing Initial Denials

150.9 - Processing Beneficiary Requests for Appeal

150.10 - Processing Supplier Requests for Appeal

150.10.1 - Appeal of the Denial of Payment

150.10.2 - Beneficiary Given Advance Beneficiary Notice and Agreed to

150.10.3 - Supplier Knowledge

150.11 - Guide Paragraphs for Inclusion in Appeal Determination

150.12 - Supplier Fails to Make Refund

150.13 - CMS Regional Office (RO) Referral Procedures

150.14 - Imposition of Sanctions

150.15 - Supplier’s Right to Recover Resaleable Items for Which Refund Has
Been Made

200 - Expedited Review Process for Hospital Inpatients in Original Medicare

200.1- Scope of the Instructions

200.2 - Special Considerations

200.3 - Notifying Beneficiaries of their Right to an Expedited Review
200.3.1 - Delivery of the Important Message from Medicare

200.3.2 - The Follow-Up Copy of the Signed Important Message from

200.4 - Rules and Responsibilities when a Beneficiary Requests an Expedited

200.4.1 - The Role of the Beneficiary and Liability

200.4.2 - The Responsibilities of the Hospital

200.4.3 - The Role of the QIOs

200.4.4 - Effect of a QIO Expedited Determination

200.5 - General Notice Requirements

200.5.1 - Number of Copies

200.5.2 - Reproduction

200.5.3 - Length and Page Size

200.5.4 - Contrast of Paper and Print

200.5.5 - Modification

200.5.6 - Font

200.5.7 - Customization

200.5.8 - Retention of the Notices

200.6 - Completing the Notices

200.6.1 - Translated Notices

200.6.2 Exhibit 1 - An Important Message from Medicare (CMS-R-193)
and Form Instructions

200.6.3 Exhibit 2 - The Detailed Notice of Discharge (CMS 10066) and
Form Instructions

220 - Hospital Requested Expedited Review

220.1 - Responsibilities of the Hospital

220.2 - Responsibilities of the QIO

220.3 - Effect of the Hospital Requested Expedited Determination

220.4 - General Notice Requirements

220.5 - Exhibit 3 - Model Language Notice of Hospital Requested Review (HRR)

240 - Preadmission/Admission Hospital Issued Notice of Noncoverage (HINN)

240.1 - Delivery of the Preadmission/Admission HINN

 240.2 - Notice Delivery Timeframes and Liability

240.3 - Timeframes for Submitting a Request for a QIO Review
240.4 - Results of the QIO Review
240.5 - Effect of the QIO Review
240.6 - Exhibit 4 - Model Language Preadmission/Admission Hospital Issued
Notice of Noncoverage
260 - Expedited Determinations of Provider Service Terminations
260.1 - Statutory Authority
260.2 - Scope
260.2.1 - Exceptions
260.3 - Notice of Medicare Non-Coverage
260.3.1 - Alterations to the NOMNC
260.3.2 - Completing the NOMNC
260.3.3 - Provider Delivery of the NOMNC
260.3.4 - Required Delivery Timeframes
260.3.5 - Refusal to Sign the NOMNC
260.3.6 - Financial Liability for Failure to Deliver a Valid NOMNC
260.3.7 - Amending the Date of the NOMNC
260.3.8 - NOMNC Delivery to Representatives
260.3.9 - Notice Retention for the NOMNC
260.3.10- Hours of NOMNC Delivery
260.4 - Expedited Determination Process
260.4.1 - Beneficiary Responsibilities - Timeframe for Requesting an Expedited Determination - Provide Information to QIO - Obtain Physician Certification of Risk (Home Health
and CORF services only)
260.4.2 - Beneficiary Liability During QIO Review
260.4.3 - Untimely Requests for Review
260.4.4 - Provider Responsibilities
260.4.5 - The Detailed Explanation of Non-Coverage
260.5 - QIO Responsibilities
260.5.1 - Receive Beneficiary Requests for Expedited Review