March 6, 2022

Two things s t r e t c h in the days before summer: Big Russian bears and big Russian Ears--Diary of M. Zielinski by author of "Failed Missionaries of the Lake: Last Resistance, Last Rites, and Apostolic Defiance of FMOLHS

Two things     s t r e t c h 

in the days before summer Big Russian bears and big Russian Ears--by @mrjyn Diary of Two M. #Zielinski Involuntary Disenrollment Ethics

by author of "Failed Missionaries of the Lake:  Last Resistance, Last Rites--Apostolic Defiance of FMOLHS

Две вещи растягиваются в дни перед летом.

Большие русские медведи.

Большие русские уши.

Two things stretch in the days before summer. Big Russian bears. The ethics of forced exclusion from health care


Failed Missionaries of the Lake: Last Resistance and Last Rites--Apostolic Defiance of Third Order FMOLHS

 До прошлой зимы тянутся две вещи: Большие русские медведи и большие русские уши. by mrjyn из передовой галеры, агиографии. Дневник двух М. Зелински. Этика принудительного исключения из школы

"Morally-Indefensible" Pediatric Cancer Embezzlement by Baton Rouge Health System's Own CEO, John Paul Funes:  How HHS-OIG, Medicaid, and the

U.S. Federal Government Multi-agency and

Task Force Endowment 


Prosecutorial Privilege 


Catholic 501-(c)(3)

Healthcare  Fraud 

and Post-Pandemic Austerity



«Мне все равно, нравишься ли ты мне!» 

published by Vow of Non-Charism



My DNR Abortionfactent Last Resistance Last Rites: 

Radicalized Apostolic Ethics,

Vow of Non-Charism,

Non-profit Laundering

in Our Lady Muerte

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Henderson's Note

The bull of pope Adrian IV., long has been, and still is, an apple of discord among scholars. Is it a genuine document or not ? The question is a weighty one, for the transaction it bears witness to was the first step towards the annexation of Ireland to England-an annexation which really took place, after a warlike expedition, sixteen years later. That a papal bull was dispatched to England about this time and concerning this matter is certain. That this was the actual bull sent is doubted by many-I myself am not among the number-from the fact that in form and wording it differs from other papal bulls of the time. The question is still being investigated, and we are promised a word from a certain Berlin professor whose authority is very great in such matters.

It is interesting to note that the claim of Adrian IV., here advanced, to jurisdiction over all islands was founded, as we learn from John of Salisbury, on the forged donation of Constantine (v. Book iii. No. iii.). Urban II. had disposed of Corsica under the same pretension. Lord Lyttleton in his still valuable History of Henry II. (vol. v. p. 67) speaks as follows concerning this whole transaction: "Upon the whole, therefore, this bull, like many before and many since, was the mere effect of a league between the papal and regal powers, to abet and assist each other's usurpations; nor is it easy to say whether more disturbance to the world, and more iniquity, have arisen from their acting conjointly, or from the opposition which the former has made to the latter! In this instance the best, or indeed the sole excuse for the proceedings of either, was the savage state of the Irish, to whom it might be beneficial to be conquered, and broken thereby to the salutary discipline of civil order and good laws."



Laudabiliter was a bull issued in 1155 by Pope Adrian IV, the only Englishman to have served in that office. Existence of the bull has been disputed by scholars over the centuries; no copy is extant but scholars cite the many references to it as early as the 13th century to support the validity of its existence.[1] The bull purports to grant the right to the Angevin King Henry II of England to invade and govern Ireland and to enforce the Gregorian Reforms on the semi-autonomous Christian Church in Ireland. Richard de Clare ("Strongbow") and the other leaders of the Norman invasion of Ireland (1169–71) claimed that Laudabiliter authorised the invasion. These Cambro-Norman knights were retained by Diarmuid MacMorrough, the deposed King of Leinster, as an ally in his fight with the High King of Ireland, Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair.