cover photo from Korean Girl Groups Instagram

“If you look rigorously, the letter ‘L’ on stands for ‘Lisa’ and ‘Lalisa’”
Lisa of Blackpink
First, after every person in fandom has come back from Wikipedia and whatever its E.P. entry has on tap for blinkdom, get a load of the takeaway menu here:
after how many years / prev. solo releases (still not covering the entire QUARTET! NOT OCTET, NOT SEXTET--QUAR--4--TET--one left), as if issued shellacked off the lathe AND biked over from the Occupied Police State of the DMZ, where Teddy Park, sweating mightily holding Master ... nope. You time travelin', boy. Ain't no master here ... cept dat ... nevermind--just to say, this could'a come from the same era as other unfortunate incidents of repressive, protected quantum-leaps of reversible ignorance and possibility--forgivable in one instance only--E=Mc2; but Gregorian consciousness shared now for some, not a few decades past--not shared for others--whose unfortunate affairs we now ship together in global appreciation, occidentally on purpose, whose day of Robert Johnson, if we should be stanning his K-Hellhound, would be in receipt of it--if everything is correct in lyrics to (I'd Like to Get You on A) Slow Boat to China -- whose authors were hoping for a breakdown in modern transportation, and the eventuality of the cultural inhibitions whose Titanic implications cross Time, but which at Light Speed, where in the time period in which I have consumed the original product, and since humanly possible to do so, have seen a sampling of memes, as well as fifteen-thousand fan-edits in the first hour of release, have wanted nothing so much as a High Speed TVA Train to Seoul, in order that I might politely bang on the doors of YG International House of KCamp Rations Hideaway, to tell the powers that be, that this ain't M.A.S.H., and they ain't Hawkeye--and Radar needs more records to play for Hotlips Houlihan and Frank to make-out to at next weekend's Cocktail Party Dance.