May 14, 2011

VIDEO [FIRST Cannes Starlettes]

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Dogmeat wrote:

... [Bonjour, I...]

... 'm the rebel who eventually convinced FB to let 'Who're' in a sentence on ALL SOCIAL NETWORKS and sentence  NETWORKS , and other violations or attacks on me as an individual or with you, in our group, or when you or we collectively or independently disrobe, or exhibit group-nudity... facebookcares»more


  • Craphound6

Valid CSS!
VIDEO [FIRST FESTIVAL Cannes Starlettes] ...'REBEL convinced FB to let "Who're"... [Bonjour, I...Facebook...'m...]
thanks for coming to Dogmeat

*:first-child, blockquote.posterous_medium_quote > *:first-child { margin-top : 10px !important ; } blockquote.posterous_short_quote:before, blockquote.posterous_medium_quote:before { content : open-quote; height : 0; color : #ccc; display : block; font : 32px Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, seri ...»See Ya