July 17, 2010

Swiss Hundfleische

Swiss  Hundfleische

It is not my intention that anyone prepare and eat this. Like the instructions for full auto firearm conversions, it is offered for informational purposes only. In particular, i wish to counter the notion commonly encountered online that eating dogmeat is specifically a Korean practice. I found this recipe in the book Unmentionable Cuisine, by Calvin W Schwabe, where it is reported that the only recent cases of trichinosis in Switzerland resulted from eating undercooked dog, rather than the pork with which that parasite is usually associated. Incidently, many Swiss prefer horsemeat to beef for fondue.

Hang a dressed dog carcass for eight to ten days at about thirty six degrees Farenheit and then debone it, retaining as large pieces as possible. Pack these in oak barrels, in the following salt mixture for seven days at forty five to fifty degrees Farenheit: for each twenty pounds of meat, use seven ounces salt, one sixth ounce saltpeter, one third ounce sugar, one third ounce cracked black peppercorns, and one half bay leaf. Repack after two days, putting the pieces from the top on the bottom. Liquid will be drawn from the meat. After seven days, add some red wine with crushed garlic to the brine and let sit for several more days. After this curing, rinse the meat with warmish water, but do not soak. Run a piece of binding cord thru the end of each piece of meat and press it between two boards in an open sided press in a drying room at fifty to fifty five degrees Farenheit and seventy two to seventy five percent humidity for five to six weeks. After pressing, hang the meat in the same drying room until fully dry; six to twenty weeks. The dried dogmeat is traditionally sliced paper thin for serving; the recipe gives no information about condiments or side dishes.

I have a dog. Thanks for giving me one more reason to hate Old Europe.

Posted by: Brian B at September 3, 2004 10:59 AM

American Indians and trappers ate dog regularly. Dogs were the first beasts of burden for many tribes and when you are starving you eat your beasts of burden.

Some tribes bred dogs for lean times. since the animals were pretty much self-sufficient, it required very little "overhead" to maintain a good pack. Horseflesh was actually the prefered meat for most of the western tribes, but dog was a pretty good second.

I had a soup in Korea called Po Shin Tong made with dog. I didn't know it at the time and it was pretty tastey. Not saying I would choose to eat it again, but to some meat is meat and anything beyond that is just preference.

Posted by: Joel (No Pundit Intended) at September 4, 2004 02:42 PM

i wonder if it tastes like chicken.
but i bet it tastes more like duck.

Posted by: wah lee at September 5, 2004 06:27 PM

I declare jihad on you moral relativists who claim "beyond that, meat is meat!"

A pox on all your houses!

My the fleas of a thousand puppies infest your domiciles!

May your wimmin go barren, and your children grow up to be Democrats!

Wait - that's an oxymoron.

Oh well, never mind.

Posted by: John of Argghhh! at September 7, 2004 04:09 PM

All preference aside, I couldn't eat dog after having one as a pet.

Which is why I'll never have a pet cow.

Posted by: Brian B at September 7, 2004 07:12 PM

Damn! That's over half a year to prepare a dog for pizza topping. Doesn't sound like the Swiss were into hund for lean times. The preparation alone takes up more time than a college semester. More like an interminable festival of dog.

Posted by: Velociman at September 7, 2004 08:45 PM

I hear dog's more like very lean pork or long pig. Moth eggs are like almonds, everything else is like chicken to my knowlege. House sat for some people who had a pee porn collection which said that good urine tastes like chicken soup. Think there could just be a conspiracy going on to put us all off of chicken?

Posted via email from Dogmeat