posterousHi Limbs
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For those of you who download videos from YouTube with Video DownloadHelper, Read HERE (I've just installed the NEW version. I'll update after trying)
Video DownloadHelper Support
Javascript must be enabled in your browser to use the support service
Your question is related to:
Since recently, you are experiencing problems downloading videos from YouTube
Conversion & registration (lost registration key, key not received, problem converting files, ...)
Not being able to capture from a particular site
Another Video DownloadHelper issue (installing the extension, downloading from sites, bug report, feature request, ...)
Problem on the or web sites
Every time you start your browser, you get directed to the siteStarting July 20th, you don't get YouTube HQ videos in the download menu and one of the displayed entries does not lead to a successful completion.
This is due to recent changes on YouTube and we have implemented a fix for this.
Before releasing a new public version, we would appreciate you give a try to this new version and confirm the fix and/or report any undesired side effect to
The new version can be downloaded from this location.
Thanks for your help.
Does this answer your question ? Yes No
(VIDEO) First NEW YouTube Pre-release iFrame Embed (YouTube API Blog - Developers only) DETAILS Forthcoming
(video) I'd like to buy Rachel Riley's vowel's and give her a few of my consonants
New Way To Embed YouTube Videos via YouTube API Blog
A New Way To Embed
YouTube - limbsandthings1YouTube Videos
Posted: 22 Jul 2010 10:54 AM PDT
<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="385" src="" frameborder="0">An enhancement to our video embed capability is now available through a new embed code style. This new style uses <iframe> and looks like this:
If you use the new embed code style, your viewers will be able to view your embedded video in one of our Flash or HTML5 players, depending on their viewing environment and preferences. Environments that support the HTML5 video player are listed here on our HTML5 settings page. In instances where HTML5 isn't supported (e.g. our HTML5 player can't play videos with ads), we use Flash.
An additional benefit of the new embed style is that it will eventually allow embeds to work on mobile devices, which typically use a built-in player instead of Flash or HTML5.
Before we make this new embed code the standard for our general users, we wanted to give our developer community a preview. While there may be some limitations, please try it out and let us know how it went.
Toliver Jue, Software Engineer
recently learned some dance moves from “黄帝心仙人".![]()
MyStudiyo - What Gets Me Hot?
VIDEO Archive Roundup See Ya At What Gets Me Hot Feb 15, 2009
Pachinko 0823305500 mrjyn HONORED, I'M PRETTY SURE!
(Posterous video) Tony Alamo: America's Most Wanted Evangelist
(Video) Posterous Autopost. Now Simpler than Ever (but are you sure that's the right word: I'm thinking: "over time its elegance will show itself like a math problem")
(Video) Posterous Autopost. Now Simpler than Ever (but are you sure that's the right word: I'm thinking: "over time its elegance will show itself like a math problem")
Over the past few months, we've had a lot of great interactions with our users --- you've sent in your tweets and emails, and we've read every single one (in fact, if you emailed Posterous yesterday, you probably got a response from Jackson, our user experience lead). We've heard a lot from you about how much you love the ease of posting to your different sites and we've also heard a lot of your feedback about how to make autoposting even better.
Using your feedback, we reimagined a new interface for our Autopost feature. In the new design, we give you more control over where your posts are published and who can publish them. We've focused on this aspect because all of us have different social groups; we might have a company softball team with its own Posterous blog and Flickr account, and we might have a personal food blog that we'd like to connect to a Twitter profile. We don't want posts to our food blog to end up on our softball team's Flickr, and vice versa.
With these updates, managing multiple Posterous sites and their associated autopost destinations is much simpler and more intuitive. You can easily link a specific autopost destination to a Posterous site. As the site owner, you can share your autopost sites with your site's contributors, allowing them to post to your Facebook or Twitter account. All of these improvements make autoposting more intuitive, especially for collaborative blogs among teams, classmates, and friends.
To help you check out these updates, Jackson and Alexa made a few screen casts -- Autopost Basics and What's New for Advanced Users. Check them out!
Embedded media -- click here to see it.
Wordle Dogmeat
How You Can Build the Soundtrack to Life In A Day (please god, don't let me use the YouTube API for Evil)
口業 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NEW! Posterous Dogmeat Random China Wiki Possum Poster
via Random China Wiki Possum Poster
FAA certifies GE GEnx-2B and CF34-10A engines
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration on Thursday issued airworthiness engine certifications for GE's GEnx-2B and CF34-10A engines.
The GEnx-2B powers Boeing's 747-8 Freighter, which is in flight testing, and 747-8 Intercontinental, the passenger version that has started final assembly. It has accumulated more than 2,600 hours of testing and more than 4,300 cycles on the ground and the flying testbed, according to GE.
The engine is 15 percent more fuel efficient than the CF6 engine, which it is replacing, uses a twin-annular pre-swirl that will cut nitrogen oxide emissions by as much as 60 percent from current regulatory limits and other regulated gases as much as 90 percent and will be GE's quietest-ever engine, based on the ratio of decibels to pounds of thrust.
GE has more than 400 orders for the engine, which is scheduled to enter service late this year or in early January on the first 747-8 Freighter delivered to launch customer Cargolux. The GEnx-1B is one of two engines Boeing offers on its 787 Dreamliner.
Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China has chosen the CF34-10A engine to power its new ARJ21 regional jet, which is scheduled to enter service in 2011 and has 240 announced orders.
(VIDEO) "Money can not buy happiness" said Apple Daily Cartoon (I think this is about a rich guy who gave it away...or Tiger Woods?)
Karl Rabeder "money can not buy happiness" said: "Money will be happy to stop coming"
Embedded media -- click here to see it.
Apple moving news: / although often heard that "money can not buy happiness" is always the money no one will be too many. 但奧地利47歲富豪拉伯德( Karl Rabeder)卻是個例外。 However, Austria 47-year-old Regal La Bode (Karl Rabeder) is an exception. 他有錢不快樂,逐步變賣他的豪宅和生意,把所有財富捐做善事。 He was unhappy rich, gradually sell his mansion and businesses to donate to charity all the wealth. 他說:「金錢只會阻止快樂來臨。」 He said: "Money will be happy to stop coming."雖然經常聽說「錢買不到快樂」,始終錢沒有人會嫌多。但奧地利 47歲富豪拉伯德( Karl Rabeder)卻是個例外。他有錢不快樂,逐步變賣他的豪宅和生意,把所有財富捐做 善事。他說:「金錢只會阻止快樂來臨。」
Posted via email from Dogmeat