September 15, 2009

Patrik SwazyeCharisma - a talent for running long

Patrik Swazye


- a talent for running long

15 Septembrie 2009 September 15, 2009
Amalia Nita Amalia Nita
Am strabatut o vreme in care renuntasem la a ne mai da binete cu „Buna“ sau „Ce mai faci?“ pentru a ne saluta cu intrebarea „Ai vazut Dirty Dancing?“ Eram indragostite de actorul, dansatorul, coregraful si cantaretul Patrick Swayze. I went through a time when we give up so greeting with "Good" or "How are you?" To welcome us to the question "Have you seen Dirty Dancing?" I love the actor, dancer, choreographer and singer Patrick Swayze. Un barbat frumos, o personalitate care atrage pasiune, admiratie si curiozitate. A beautiful man, a personality that attracts passion, admiration and curiosity. Dupa celebritatea adusa de „Dirty Dancing“ a respins eticheta „baiatului frumos si atat“ si a intruchipat personaje controversate, demonstrand ca este mai mult decat o aparitie fermecatoare. After the fame brought by "Dirty Dancing" has rejected the label "beautiful boy and so" and to embody controversial characters, demonstrating that it is more than just a charming appearance. Iar de curand, de cand se lupta cu boala necrutatoare care-l mistuie, ofera dovada suprema a dragostei sale pentru actorie, filmand in continuare. And recently, since struggle with terrible affliction that you consume, provide the ultimate proof of his love for acting, filming continues. Si chiar dupa ce va fi curs genericul final, Patrick Swayze va ramane un luptator, o combinatie tulburatoare de forta si sensibilitate. And even after the generic course will be final, Patrick Swayze will remain a fighter, a thrilling combination of strength and sensitivity.
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Un baiat din Texas, indragostit de miscare A guy from Texas, love of movement

Venit pe lume la Houston, in Texas, pe 18 august 1952, sub semnul aprigei zodii a leului, Patrick Swayze a fost indrumat de o mama dedicata dansului, pasiune care sa transmis si fiului. Came along to Houston, Texas, on August 18, 1952, under fierce Zodiac sign of Leo, Patrick Swayze was guided by a dedicated mother dance, a passion that continued son. Patsy Yvonne Swayze (nascuta Karnes) detinea si conducea Houston Jazz and Ballet Company, scoala de dans unde Patrick ii va fi elev. Yvonne Patsy Swayze (born Karnes) owned and ran the Houston Jazz and Ballet Company, dancing school where Patrick will be a student. Tatal, Jesse Wayne Swayze era proiectant in domeniul industrial si un cowboy pasionat de rodeo. Father Jesse Wayne Swayze was in industrial design and a passion for rodeo cowboys. Primii douazeci de ani din viata lui Patrick au fost legati de Houston-ul natal. The first twenty years of life were tied to Patrick's hometown of Houston. Acolo a crescut alaturi de cei doi frati, Don (care va deveni si el actor) si Sean, si de cele doua surori ale sale, Vicky si Bambi. There has increased along with the two brothers, Don (who would become an actor himself) and Sean, and his two sisters, Vicky and Bambi. Familia are radacini irlandeze, dar declara ca in vinele sale exista si urme de sange apas. The family has Irish roots but said that in his veins there are traces of blood press.

Inca din vremea scolii primare, lui Patrick ia placut baletul, motiv pentru care era deseori tachinat de colegii de clasa. Since the time of primary school, Patrick liked ballet, for which he was often teased by classmates. In timpul liceului a lasat la o parte pasiunea pentru dans si sa dedicat sportului, alternand gimnastica, inotul si fotbalul. During high school, he left a party dedicated passion for dance and sport, alternating gymnastics, swimming and football. Dupa absolvire i s-au oferit burse pentru a urma colegiul atat in domeniul sportului, cat si al dansului. After graduation I was offered college scholarships to follow both sports, and the dance. A ales sportul si sa inscris la San Jacinto College din Houston, unde sa dedicat gimnasticii. A particular sport and enrolled at San Jacinto College in Houston, where he dedicated gymnastics. In acelasi timp, a devenit si patinator. At the same time became and skater. Dupa doi ani de colegiu a parasit scoala pentru a pleca in turneu cu spectacolul pe gheata „Disney on Parade“, avand rolul Fat-Frumos, partenerul Albei ca Zapada. After two years of college left school to go on tour with the ice show "Disney on Parade", with the role of Prince Charming, the partner as white as snow.

Dupa turneu, Patrick sa intors acasa si a cunoscut-o pe Lisa Niemi, pe atunci in varsta de 15 ani, eleva la scoala de balet a mamei sale. After the tour, Patrick returned home and met Lisa Niemi, then in the age of 15 years, student at his mother's ballet school. Intre ei a existat o atractie imediata. Between them there was an immediate attraction. Si, poate nu intamplator, in anul 1972 Patrick a decis sa revina la pasiunea lui pentru dans si sa mutat la New York pentru a-si continua instruirea. And, perhaps not by chance that in 1972 Patrick decided to return to his passion for dance and moved to New York to continue training. Dupa terminarea liceului, Lisa la urmat si ea in metropola de pe coasta de est a Americii. After high school, Lisa and she followed in the metropolis on the east coast of America. S-au casatorit in anul 1975 si casnicia lor dureaza si acum, departe de complicatiile specifice relatiilor din lumea showbusiness-ului. They married in 1975 and their marriage lasts and far away from specific complications showbusiness world's relationships.

Impreuna au facut fata succesului, au luptat cu dezamagirea, au depasit perioadele dificile in care el a avut probleme cu alcoolul, au suportat pierderi si au mers mai departe. Together they made against success, fought with disappointment, have passed difficult periods in which he had alcohol problems, have suffered losses and went on. Din pacate, nu au avut copii, Lisa suferind doua pierderi de sarcina. Unfortunately, had no children, Lisa suffered two miscarriages. Intrebat despre secretul unui mariaj atat de lung si solid, Patrick a raspuns: „Cred ca e vorba despre a mentine vie dragostea, a invata cum sa te indragostesti iar si iar, sa nu il iei pe celalalt ca pe ceva care ti se cuvine. Asked about the secret of marriage so long and solid, Patrick responded: "I think it's about love kept alive, to learn how to fall in love again and again, not to take the other as something you are right. E vorba despre iertare si incredere. This is about forgiveness and trust. Orice ar fi, pentru noi functioneaza.“ Whatever it is, for us it works. "

Patru ani de New York, dans si teatru Four years of New York, dance and theater

La New York a studiat dansul la renumitele Harkness Ballet School si Joffrey Ballet School, apoi i sa oferit sansa de a fi balerin principal la Eliot Feld Ballet Company. In New York he studied dance at the renowned Harkness Ballet School and Joffrey Ballet School, then was offered the chance to be the principal dancer in Eliot Feld Ballet Company. Succesul sau acolo a fost, insa, de scurta durata pentru ca o rana mai veche de la genunchi, dobandita pe vremea in care juca fotbal, a necesitat o interventie chirurgicala. The success or there was, however, short-lived because of an old knee injury, gained the time in which to play football, it required surgery. Operatia, impreuna cu infectia care ia urmat, l-au facut pe Swayze sa paraseasca prestigioasa companie Eliot Feld. Operation, together with infection that followed, made him the prestigious company Swayze leave Eliot Feld.

Acela a fost momentul, in anul 1976, in care Patrick si-a redirectionat cariera spre teatru. That was when, in 1976, where Patrick has redirected his career to the theater. Fizicul deosebit, zambetul fermecator si miscarile desavarsite in anii de balet l-au ajutat sa isi faca debutul pe Broadway in „Goodtime Charley“. Great physique, charming smile and perfect movements during the years of ballet helped her making his Broadway debut in "Goodtime Charley". A jucat apoi in „West Side Story“, iar in 1978 a obtinut rolul principal in musicalul „Grease“, spectacol care surprinde trecerea culturii americane de la conservatorismul  anilor '50 la individualismul si revolutia sexuala a anilor '60, schimbare produsa sub influenta fenomenului rock and roll. He then starred in "West Side Story" and in 1978 obtained the lead role in the musical "Grease", a performance that captures the transition of American culture from the individualism and conservatism '50s sexual revolution of the 60s, changing under the influence of the phenomenon rock and roll. Calitatea interpretarii personajului Danny Zuko din „Grease“ a dus la aparitia mai multor oferte din partea televiziunilor si a producatorilor de film. Quality interpretation of the character Danny Zuko in "Grease" has led to several offers from television and film producers.

Succesul vine de la Hollywood The success comes in Hollywood

Patrick si Lisa au parasit New York-ul cu destinatia Hollywood. Patrick and Lisa left New York with destination Hollywood. Patrick a studiat actoria la The Beverly Hills Playhouse cu Milton Katselas, regizor si profesor care a instruit nume de prim calibru din industria filmului. Patrick has studied acting at The Beverly Hills Playhouse with Milton Katselas, director and teacher who trained first name caliber in the film industry. Debutul pe marele ecran a venit in anul 1979 cu rolul Ace Johnson in comedia „Skatetown USA“. Big screen debut came in 1979 with the role of Ace Johnson in the comedy "Skatetown USA. A urmat debutul in televiziune cu „The Comeback Kid“ (1980) si cu aparitia intr-un episod din serialul MASH (1981), unde a interpretat un pacient care dorea sa salveze pe cineva si astfel descopera ca el insusi are leucemie. He followed his debut on television with "The Comeback Kid" (1980) and the appearance in an episode of the television series MASH (1981), where he played a patient who wanted to save someone and thus discover that he himself has leukemia.

Anul 1983 marcheaza un moment important in cariera lui, avand ocazia sa fie distribuit de regizorul Francis Ford Year 1983 marks an important moment in his career, having the chance to be distributed by director Francis Ford
Coppola in filmul „The Outsiders“, adaptare a romanului cu acelasi nume al scriitoarei SE Hinton. Coppola's movie "The Outsiders", adapting the novel by SE Hinton novel of the same name. A avut alaturi, in distributie, viitoare staruri hollywoodiene: Tom Cruise,  Matt Dillon, Rob Lowe si Emilio Estevez. He took his in the distribution of future stars Hollywood: Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon, Rob Lowe and Emilio Estevez. O alta aparitie care a impresionat a fost cea din mini-seria pentru televiziune  „North and South“ (1985). Another who impressed appearance was in the television mini-series "North and South" (1985). Orry Main, tanarul sudist care nu lasa prietenia sa cada prada razboiului si diferentelor de opinii, a beneficiat de nuantele interpretarii lui Swayze si a devenit un personaj de neuitat. Orry Main, the young southerner who does not let his friendship succumb war and differences of opinion, has received a performance nuances of Swayze and became an unforgettable character. Tot  Patrick este cel care la initiat pe partenerul sau de film, James Read, in tainele calariei. All Patrick is the one who started the film partner, James Read, calariei mystery.

Doi ani mai tarziu a aparut „Dirty Dancing“ (1987), o productie gandita initial sa ruleze foarte putin in cinematografe, si apoi sa fie imediat transpusa pe caseta video. Two years later came "Dirty Dancing" (1987), a production originally conceived to run very little in theaters, and then be immediately translated the videotape. Succesul international de proportii al filmului a venit ca o mare surpriza si a insemnat celebritatea imediata a lui Patrick Swayze, aduncandu-i renumele de cel mai nou „hot de inimi“ de la Hollywood. Scale international film success came as a surprise and meant Patrick Swayze's immediate fame, her reputation for aduncandu newest hot hearts "of Hollywood. Interpretarea personajului Johnny Castle, instructorul de dans gresit inteles, excentricul care prefera pantalonii stramti, pantofii in stil cubanez si femeile frumoase, ia adus nominalizarea la Globul de Aur, categoria Cel mai bun actor in comedie sau musical. Playing "Johnny Castle, dance instructor misunderstood, eccentric who prefer tight pants, shoes Cuban style and beautiful women, earned a Golden Globe nomination, Best Actor in Comedy or Musical. A fost prima nominalizare de acest fel din cele trei de care a avut parte pana in prezent. It was the first nomination of its kind in the first three of which had until now.

Tot el a compus si a interpretat cantecul „She's Like the Wind“ pentru coloana sonora a filmului. He also composed and played the song "She's Like the Wind" for the soundtrack of the film. Acesta a atins locuri de frunte in topurile muzicale ale vremii si intreaga coloana sonora a devenit una dintre cele mai bine vandute din toate timpurile, iar „Nobody puts Baby in a corner“ a ramas una dintre cele mai des repetate replici din istoria filmului. He placed high on music charts all the time and the soundtrack became one of the best selling of all time, and "Nobody puts Baby in the corner remains one of the most often repeated lines in movie history.

Dupa cateva aparitii mai putin importante in filme ca: „Steel Dawn“ (1987), „Tiger Warsaw“ (1988), „Road House“ (1989) si „Next of Kin“ (1989), a revenit in centrul interesului cetatii filmului cu rolul Sam Wheat in drama romantica „Ghost“(1990). After several appearances in films as less important, "Steel Dawn" (1987), "Tiger Warsaw" (1988), "Road House" (1989) and "Next of Kin" (1989), returned to the city center movie interest with Wheat Sat role in the romantic drama "Ghost" (1990). Portretul senzual al indragostitului care cata vreme e in viata nu ii poate spune niciodata partenerei sale ca o iubeste, dar care comunica si o ocroteste dupa ce trece in alta lume, a ramas emblematic pentru milioanele de indragostiti de film si de iubire. Sensual portrait of lovers who is in life as long as i can never tell his partner that he loves, but communicate and to pass a shield in another world, remains emblematic of the millions of film lovers and love. In „Ghost“ a jucat alaturi de Demi Moore si Whoopi Goldberg, impreuna alcatuind o distributie fermecatoare si a primit a doua nominalizare la Globul de Aur. In "Ghost" co-starred with Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg, together forming a charming distribution and received a second Golden Globe nomination. In anul urmator a aparut pe coperta revistei „People“ si a primit titlul „Sexiest Man Alive“. The following year appeared on the cover of "People" and received the title "Sexiest Man Alive".

Dupa succes - durere si viciu After successful - pain and vice

Dupa aparitia in doua dintre cele mai populare filme din toate timpurile, a urmat o perioada descendenta, cu productii diferite ca valoare, care nu au mai fost la fel de bine primite. After the appearance in two of the most popular films of all time, followed a descending period, with various production value, which have not been as well received. In anul 1991 a jucat in „Point Break“, in rolul unui cautator de senzatii extreme, un iubitor al surfing-ului, vanator al adrenalinei, un personaj care nu da inapoi de la a jefui banci pentru procurarea pericolului ce ascute  simturile si ofera sens. In 1991 he starred in "Point Break", starring an extreme sensation seekers, a lover of surfing, hunter of adrenaline, a character who does not give back to rob banks to purchase the danger that sharpens your senses and gives effect . Tot in 1991 a fost nominalizat la titlul de „Most Desirable Male“ in cadrul MTV Music Awards pentru aparitia din „Point Break“. Also in 1991 he was nominated for the title of "Most desirable Male" on the MTV Music Awards for the emergence of "Point Break".

In 1982, pierderea tatalui sau, cu care Patrick avea o relatie foarte apropiata, a declansat o perioada sumbra din viata actorului, in care viciul a pus stapanire pe el. In 1982, the loss of his father, with whom Patrick had a very close relationship, has unleashed a dark period in the life of actor, where he embraced the vice. Iar problemele legate de consumul de alcool s-au agravat dupa 1994, cand sora sa, Vicky, sa sinucis, dupa o lupta de o viata cu depresia. And alcohol-related problems were aggravated after 1994, when her sister, Vicky, committed suicide after a struggle of life with depression. „Moartea ei mi-a schimbat viata. "Her death changed my life. A fost greu sa nu ma simt responsabil. It was hard not to feel responsible. Poate ca as fi putut sa fac ceva sa previn ceea ce sa intamplat... Maybe I could do something to prevent what happened ... A trebuit sa gasesc ceva in care sa cred, in afara de mine insumi, ca sa pot suporta vinovatia pe care o simt.“ Durerea pe care o simtea la facut sa-si exprime nemultumirea pentru felul in care a fost crescut: „Mama ne facea sa simtim ca nu suntem niciodata suficient de buni... I had to find something to believe, besides myself, so I can bear the guilt I feel. "Pain which he felt made him express dissatisfaction for the way he was raised:" Mom we made to feel that we are never good enough ... Toata dragostea pe care am primit-o a venit din partea tatalui.“ All the love that we received came from the father. "

Convins fiind ca viata trebuie sa-si urmeze cursul si ca rezolvarea nu sta in alcool, Patrick a acceptat sa urmeze tratamente intr-o clinica de dezintoxicare, iar dupa ce si-a revenit, el si sotia sa, Lisa, au decis sa paraseasca Hollywood-ul, cumparandu-si un ranch in New Mexico, departe de lumea dezlantuita, de amintiri si trecut, si a inceput sa se ocupe de una dintre marile lui pasiuni, cresterea cailor. Belief that life must run its course and resolve to stand in that spirit, Patrick has agreed to undergo treatment in a rehab clinic, and after it recovered, he and his wife, Lisa, decided to leave Hollywood, and buying a ranch in New Mexico, away from the reckless world, the memories and the past, and began to deal with one of his great passions, horses increase. „Am fost absorbit de mentalitatea de box-office care imi distrugea sentimentul ca am un scop in viata. "I was absorbed by the box office mentality that I sense that we destroyed a purpose in life. Insingurarea care este asociata cu celebritatea imi dauna.“ Loneliness is associated with damage my fame. "

Anii '90, reinventarea 90s, reinventing

In anul 1995 si-a surprins publicul obisnuit cu aparitiile sale in drame romantice sau in filme de actiune, si a jucat In 1995 and surprised the audience with his appearance usual romantic drama or action movies, and played
intr-o productie numita „To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar“, in rolul unui travestit. in a production called "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar", starring as a transvestite. A primit a treia nominalizare la Globul de Aur, acesta fiind primul rol din galeria unor personaje neconventionale, partituri care ii pun in valoare talentul de actor si cu care reuseste sa depaseasca stereotipul instructorului de dans. He received three Golden Globe nomination, which is part of the first gallery of unconventional characters, scores that put in the value and talent of the actor who manages to overcome the stereotype of dance instructor. Sunt filme cu bugete mult mai mici si care nu mai urmeaza retetele prestabilite ale cetatii filmului. Films with budgets are much smaller and no longer follow the recipes pre-film city.

In a doua jumatate a anilor '90 au urmat alte dificultati in plan personal. In the second half of the 90s followed other difficulties in the personal. A suferit un accident la filmarile pentru „Letters from a Killer“, unde a cazut de pe cal si sa lovit de un copac. He suffered an accident in shooting for "Letters from a Killer", which fell from his horse and hit a tree. Si-a fracturat ambele picioare si sa ranit la umar. He broke both legs and his shoulder hurt. Filmarile au fost intrerupte pentru doua luni, dar filmul a fost lansat, totusi, in 1999. Filming was interrupted for two months, but the film was released, however, in 1999. Swayze si-a revenit dupa accident, dar a avut dificultati in reluarea carierei, pana in anul 2000. Swayze recovered after the accident, but had difficulties in resuming his career until 2000. A jucat, apoi, in comedia romantica „Forever Lulu“ (2000), alaturi de Melanie Griffith si in „Waking Up in Reno“ (2002) alaturi de Billy Bob Thornton, Charlize Teron si Natasha Richardson. He played, then, in the romantic comedy "Forever Lulu" (2000), along with Melanie Griffith in "Waking Up in Reno" (2002) opposite Billy Bob Thornton, Charlize Teron and Natasha Richardson.

Viata sa nu era, dupa cum se vede, nici pe departe una calma, anosta si fara provocari la fiecare pas: este cunoscut incidentul petrecut in cursul anului 2000 cand Patrick, posesor al licentei de pilot, a zburat cu avionul sau, avand alaturi doar cainele lui, din California spre Las Vegas si, din cauza unei probleme tehnice, a decis sa aterizeze fortat. Her life was not as shown, far from a calm, boring and without challenges at every turn: is known incident occurred in the year 2000 when Patrick, owner of the license pilot flew the plane or with only with His dog, from California to Las Vegas and, because of technical problems, decided to force-land. Aparatul a avut o aripa avariata, dar Patrick nu a fost ranit. The device had a damaged wing, but Patrick was not injured. A parasit avionul si a mers cu o masina pana la o casa din apropiere, de unde a anuntat autoritatile despre accident, dar a avut grija ca inainte sa inlature sticla de vin deschisa si cutiile de bere pe care le avea la el, dupa cum au declarat martorii incidentului. He left the plane and went by car to a nearby house, where authorities announced the accident, but took care to remove before the open bottle of wine and beer cans they have at him, as they witnesses said the incident.

Desi a fost o perioada cu multe incercari, harul sau a fost cel care ia adus si momente de bucurie: pe 18 august 1997, cand a implinit 45 de ani, i sa acordat o stea pe celebrul Hollywood Walk of Fame. Although it was a period of many attempts, it was his grace that brought and moments of joy on August 18, 1997, when he turned 45, was given a star on the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Munca si boala, boala si munca Work and disease, illness and work

De-a lungul anilor 2000, Patrick Swayze este prezent atat pe marele ecran, in filme care n-au creat isterii, dar in care actorul interpreteaza o gama foarte variata de roluri, cat si pe scena, pe Broadway, unde ii da viata avocatului Billy Flynn din musicalul „Chicago“ sau pe scena londoneza, la Piccadilly Theatre. Throughout the 2000s, Patrick Swayze is present both on the big screen in films that did not create hysteria, but in which the actor performs a wide range of roles on stage and on Broadway, which gives life Advocate Billy Flynn in the musical "Chicago" and on the London stage, at the Piccadilly Theater.

Sa spus ca i s-au oferit 6 milioane de dolari pentru a mai accepta rolul lui Johnny Castle intr-o continuare a filmului „Dirty Dancing“, dar a refuzat propunerea. He said that I was given 6 million dollars has accepted the role of Johnny Castle in a sequel to the film "Dirty Dancing", but refused the proposal. A aparut, totusi, in anul 2004, in rolul unui instructor de dans intr-o productie numita „Dirty Dancing – Havana Nights“, film a carui actiune se petrece inainte de cea derulata in „Dirty Dancing“. It appeared, however, in 2004, starring as a dance instructor in a production called "Dirty Dancing - Havana Nights, a film whose action takes place before the run in" Dirty Dancing ".

In 2008, a inceput filmarile pentru serialul de televiziune „The Beast“, in care actorul detine rolul principal, dar acelasi an este si cel in care tabloidul american „National Enquirer“ da vestea cutremuratoare: Patrick Swayze este bolnav de cancer la pancreas in stadiu terminal si mai are de trait numai cinci saptamani. In 2008, he began shooting for the TV series "The Beast" in which actor has the lead role, but is also the same year that the American tabloid "National Enquirer" yes shattering news: Patrick Swayze is suffering from pancreatic cancer in stage terminal and has only five weeks to live. Medicul lui Patrick a confirmat existenta bolii, dar a explicat ca aceasta nu este intr-un stadiu atat de grav pe cat a fost anuntat si ca pacientul raspunde bine la tratament. Patrick's doctor confirmed the disease, but explained that this is not a stage that bad as it was announced that the patient responds well to treatment. De parca nu i-ar fi fost de ajuns suferinta, actorul a fost foarte afectat si de atacul sustinut al tabloidelor care au speculat ca boala este mult mai avansata decat se recunoaste, iar cand a acceptat sa continue filmarile la „The Beast“ a declarat: „Cum iti pastrezi o atitudine pozitiva cand toate statisticile spun ca esti un om mort? As if there would have been enough suffering, the actor was very affected by the attack and supported the tabloids have speculated that the disease is more advanced than it admits, and he agreed to continue shooting the "The Beast" said "How do you keep a positive attitude when all the statistics say you're a dead man? Muncind.“ Si si-a impresionat colegii, punandu-se la dispozitia echipei de filmare douasprezece ore pe zi. Working. "And he impressed colleagues, putting it in teams of shooting twelve hours a day.

In ciuda tuturor speculatiilor, in ciuda timpului care nu trece in favoarea sa, pentru filmele sale, pentru dansul sau, pentru prezenta carismatica si pentru lupta curajoasa pe care o duce, Patrick Swayze si-a castigat un loc privilegiat in milioane de inimi, o admiratie si un respect pe care le merita cu desavarsire. Despite all the speculation, despite the time which passes in his favor for his films, for dancing or for this charismatic and courageous fight that lead Patrick Swayze has gained a privileged place in millions of hearts, a admiration and respect they deserve by completely.