July 22, 2009

Steroids Are Evil Quote of the Day: DEA Special Agent Violet Szeleczky

Steroids Are Evil Quote of the Day: DEA Special Agent Violet Szeleczky

Citizens of the United States can sleep well at night with the knowledge that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has promised to spend as much time and energy investigating anabolic steroids as they do with cocaine and heroin. DEA Special Agent Violet Szeleczky took the opportunity to explain that steroids are very evil drugs (”Pearland couple to be sentenced for operating major steroid pill mill,” January 27).

“It’s not just a drug that can be taken lightly,” explained DEA Special Agent Violet Szeleczky. “It’s something that we still consider extremely dangerous to the public and we’re going to investigate it to its fullest, just as if it were heroin, cocaine or marijuana.”

It doesn’t matter that President Obama thinks the government spends too much time on steroids; Special Agent Szeleczky is on the case investigating these “extremely dangerous” drugs! Blog » Violet Szeleczky