July 22, 2009

Mickey Rourke May Have Used Steroids to Win Oscar for “The Wrestler”

Did Mickey Rourke Use Steroids for Movie Role in “The Wrestler”?

[January 12th, 2009] by Millard Baker

Actor Mickey Rourke was asked in an interview by Men’s Health whether he used anabolic steroids to help transform his physique for the role of a professional wrestler in the highly acclaimed movie “The Wrestler.” Rourke deftly avoided answering the question but also did not deny the use of steroids (”Rourke’s Oscar Hopes Take One Step Forward with Globes Win, One Step Back with Steroid Rumors,” January 12).

But could talk that he might have used steroids to get into shape for his turn in The Wrestler be the Oscar equivalent of an October surprise? [...]

According the New York Daily News, in an upcoming interview of Men’s Journal Rourke is asked if he used steroids to get into pro-wrestler shape. He doesn’t deny it, and only says, “When I’m a wrestler, I behave like a wrestler.”

It is not news that actors use steroids to improve their physical appearance for movie and television rules. The real news is that the media is ready to make an issue out of it. Representative Henry Waxman has already moved past Congressional interest in sports and doping; now he appears ready to tackle the issue of steroids in the entertainment industry with a brand new witch-hunt.

Stay tuned for more absurdity to see if Congress calls upon Hollywood to implement steroid testing for actors. Blog » Blog Archive » Did Mickey Rourke Use Steroids for Movie Role in “The Wrestler”?