1. In which branch of the United States armed forces did George Jones serve and why did he enlist?
2. George signed with Starday Records in 1954. How did Starday Records get it's name?
3. Where was Starday Records' first studio?
4. George's first recording session for Starday Records produced a single that failed to chart. What was the name of the single?
5. George has been married five times. Who were his wives?
6. What was the name of George and Tammy's house in Lakeland, Florida?
7. George and Tammy did not record together until 1971, two years into their marriage. What was their first recording together?
8. George and Tammy had thirteen singles together in the years 1971 through 1980. Three topped the country charts. Name them.
9. During the worst of his drug years, George suffered from cocaine induced multiple personalities, much like Sybil. Name the two dominant personalities.
10. How did Nancy bring George's life back under control?
11. George's classic song, He Stopped Loving Her Today took over one year to finish. Why?
12. George has done three touching songs that feature narrated verses, one of which was He Stopped Loving Her Today. Which two other important George Jones songs featured narration?
13. Melba Montgomery. The name speaks volumes to the true George Jones fan. What was Melba doing when Pappy Dailey arranged for the initial meeting of Melba and George?
14. George's I Don't Need Your Rockin' Chair guest starred several younger country singers. Who appeared with George on this track?
15. George's 1994 Bradley Barn Sessions was an album featuring George with talented friends reworking his hits. Recorded in February during one of Nashville's worst snowstorms, it features a stellar cast paying homage to George by accompanying him in song. Which superstars appeared on the album?
cross Down
1. open ___ mine
2. George's drinking buddy
6. ___ because I asked a friend...
8. Bartender's ____
9. ___ Hard Truth
11. ___Thinks I Still Care
12. a cold, cold ___
13. her name is ___
14. one of the boys in the band
17. we could be ___
18. one tiny little ___
20. too ___ too long
21. living dieing with the ___
24. Till the ___ Grows Over Me
26. Tarnished ___
27. High Tech ___
29. Don't Stop The ___
31. The dangdest dog
32. Henry Brown ran a ___
33. Six ___ deep, six ___ down1. He always wanted a ___ out in the country
2. You Don't Seem To ___ Me
3. The ___ Is On
4. I Always Get ___ With You
5. Love ___
7. ___ me
8. I gave her the ___
10. ___ Of All
12. I Lived To Tell It All
15. ___ Can Fall
16. One man's one woman!
18. These won't be filled
19. There's Nothing Better ___ You've Had The Best
20. Tennessee ___
22. I need a honky tonk ___
23. I'm the big ___ of the year
24. If you'd like to take the ___ tour
25. Hello ___
26. ___ Lover
30. The George Jones Television ___(on TNN!) GEorge Jones had five concerts scheduled in five different cities. Each was unique in that each city had a special encore song, and each city had a minor annoyance to deal with. Each city's fans bought a particular item from the vendors.Using the six clues given, can you determine the order of cities for the concerts, the encore played in each, the items the fans bought at that concert, and the problems his road crew had in each city?
DISCLAIMER This is a hypothetical tour and series of events created for this logic problem only. The use of George Jones' name is for entertainment purposes only and does not imply that he actually was served very cold coffee in one of these cities.
Your Clues
- On the first stop on his tour George sang "He Stopped Loving Her Today" to an enthusiastic crowd that didn't buy any T-shirts or coffee mugs.
- The stops in some order were : The second stop in a city without mosquitoes, the city where George sang "The Door," the city where the fans bought ODs, Cincinnati, and the city with the very cold coffee.
- The concert in Seattle was not the first or the last stop on the tour. Seattle fans did not buy posters or coffee mugs and they did not get to hear "If My Heart Had Windows".
- The stops along the five city tour included the city where the bus developed a flat tire, the sunny city where George sang "If My Heart Had Windows," Boston, the city where the fans bought mostly books, and the CD buying city plagued by mosquitoes during his outdoor concert there.
- Houston's concert was held after the concert where the fans stood in a pouring rain. The rainy city followed the acoustic concert caused by a blown amplifier. The other two stops on the tour were the city where George sang "Walk Through This World With Me" and where he sold a lot of his autobiography, "I Lived To Tell It All".
- The five cities in no particular order are : The poster buying third city, the city where George played "Love Bug" to a packed house, the city where the fans bought T-shirts, the city with very cold coffee, and the rainy city on the fourth stopover which wasn't Seattle.
Good luck!
Use the chart to solve this problem.
Game Goals Be the first player to reach The Number One Position on the music chart while forming musical trios or quartets.
Play is fast and furious in Possum Holler. A combination of strategy, skill, and luck are needed to win.
You may find that only one roll separates first place from last. Your next turn could change the entire game for everyone... including yourself!
The fun starts when you draw from another player's hand. They may be ready to climb the chart until you draw one... two... or three cards...
They may be ready to climb the walls when you take their whole hand!
No money, properties, buying, or selling are involved in family friendly Possum Holler ~ The Board Game
Game Needs You need :
- One deck of playing cards with jokers
- Two dice
- Two tokens for each player ~ (coins, buttons, etc.)
- Print out of the Gameboard
Game Spaces The Possum Holler board :
Draw 1 ~~~~~~~~ Draw one card from the draw pile Draw 2 ~~~~~~~ Draw two cards from the draw pile Draw 3 ~~~~~~ Draw three cards from the draw pile Swap 1 ~~~~~~~ Trade one card with another player Swap 2 ~~~~~~ Trade two cards with another player Take 1 ~~~~~~~~~ Take a card from another player Take 2 ~~~~~~ Take two cards from another player Take 3 ~~~~~~ Take three cards from another player Plus 1 ~~~~~ Your album moves up one chart space Plus 2 ~~~~ Your album moves up two chart spaces Give 1 ~ Give a card of your choice to another player Play Back ~~~~~~~~~~~~Game play reverses direction Start ~~~~~~~Move your album up 2 chart spaces Each space will determine whether to roll one die or two dice on your next turn.
The Music Chart on the outer edge of the gameboard will track your album's progress. Use a token to mark your current chart position. Everyone starts at 80 and races to Number One as quickly as the laws of luck will allow!
Trios are three of a kind or two of a kind with a joker.
Quartets are four of a kind or three of a kind with a joker.
Rules For Play 1. Players start with no cards. All cards are held in a Draw pile. Each player may hold up to but no more than seven cards. If more than seven cards are accumulated by any player or players during a turn, they must immediately either play or discard the excess amount to get back to seven cards or less. All cards are discarded face down so no one will know what cards are no longer available. No turn is completed until all players have seven cards or less in their hand.2. Game play starts by rolling two dice. The player with the highest roll goes first, the play continues in clockwise fashion. The first turn is always the roll of two dice. Successive rolls are determined by the space landed upon.
3. Players rolling doubles on two dice during their turn must give one card to each other player. The cards are to be drawn at random by the players in current turn sequence. If insufficient cards are available, this penalty is ended with the final card. No cards are to be taken from the Draw pile.
4. Players landing on the Gold Path space must enter the Gold Path on their next turn. All rolls along the Gold Path are of a single die.
5. All player's chart position is to begin at 80 with their movements up the charts determined by the amount of trios and quartets formed during play. Albums move 2 spaces up the chart for each trio formed and 5 spaces up the chart for each quartet. Trios and quartets formed during a player's turn are displayed to the other players, then discarded face down into the discard pile.
6. If a player's album lands on an occupied space on the Music Chart, their album wins that chart position. The losing album moves down the chart one space. If that space is also occupied, the album on that space then moves one space downward. No two albums may occupy the same chart position.
7. Shuffle the Discard pile when the last card is taken from the Draw pile. Place the shuffled cards in the Draw pile.
8. Players without cards or with insufficient cards to fulfill their turn's requirement are not penalized. The play continues after the final card is taken, even if an opponent did not receive the card or cards promised by that player's space. Penalties are forfeited after the final card is removed.