June 29, 2009

Blue Velvet lyrics

Blue Velvet Soundtrack

Blue Velvet
Vogue Music c/o The Welk Music Group (BMI)

She wore blue velvet
Bluer than velvet was the night
Softer than satin was the light
From the stars
She wore blue velvet
Bluer than velvet were her eyes
Warmer than May her tender sighs
Love was ours
Ours a love I held tightly
Feeling the rapture grow
Like a flame burning brightly
But when she left, gone was the glow of
Blue velvet
But in my heart there'll always be
Precious and warm, a memory
Through the years
And I still can see blue velvet
Through my tears

Blue Velvet lyrics


Summer is hot more than usual, not only in the climate, as we breathe an air more than hot running between the pleats of a justice that never ceases to surprise us, until who knows when and where, will also day of clarity ...

We must believe, we must not give up, do a favor to those who "play" with the lives of others, the many dead who killed unknowingly forage mysterious interests even within the same institutions.

Victims, who become matters of contention between international powers, where in the end, the recovery of the truth seems to get confused among the many, too many plots that feed dialogues between deaf interlocutors collude and camouflaged within a system failure, rotted over time, a system that continues to stretch its tentacles by a court to another, giving a picture of himself like a big underground laboratory where the alchemists of Justice chose to clone the animals in the infinite non-truth, as long as similar to the most convenient truths .

And is the natural consequence of this system, the reaction of those who take advantage of events to launch attacks and then now this now than to manipulate a particular circumstance to their own use and consumption, especially when the game is in prison for life .

These days, during which Amanda Knox has submitted questions, accused of killing Meredith Kercher, all America fell in the area, the highest level of mass media, opinion leaders, representatives of institutions in the USA, all the American people have made Amanda an innocent victim, a victim of the Italian judicial system.

Has fallen even in the comic, when some American university, interviewed, they said not to understand how it can be possible in Italy that a person is in prison against their will!

Who knows, maybe one day discover that there are prisoners with volunteers ... and the crisis that exists, it is possible that many use to be maintained by the State, albeit in a cell.

Free room and board, no bills, medical care, psychologist, social life, interviews with family members, all day in the company of those who share the same requirement, bè ... to close ...
The government is careful, because maintaining a prisoner costs several hundred euros a day ...!

On the other hand, before demonizing the behavior of Americans, it is also fair, in this specific case, try to understand the origins, the reason for this unanimous chorus of harsh reactions that since the first time have pointed the finger at the Pm Mignini, even forgetting that he sent to bar Amanda and her alleged accomplices, was the Judge Paolo Micheli, whom did not have neither the Americans nor the defenders of the accused.

Mignini has been accused of everything, there is a character banner to say without any fear of any consequences.

Articles by Tone defamatory, libelous, and aggravated by a totally false assumption that has repeatedly called into question myself, as if I had even influenced the Pm when the plant accusatorial a load of lovely Amanda.

At first I resisted, then two days ago I have not done more, and also in my video of the June 13 ( I wanted to clarify my position.

And not only about the absolute differences of belief or opinion between me and the public prosecutor of Perugia where Meredith Kercher, but I felt it right to tell me that this judge even placed under house arrest, which stemmed from the fact of the processes in my load , and in the course of which are keen to bring out the truth that so many even today no one imagines.

Personally I think he has suffered serious injustice, and subirle not yet reached the time when, before a Judge, pull out the cards, records, and anything else I think that triggers a putiferio at the top of the state.

From 1995 to today, and will continue albeit at different tables, I think I made a huge contribution to both surveys showed that, in the death of Narducci, and there were times when I dedicated the front pages of newspapers, or I was the guest of honor in dozens of television lounges
Today I have many items for a bitter and reasonable doubt: it was only used.

In investigations of Florence and Perugia, success is everything, and I repeat, whether in storage in case of trial, I refer to the process Narducci, the institutions involved will have to retrace the course of years and years of investigations and understand what mechanisms in turn are activated and especially for what purposes.

However, I personally do not agree with the behavior of Americans who are waiting like manna from heaven for a conviction or Mignini Giuttari, as though the event that circumstances do not result in the acquittal for Amanda.

And I think that especially for Mignini, being now seated in the dock, has invariably marked his life, beyond a final verdict, but this tragedy has hit him on his family, and perhaps on same confidence in the justice court.
Unless he does not recognize to be guilty, it is presumed that like myself and many other defendants feel the victim of a grave injustice.
It may well therefore include those of an injustice you feel when the victim receives the effect of his measure.

My vision of things is also a po 'original in the sense that when we learned that the prosecutor of Florence decided to process the Pm Mignini not looked at the facts for which he was indicted, but my first thought went fulminate to the Lord, then the day that I saw come to my house the judicial police of Pm, and after an hour we talked to believe that they had come once again to obtain what was useful to the investigation, I heard saying: "Madam, we regret infinitely, but must also understand Dr. Mignini, due to act, we must notify a measure of house arrest "...

It was a succession of acts which I repeat again today, demanding the surrender of the total truth, when I fight back by producing what it will require the Government, the Ministers, the CSM, all the vertices of the institutions to require many explanations.
Of course, the day that the history of many years will be clarified, the profile of all those who for various reasons have been part will be defined and then we can venture the opinion about a person, but until that time we will satisfy of observations, inferences, considerations, which have their own weight.

And among the many comments that I received via email, there is one that would see as "incompatible" defense on the part of Giuttari Fioravanti, substitute of Giovanni Maria Dedola.

It must be said that with regard to incompatibility of the defender who is also a witness, the opinions are not still agree, however it is undeniable that the lawyer has even Fioravanti deposed as a witness in the course of the evidence in the death of Narducci .
In fact, result in documents that the lawyer was repeatedly interrogated by Giuttari and then called to confirm his testimony even before the Pm Mignini.

Now, one might note that the facts on which the lawyer defending the police are made other than those for which Fioravanti is a witness.

Formally, the observation appears just, even if in principle one could say that ultimately it comes to facts within the same story.

Or you could also say that the investigators for the crimes of the monster saw two levels, a laborer and a so-called "greater", as saying: Pacciani the unskilled, the principal ... Narducci both dead, both non-processed, both "innocent" to vitam post mortem, because you can not prove otherwise.

But going to read the documents, show the possibility that as reported Pacciani was alive to his lawyer, the doctor, presumably Narducci, he also had a role of "executor", at least in some of the double crime, and investigators this role would have been in competition with others as a pharmacist & company ...
And it was also apparent from the documents, according to some, that the investigations were stopped or held back by institutional actors.

Same thing seems to have provoked, it seems, the trial of Giuttari and Mignini, on the basis of a registration in which it appears that a deputy prosecutor of Florence, citing the chief prosecutor, has said. ".. It is not a free man ..." during a conversation on surveys Monster, even on higher levels of the Monster.

Little or no public opinion has realized that this story, and he understands more and less.

For example, Giuttari has always maintained that the registration occurred randomly without him they were aware.
It may be, and believe, but then the question arises: why did they use legal?
Will have had its reasons, but certainly, to us poor mortals, if we were better, perhaps it would help ....

However admirable the peace had been restored between the policeman el'avvocato historic Pacciani, bitter enemies in the past, until 2004, as you note yourself by going to my site, if you have the patience to listen to broadcasts officers that I put on the network.
You will find that a Porta a Porta, September 26 2001, Fioravanti Giuttari and clashed hard facts and procedural, not on opinions.

Not to mention the cause of death of Pacciani.
After hearing what states with absolute safety in 2002 Fioravanti, Tg2 Dossier Special, and then in Costanzo Show, 12 January 2004. (

These are circumstances which, if allowed to spread over time and thus are lost in the memory of the community, may pass unnoticed, but if it becomes a voluminous document files, then repeat to us citizens, and someone will respond.
Given the cost of forty years of investigation ....

What the law for some time, notice that Gabriella Carlizzi in his articles on the offensive to most anyone, the painful experiences we need to change in form, even if within us the essence of authenticity remains unchanged.

But our values, when in danger of becoming straccetti disposable, have a duty to protect them and put them in with the right people at the right time.

What is now pointing the finger at this or against that, in the case of Amanda?
May have the opposite effect, human nature keeps its fragility under any garment, and therefore would be at least cautious not to offend the Italian justice so blatant, and could be useful to try to better understand the development of collateral events, and be a 'more precise idea on certain subjects or circumstances, who can prove through documents in hand, the absurdity of a certain act.

Deposition of Amanda, as personal opinion, many statements do not hold, does not seem sincere.
In the house, in my opinion there was Amanda, was found to live in spite of himself the drama of a crime, and has taken refuge in the arms of Raphael, as a first instinctive reaction, perhaps waiting to get advice from Mom.

But on balance, although he claimed to be but that they had not killed the poor Meredith, a position similar to that of Rudy, his thirty years in prison would have been granted, no one would have believed.

Hence, the only card in play, is to emphasize the total absence from the house of the crime, his and Raphael, but that argument, yes, makes water from all sides.

How do I bring up the student Amanda as soap and water, and then pretend that you believe that the same, comes home and sees blood, there is even a shower, and then back from boyfriend?
And it takes heart from a killer for comportasi so, another student that water and soap ...

Amanda the innocent, sensitive, once entry into the house and saw the blood, would have called his Raffaele, the police would have made sure to open the door to Meredith, then other good instincts would have known.

Unfortunately, here it is to be expected at least a conviction at first instance, then, as always happens in similar cases, in a few years Amanda will know that the true murderess is another, not just tell you the name, so that if l 'murderess is the powerful will leave the prison, then start the usual game we have seen with balance and with Pelosi, for example.

The real victims after Meredith, once again we are, we suspect that the killer is at large, and perhaps let us not fail to understand.

Suffice it to say that the house of the crime, although in isolation, have entered more than once unknown, and take things away, too bulky, have not shown any hurry ...
Also protected them?

Of course Amanda, Raffaele and Rudy, are not released from jail to go there ...

So who was this interest, to the point of risking so much, or as to not risk anything?

Hot Questions?
We talk about hot summer ...

il Mostro a Firenze: Gabriella Pasquali Carlizzi [Crazy Italian Devil Blogger Talks to a Dead Priest + Fucking-Prosecutor-and-Over Amanda Knox]




Questo sito che porta lo stesso titolo della Trilogia di Gabriella Carlizzi, “Il Mostro a Firenze”, sarà un Portale prevalentemente in video. This site with the same title by Gabriella Carlizzi Trilogy, "The Monster in Florence, will be a portal primarily in video.

[she's basically saying that American's are the one's that are fucked up, and that her batshit satanic masonic conspiracies are perfectly believable]

Gabriella Carlizzi, infatti intende rivolgersi agli utenti come in una lunghissima conversazione, desidera trasmettere mostrando il proprio volto, quelle che sono state e che saranno le tensioni e le emozioni forti che questo caso giudiziario ha determinato nella scrittrice durante anni ed anni di indagini. Gabriella Carlizzi it intends to contact the user as in a long conversation, want to show your face, which have been and will be tensions and strong emotions that this court case has resulted in the writer during years of investigation.

La voce giunge dritta al cuore e sicuramente soddisferà le tante domande che dalla lettura dei libri che sono stati scritti sulla vicenda, sorgeranno spontanee a chiunque si appassionerà ad una pagina tanto drammatica e sanguinosa del nostro Paese. The voice comes straight to the heart and surely will please the many questions that the reading of books that were written on the case, there is spontaneous anyone appassionerà to a page so dramatic and bloodiest of our country.

Chiunque pertanto può inviare i propri quesiti, richieste di chiarimento, o quanto altro aiuterà a scoprire ciò che ancora si cela nelle pieghe più nascoste di questa vicenda. Therefore anyone can submit their own questions, requests for clarification, or anything else will help you to discover what still lurks hidden in the folds of this.

Potrete inviare una email a : You can send an email to: . .
Gabriella Carlizzi, risponderà senza citare alcun nome, a meno che non sia richiesto, a tutti gli utenti di questo Portale. Gabriella Carlizzi, will answer without mentioning any names, unless it is requested that all users of this Portal.
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Sempre su questo Portale potrete vedere nel più breve tempo possibili, le numerose trasmissioni televisive cui Gabriella Carlizzi ha partecipato come ospite, nella sua veste di principale testimone nell'inchiesta. On this portal you can see as soon as possible, the number of television programs which Gabriella Carlizzi participated as a guest, as the main witness in the investigation.

Contenuti video Video content

di prossima pubblicazione: forthcoming:

Rai Uno "Porta a porta" 26.09.01 Rai Uno "Porta a porta" 26.09.01
Rete TEF "Nero su bianco" 19.10.02 Network TEF "Black on White" 19:10:02
Tele Italia Intervista 26.01.04 Tele Italy Interview 26.01.04
Rai Uno "Uno Mattina" 26.01.04 Rai Uno "One Morning" 26.01.04
"La vita in diretta" 04.02.04 "Life Live" 04:02:04

Tele Ambiente "Scacco Matto" 22-04.04 Tele Ambiente "Scacco Matto" 22-04.04
Tele Ambiente "Scacco Matto" 06.05.04 Tele Ambiente "Scacco Matto" 06:05:04
Tele Ambiente "Scacco Matto" 10.05.04 Tele Ambiente "Scacco Matto" 10:05:04
Tele Ambiente "Scacco Matto" 13.05.04 Tele Ambiente "Scacco Matto" 13:05:04

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Il Mostro a Firenze è un'opera edita da Mond&editori srl The Monster in Florence is a work published by Mond & publishers srl
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Izzy - My love is like a red red rose

Masonic theory that put Amanda Knox in the dock - Europe, World - The Independent

Masonic theory that put Knox in the dock

The Meredith Kercher prosecutor says she was the victim of a ritual crime. But has he been duped by a blogger?

By Peter Popham

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Amanda Knox on her way to court. The prosecution claims she killed her housemate during a bizarre rite


Amanda Knox on her way to court. The prosecution claims she killed her housemate during a bizarre rite

This has been a very good week for Giuliano Mignini, the balding, avuncular-looking 58-year-old prosecutor in the Meredith Kercher case. Assaulted from across the Atlantic by amateur investigators and “Free Amanda” agitators, opposed across the court room by some of Italy’s cleverest lawyers, he carried the day. Judge Paolo Micheli bought his whole package, sending one suspect, Rudy Guede, to jail for 30 years and committing Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito for trial.

To the bitter disappointment of the two students accused along with Guede of killing their friend, he also refused them bail, warning that they “might kill again”.

Mr Mignini decided only a few days after Meredith died that the murder was the culmination of an orgy in which Amanda, Raffaele and one other person were involved. And in court on 19 October he explained in more detail what he meant.

The murder, Il Tempo newspaper reported him telling the court, “was premeditated and was in addition a ‘rite’ celebrated on the occasion of the night of Hallowe’en. A sexual and sacrificial rite ... In the intention of the organisers, the rite should have occurred 24 hours earlier” – on Hallowe’en itself – “but on account of a dinner at the house of horrors, organised by Meredith and Amanda’s Italian flatmates, it was postponed for one day. The presumed assassins contented themselves with the evening of 1 November to perform their do-it-yourself rite, when for some hours it would again be the night of All Saints.”

Mr Mignini saw the scene so clearly in his mind that he was able to describe it to the judge in detail: Meredith on her knees before the wardrobe, Rudy holding her immobile, Raffaele grasping one arm, Amanda in front of her, pricking her throat teasingly with the knife – until the blade in her hand struck home. “To prove it,” he told the judge triumphantly, “the only thing missing was a video camera in the room.”

Given such a weighty consensus, the outside world would be forgiven for sorrowfully shaking its head at the terrible things young people get up to these days. One would take for granted that Mr Mignini must have excellent sources – witness testimony, forensic findings, even confessions – for his shocking description.

The last place you would look for such sources, however, is in a conspiracy theorist’s blog. Yet that is where the theory of the sacrificial rite finds its fullest expression. In a blog posted last August, Gabriella Carlizzi, a prolific Roman blogger, claimed that Meredith’s murder had been ordered by the dark masters of an esoteric Masonic sect, the Order of the Red Rose, to which she thinks both Meredith and Amanda may have belonged.

“This is just my personal opinion,” she begins modestly, “and it may have no value to the investigators, but my research in America and England has reinforced my idea that this case must be interpreted from an esoteric point of view.”

Meredith and Amanda went to two universities, Leeds and Seattle, which “have become recruitment bases for Masonic orders, both deviant and non-deviant, and of Esoteric Schools,” she claims. These Schools brainwash their initiates into believing that it is right to offer “even the sacrifice of their own lives in a secret ritual, sacrifices often made voluntarily”.

Death, for these sad dupes, is no problem: they have become convinced “that life goes on after physical death, a barrier which, once overcome, allows them to cross the threshold of ‘mystery’ and ascend to the ‘superior ranks’ which rule humanity from beyond.”

Presuming that Leeds and Seattle host such secret organisations – Leeds is immediately suspect because of its rose symbol, even though it’s the wrong colour – and presuming also (because there is no evidence for it) that the two women belonged to them, the murder is easily explained: one of them had to die and the other had to kill, in a ritual of sacrifice. “It matters little which dies and which stays alive,” she explains. “What is of fundamental importance is the single motivation that both of them have ‘obeyed’ and of which both then become ‘victims’.”

Meredith’s murder, she concludes, is “a crime which has all the characteristics of a ritual culminating in human sacrifice, to which the victim may have submitted voluntarily.” Daringly, she also drags Meredith’s bereaved father into the scenario. “I ask myself if someone in Meredith’s family was aware of the presumed membership of the girl to the Esoteric School of the Red Rose.” Why so? Because “on the eighth day (you see the esoteric symbolism) after the death of his daughter... he left a single red rose (in her memory) in the cloister of Perugia cathedral.”

The similarities between the “human sacrifice” blog and Mr Mignini’s account might be considered a coincidence, except for the fact that Ms Carlizzi and the prosecutor know each other well. Ms Carlizzi has been giving unsolicited advice to criminal investigations up and down Italy for many years. The wealthy Roman wife of an architect, and a devout Christian, she was for years the disciple of a charismatic priest called Padre Gabriele. Gabriele died in 1984, and she claims has been sending her messages from the other side. “It’s he who lights me up with intuitions,” she explained to Corriere della Sera. “Then I investigate, I dig. And when I have concrete elements I go to the judges.”

No crime is too ghastly or notorious for her. Single-handedly, for example, she has succeeded in re-opening the Monster of Florence investigation, which lay dormant for years. For 11 years in the Seventies and Eighties, the city of Florence was terrorised by a serial killer who attacked lovers in cars at lonely spots in the surrounding countryside, shot or hacked them to death, then cut off and carried away the woman’s genitals and left breast.

The Monster of Florence was Italy’s most sensational criminal, the direct inspiration for Hannibal, Thomas Harris’s sequel to The Silence of the Lambs. And he drove Florence’s investigators crazy.

Ruthless, athletic, highly professional and deranged, he eluded them every time. When finally they managed to pin the crimes on a doddering old incestuous rapist far too short and slow to have committed the murders, few were surprised when the conviction was overturned on appeal. The Monster has never been found. And in Italy, which is a paradise for conspiracy theorists, that fact is an invitation to people like Ms Carlizzi to dream a little, and to hook up with her saint.

One day early in 2002, Ms Carlizzi telephoned a Florentine journalist, Mario Spezi, with a new theory about the Monster. The Order of the Red Rose was behind the crimes, she told him, but the Monster himself was a person who had completely evaded suspicion until now: a wealthy Perugian doctor, Francesco Narducci, who had drowned, through accident or suicide according to the courts, in Lake Trasimeno in 1985.

Ms Carlizzi told Spezi that Narducci had in fact been killed by the Order of the Red Rose, to which Narducci himself belonged, because he was about to expose its nefarious activities to the police. And to hide the evidence for the crime, another body had been substituted for the doctor’s, then dumped in the lake.

As a career crime reporter in Florence, Mr Spezi had a long familiarity with barmy conspiracy theories, and he thanked the lady kindly but said he was not interested in following it up. Ms Carlizzi was not discouraged and took her tale to Mr Mignini, who found it grippingly plausible. He alerted the Florentine policeman in charge of the Monster file, chief inspector Michele Giuttari, that at last they might be on the brink of solving the mystery, and the two of them went to work.

As Narducci had died 17 years before, the trail was stone cold, but forensic and other evidence seems to be of secondary importance in these investigations. What is required is a gripping story line – Gabriella Carlizzi’s speciality. According to Mignini and Giuttari, Narducci “had been murdered because he was a member of the satanic sect behind the Monster of Florence killings,” Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi write in their book on the Monster affair, entitled The Monster of Florence, published in June this year: “He had been named custodian of the grisly fetishes” – the breasts and genitalia of victims – “(but) shaken by the reality into which he had fallen, the young doctor became indecisive, unreliable, prey to depression, and difficult to trust. The leaders of the sect decided he had to be eliminated.”

Ms Carlizzi’s burst of heaven-sent illumination was thus bountifully endorsed – and meanwhile the hunt for Narducci’s “killer” goes on. And given the length of time that has elapsed – the last Monster murder was committed in September 1985 – no one can blame the investigators if their inquiry is stronger on ideas than solid clues.

Over in Perugia, however, Mr Mignini does not have quite that licence, as the crime happened just one year ago today. And when he told the court that “the only thing missing was a video camera in the room” to record the supposed sacrificial murder, he was not entirely correct. Also missing was a convincing weapon, any material evidence of the alleged rite, confessions, testimony by witnesses (by Rudy, for example, the West African found guilty last week, who had nothing to lose and much to gain by confirming the rite scenario) and evidence of previous involvement by the three accused in such behaviour.

Mr Mignini’s case against Knox and Sollecito rested on Amanda’s partial admission that she was in the flat when her friend died, later retracted; a carving knife found in Raffaele’s kitchen (too big to have been the murder weapon, say the defence) and some hotly disputed evidence of DNA at the crime scene.

Mr Mignini does, however, have the benefit of a cracking story. And in Italy that counts for a lot.

Behind the scenes: Conspiracy theorists

Giuliano Mignini

The Italian prosecutor took just days to decide that Meredith Kercher’s death was the murderous culmination of an orgy in which Amanda Knox, Raffaele Sollecito and one other were allegedly involved. Mr Mignini’s vivid accounts could land him in hot water as they appear to be influenced by the speculation posted by a friend, the prolific Roman blogger Gabriella Carlizzi.

Gabriella Carlizzi

Ms Carlizzi has posted a complicated and seemingly highly unlikely conspiracy surrounding Meredith’s demise involving Masonic sects, symbols and life beyond death. Mr Mignini and Ms Carlizzi have previously worked together and at one point convinced a senior Italian police officer to examine a conspiracy theory about the identity of the Monster of Florence, one of Italy’s most notorious serial killers.

A prolific writer on the internet and an all-round conspiracy |theorist, Ms Carlizzi has been giving unsolicited advice to criminal investigations up and |down Italy for many years. The wealthy, religious Roman believes a priest who died in 1984 lights her up with illuminations which she uses as a starting point for her investigations into some of Italy’s most heinous crimes. Her postings on Meredith Kercher’s murder, which she starts by saying are just her personal opinion, claim to be based on research in both America and England and conclude by suggesting Meredith’s death was a human sacrifice.

June 28, 2009

Johnny Mann and His Music A Tribute

Song excerpts by the Johnny Mann Singers and Vocal Majority intermingled with original poem by Tom Hammett. Illustrated with coordinated pictures.

The Value of a Johnny Mann Jingle: Johnny Mann and Wife Receive National Flag

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