August 7, 2009

Key moments in the life of Ronnie Biggs

Key moments in the life of Ronnie Biggs

Ronnie Biggs has been granted freedom from prison on compassionate grounds
8 August 1963 - Biggs is part of a gang of 15 members who stole £2.6 million from a Post Office train at Bridego Railway Bridge in Buckinghamshire.

January 1964 - Ronnie Biggs stands trial for the robbery and is jailed for 30 years.

July 7, 1965 - After just 15 months behind bars, he escapes from Wandsworth Prison by scaling a wall and jumping onto a mattress in an open-top van.

1969 - Biggs flees to Brazil after being tracked down in Australia by Scotland Yard.

1974 - Biggs makes a deal with the Daily Express amid rumours he would surrender if assured an early parole date, but the paper contacts detective Jack Slipper who arrests him in Rio de Janeiro. The train robber successfully argued against extradition because he had a Brazilian dependant, a young son Michael, by his girlfriend Raimunda.

May 3, 2001 - After 35 years on the run, Ronnie Biggs sends an email to Scotland Yard saying he wanted to go home.

May 7, 2001 - Biggs arrives on a private plane at RAF Northolt, and is immediately arrested. He is later sent back to prison, but within weeks is receiving hospital treatment for a suspected stroke.

August 2004 - Lawyers for the Great Train Robber launch a High Court bid to secure his release on compassionate grounds.

June 25, 2009 - A Parole Board recommends to Justice Secretary Jack Straw that Biggs be released, saying the risk of him reoffending is "manageable".

July 1, 2009 - Biggs is refused parole by Mr Straw, who accused the Great Train Robber of being "wholly unrepentant" about his crimes. Biggs is said to have suffered three strokes and cannot eat, speak or walk.

July 28 2009 - Michael Biggs appeals to the Government to release his father on compassionate grounds after the criminal is re-admitted to hospital from prison with severe pneumonia.

August 6 2009 - Mr Straw grants Biggs "compassionate release" from his prison sentence saying he is not expected to recover.
Key moments in the life of Ronnie Biggs

@FUCKING @REDNECKS - @Twitter and @Facebook @cyber attack 'aimed at lone @Georgia @blogger' | @MailOnline @mrjyn

A cyber attack that caused misery for millions of Facebook and Twitter users may have been a deliberate attempt to silence just one activist blogger, it was claimed tonight.

The 'massively coordinated attack'  -  which caused chaos across the worldwide web - was thought to have originated from Russia.

Their apparent aims was to block a pro-Georgian blogger posting his thoughts on the first anniversary of the start of last year's five-day war between Russia and Georgia.

The attack spread through popular websites such as Facebook, micro-blogging site Twitter and Google, causing chaos on Wednesday.

Today, security experts at Facebook claimed the online campaign targeted just one person, a Georgian blogger going by the name of Cyxymu.

But others said the assault could have been a test run for blackmail attempts or even extortion.

The co-ordinated cyber assault caused disruptions to Facebook and managed to shut down Twitter for a couple of hours for its army of 3 million Uk subcribers

Google managed to stop the 'denial of service' campaign, but another site, LiveJournal was also affected

The hacking technique works by making thousands of attempts from an army of infected computers to contact a single site at the same time.

russian tank

A Russian tank rolls past a house set on fire by South Ossetian militia in the Georgian village of Kvemo-Achebeti in August 2008. Blogger 'Cyxymu' is an outspoken critic of the conflict

This results in a huge cyber jam, blocking legitimate traffic to the websites.

Graham Cluley, of internet security specialist Sophos, said: 'It's a bit like 15 fat men trying to get through a revolving door at the same time — nothing can move. In the meantime, micro-bloggers around the world are likely to be left twiddling their thumbs.'

Max Kelly, of Facebook, said: 'It was a simultaneous attack across a number of properties targeting him to keep his voice from being heard.

'We're actively investigating the source of the attacks and we hope to be able to find out the individuals involved in the back end and to take action against them if we can.'

Facebook has more than 250 million users worldwide the hackers also used something called a 'botnet' in an attempt to crash the websites.

The Twitter blogsite, which confirmed the outage was due to an attack by hackers

The Twitter blogsite, which confirmed the outage was due to a cyber-attack

Large amounts of spam emails were sent out containing a link to the activist blogging websites.

When thousands of people clicked on the links at the same time some servers were overwhelmed by the demand.

'The attacks appear to be directed at an individual who has a presence on a number of sites, rather than the sites themselves,' said Mr Kelly.

Security experts also said that criminals are increasingly threatening to sabotage websites who refuse to pay ransoms.

Twitter's co-founder Biz Stone said: 'Attacks such as this are malicious efforts orchestrated to disrupt and make unavailable services such as online banks, credit card payment gateways, and in this case, Twitter for intended customers or users. We are defending against this attack.'

The site has seen a huge rise in popularity in recent months and it is now the 38th most visited site in Britain.

Google said: 'Google systems prevented substantive impact to our services. We are aware that a handful of non-Google sites were impacted by a DOS attack, and are in contact with some affected companies to help investigate this attack.' 

Twitter and Facebook cyber-attack 'aimed at lone Georgian blogger' | Mail Online

Packinghouse guy torches Tinkered odiousness | Wise Bread - oh, i get it...btw: always thought the fish teeth coming out of the can was from WWN...but it's real

Packinghouse guy torches Tinkered odiousness is a dish with real bite. Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm not entirely sure what kind of Fish Mouths are in this can of strangeness, but I'm not in a huge rush to find out either. Catfish maybe? I have heard fish cheeks are devine though.



I'd eat the next one. Not because I was forced but because I'd eat my shoe if it's covered in curry sauce. That's just the Brit in me. Anyway, Thai Green Curry with Crocodile sounds really good to me.

Croc Curry


I have to admit, we're getting into territory that even I can't face now. I'll give it a try if I have to, if I was hungry enough, but canned scorpions don't have that nice ring to it.

Blergh! Could you eat these strange canned foods? | Wise Bread

Ooh yeshiva deserving crackups – warmongering lectureship! WHOLE chicken in a CAN - from the girl that does posts like this...tired

Ooh yeshiva deserving crackups – warmongering lectureship!

April2009 024

Send a whole chicken in a can to your friends on Facebook using our Museum of Snack Foods App!

You might remember I bought this at the same time I bought the canned pork brains in milk gravy. At the time, I did not fully comprehend that it was an ENTIRE chicken bones and all inside the can.

BTW you can’t see it but under the lettuce, on the far right it says “serving suggestion”. Yeah, why not also suggest you poop gold and fart jet fuel? It is also without giblets, don’t want to know what they did with those.

April2009 032

Here are the serving suggestions. I decided to roast it according to the instructions provided for the purest experience. It had been chilling in my fridge for a month at least before I opened it today.

April2009 033

When you open the can, this is what you see. Little chicken knuckles poking out from the schmaltz. I initially wanted to pull out the chicken and reserve the broth in the can, but the bones were too wiggly, so I had to pour it out.

April2009 040

Wow, Sweet Sue doesn’t look so sweet upside down.

April2009 042

My 3 year old was fascinated. That’s chocolate on his face, btw from the other taste test we did today.

April2009 045

And it’s out!

April2009 047

Close up of some sort of something. All I know is that it wasn’t the giblets, as those are not included.

April2009 050

I poured all of this off to roast the chicken.

April2009 054

Goofball wanted to make sure I got a picture of his whole face!

April2009 075

Bowl of reserved goo. Realized I did not in fact want to keep it and tossed it down the garbage disposal. I did taste it (the broth part, not the fat globs and mystery bits) with my finger and it was very weak like somebody had just dunked a chicken in some water.

April2009 078

Out of the oven after 15+ minutes at 475 as instructed. It never did get brown.

April2009 079

It was really scrawny!

April2009 084

And the taste? There really wasn’t any. The white meat was a bit more cottony than the dark meat, but it all tasted like all the flavor had been cooked out. Sort of like the little bits of chicken in condensed chicken noodle soup. I thought before cooking it that I might use the meat in some sort of chicken salad, like you’d use canned chunk chicken breast but this is seriously lacking and I don’t think anyone would eat it. I am going to strip the meat and put it out for the neighborhood cats (not in front of my house though!) it doesn’t seem too salty or anything, so I think it will be okay.

You can see all my Chicken in a Can Photos here.

Or, admire my skill in typing while dry heaving

Front of can of pork brains with milk gravy, Rose brand

Front of can of pork brains with milk gravy, Rose brand

Send a can of pork brains in milk gravy to your friends on Facebook using our Museum of Snack Foods App!

About a month ago, there was a thread on the IHMMB forums linking to a Consumerist post called “The Worst Food Product Ever May Have Been Found“. I was surprised how many people had never heard of pork brains in milk gravy, as I’ve seen them in many grocery stores, near the Spam and canned corned beef hash. So, of course I went and bought a can. I couldn’t find the Armour brand, but I think off brand pork brains are probably just as good.

You might have noticed that both cans have the brains nestled in scrambled eggs. That’s how they are served here and you can even find them on some restaurant menus. I’ve never seen anyone order it, but I always like it when I see it on the menu. It gives me that “ahhh, I’m not eating at no dang corporate chain, no I’m eating at the restaurant of the people. The eggs n’ brains eating dadgummed heart of America” feeling.

Pork brains ingredients

Pork brains ingredients

Ewww nitrites!

Pork brains nutrition information 1

Pork brains nutrition information 1

I’m glad they didn’t try to pull that one can equals two servings crap. Do you share your can of Sirloin Burger? I think not.

Pork brains nutrition information 2

Pork brains nutrition information 2

The famous 10 days worth of cholesterol in one serving but who knew that pork brains had vitamin C?

Okay, you’re right, I was totally stalling on opening the can.

Open can of pork brains

Open can of pork brains

The smell that came out of the can was like ground up vienna sausages mixed with particularly strong canned dog food. The cheap kind, not the kind that is better than what most people eat. I can still smell it, but maybe that’s because I haven’t taken out the trash yet.

Brains on a plate! Brains on a plate!

Brains on a plate! Brains on a plate!

I tipped the can out onto a plate and that’s when my stomach really started to clench up and I became woozy and light-headed. I’d thought about scrambling up some eggs and tucking it inside to see if I could make it look like the picture on the front of the can but all the blood was rushing out of my head and I couldn’t imagine making it that far without vomitting or falling down. It felt as if I couldn’t walk and it was all I could do to set up the camera to take a picture. Of course, my tripod was wobbling (it’s one of those bendy legged ones) and I felt a sudden fear that my camera would fall into the pork brains and felt as though I might cry.

Brains bring up some deep seated taboo and it distresses me to even look at them. If pigs have souls, surely they must live in the brain. And surely pigs must have souls, otherwise people wouldn’t make so many movies about them. And to eat, or even touch the house of another living being’s soul or scramble it with eggs, why that’s sacrilege. Let’s hope that there is really no such thing as zombies, for if there are, and one gets me, I’ll be in a doozy of a pickle then.

However, since I’m nothing if not dedicated to my work as a person who blogs about stuff so people will pay attention to her, I did dip my pinkie finger in the milk gravy and have a small taste. It was salty and made me shudder. I thought perhaps I ought to give it a poke but I couldn’t make my fingers do it, so I dumped the whole thing in the garbage disposal and let the water run a good long time.

I am also wondering why the milk gravy. So, I wrote Armour (I couldn’t find Rose’s website):

Hi! I was wondering why your pork brains, and indeed all the brands of pork brains I have ever seen, are packed in milk gravy. Is it for taste or does the milk act as a preservative?

I will let you know if I get an answer. Until then, enjoy this video of some fools eating Rose pork brains in milk gravy.

The End! (I refuse to speculate as to what that dark matter on the bottom might be)

The End! (I refuse to speculate as to what that dark matter on the bottom might be)