November 9, 2008

Dancing to the PACHINKO-HALL Rock ! パチンコ

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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Dancing to the PACHINKO-HALL Rock !

 2008 年6月12日、タイヨーエレック株式会社は東京・港区にある六本木オリベホールにて、パチンコ最新機種『CRエルビスプレスリー』のプレスカンファレンス &プレミアムステージを開催した。本機はその名の通りロックンロールの開祖・エルビスプレスリーをフィーチャーしたタイアップ機。会場にはサプライズゲス トとして歌手・俳優として活躍中の尾藤イサオ氏が駆けつけ、熱のこもった絶唱でステージを盛り上げた。

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パチンコ CRエルビス・プレスリー 機種情報



タイプ:CR デジパチ 突確 2R確変
大当たり確率 1/97.7 1/97.8 1/315.5
確率変動率 60% 56.7% 60%
賞球数 3&4&10 3&4&10 3&4&10&13
時短 30回転 0or100回転 終了後100回転

スペック 交換率2.5円換金 交換率3.0円換金 交換率 等価交換
ATX 21回 20回 18回
KTX 21回 20回 18回
MTZ 21回 20回 18回

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Nashville Pussy - A review


What can I say?

Oh well- yes I can.

Last year we walked in late to their opening set at that Horton Heat show. We vowed then & there that we'd see 'em again.

Parade magazine will never feature them. Wayne Cochran is your mother compared to them. Wait, Stiv Bators is your mother compared to them.
They will never be lying on their death beds asking themselves "What was that all about?"
Their show is a full-on 100% Screaming Mimi (or screaming Meemie) assault on the very existence of rock n' roll. If they worked in a grocery store, You'd be greeted at the door, every item would be exactly where it belonged with the right prices, the floors would be immaculate and the produce fresh, and you would zoom through checkout. That's how hard they work. Like hard workin' bastards, who are forestalling their executions by playing for the Governor.

The staging is flawless: they look at each other, and blast! things happen right on cue. The drama don't stop. It's intuitive but looks well thought out.

The last song, Ruyter tore the strings off her guitar - when I asked Blaine how she manages to do that, he replied, "Hey she's got great chops."


Phonecam doesn't do it justice, obviously, & I lost 2 closeups while talking to band members (forgot to hit save) so I have adulterated, to give an impression. Maybe successful.

Special show treat: Blaine sings Ace of Spades with Reverend Horton Heat


CocaTea Mfd. by Enaco: Eric Clapton REHEARSAL: "Spuiten en Slikken" DRUGTEST- DUTCH: Kate Moss: Dylan: Temptation of Punky: Pryor: BRISTOL RAID

Coca Tea Manufactured
by Enaco S.A. in Peru

La Empresa Nacional de la Coca, se creó en el año de 1949, como la única empresa peruana autorizada para la comercialización de la hoja de coca y sus derivados. A partir del año de 1982, Enaco S.A. es una empresa estatal de derecho privado, en la modalidad de sociedad anónima, con la finalidad de coadyuvar a preservar la salud de la población a través de la comercialización de la hoja de coca y sus derivados, así como su industrialización con fines benéficos,ustentada en el marco jurídico vigente.Desde hace 20 años, nuestra empresa viene produciendo y comercializando los productos Delisse (Mate de coca y mixturas), bajo los más altos estándares de calidad , logrando de esta manera que los productos Delisse, conserven todos los atributos y beneficios de la Hoja de coca y hierbas medicinales empleadas en la elaboración, siendo un producto 100% natural y muy beneficioso para la salud.
Coca Tea

Drugtest nr 2

Spuiten en slikken
"Spuiten en slikken", crazy dutch TV-show with this hillarious guy who tests a new drug each episode. If you speak english or german, you'll understand plenty, but it's worth seeing anyway.

Mint with Coca Tea
Mint with Coca Tea
Eric Clapton
February 1985

Exotic Infusion 100 filters
Exotic Infusion

Richard Pryor

Richard Pryor loaded on cocaine being interviewed in 1980 during the filming of his movie "Stir Crazy". Homeboy is geared out of his head and fully going OFF! The best part is when Richard asks the interviewer

Exotic Infusion 25 filters
Exotic Infusion
Kate Moss cocaine video
Cocalyptuss 25 filters
Cats Claw
Cat's Claw100 filters
Cats Claw
Cat's Claw 25 filters
Anis with coca Tea
Mint with Coca Tea 25 filters
Mint with Coca Tea
Bob Dylan

Anis with coca Tea
Anise with Coca Tea 25 filters

HierbaLuisa with Coca Tea 100 filters

The Temptation of Punky
HierbaLuisawith Coca Tea
HierbaLuisa with coca Tea 25 filters

Chamomile with Coca Tea 100 filters
Chamomile with Coca Tea
bristol drug raid

Go behind the scenes on a drugs raid and find out how police and residents in this once notorious Bristol housing estate have said 'enough is enough' to heroin dealers.

Chamomile with Coca Tea

liquid cocaine shot