October 17, 2009

Illustrated Sex Timeline

The timeline plots significant evnts in human history on the left with correlating benchmarks in the history of human sexuality on the right. Click on a date headline for an extended essay on the correlation. To become a contributing editor to the timeline, send an email to

Historical Sexual


Dutch scientist von Leeuwenhoek develops the microscope. (1674)

1725 Casanova born. (2 April 1725)
French explorer and mathematician La Condamine brings back caoutchouc (raw rubber) from Amazon trip. (1736)

Jacques de Vaucanson builds automaton duck (Spring 1739)

1740 Marquis de Sade born. (2 June 1740)

1758 S. A. Tissot publishes On Onanism, or a Physical Dissertation on the Ills Produced by Masturbation. (1758)
Storming of the Bastille (14 July 1789)

1834 Sylvester Graham writes Lecture to Young Men on Chastity. (1834)
Historical Sexual

1836 Leopold von Sacher-Masoch born. (27 January 1836)
The Daugerrotype is the first commercially available photographic reproduction. (1839)

1844 Anthony Comstock, moral entrepreneur, born. (7 March 1844)
Goodyear patents vulcanization of rubber. (24 June 1844)

1848 John Humphrey Noyes founds the Oneida Community in New York. (1848)
Kingdom of Denmark reorganized as a constitutional monarchy. (1849)

Charles Darwin publishes On the Origins of Species. (1859)

Jules Verne publishes Journey to the Center of the Earth (1863)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born. (2 October 1869)

A.M. Ward sends his first mail order catalog. (1873)
1873 US Congress passes Comstock Act, prohibiting mailing of immoral, obscene, and indecent materials. (1873)
Historical Sexual
Albert Einstein, German expatriat physicist, (and noted lover) is born. (1879)
1879 German physician Albert Neisser discovers bacterium that causes gonorrhea. (1879)

1880 Marie Stopes, world famous pioneer for family planning, is born. (15 October 1880)
Josef Breuer, Viennese physician, uses hypnosis to treat hysteria. (1882)

1885 Sir Richard Francis Burton publishes The Arabian Nights. (1885)
Granville Stanley Hall founds the American Journal of Psychology. (1885)
1886 Krafft-Ebing publishes Psychopathia Sexualis. (1886)
H.W. Goodwin invents celluloid film. (1887)

Christopher Lathan Sholes patents the QWERTY typewriter. (1898)

Booker T. Washington publishes 'Up from Slavery.' (1901)
1901 Henry Havelock Ellis publishes first volumes of his work Studies in the Psychology of Sex (1901)

1903 Viennese author Otto Weininger pens "Sex and Character." (1903)

1908 Iwan Bloch publishes Sexual Life of Our Time, coins the term 'Sexology.' (1908)
Historical Sexual

1915 A Free Ride, considered the first stag film. (1915)
Sideshows, medicine shows, snake oil shows travel America. (1920s)

1925 The state of Tennessee forbits sex education in public schools. (1925)
Margaret Mead publishes 'Coming of Age in Samoa,' an anthropological study of teens in other cultures. (1928)

USA stock market crash, starting on Black Friday, leads to the great depression. (29 October 1929)

1930 Tijuana Bibles begin circulating in the US. (1930s)
Carl Gustav Jung pens "Modern man in Search of a Soul" (1933)

Hitler takes power in Germany after the burning of the Reichstag. (3 May 1933)

1933 Nazis burn Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sex Research, including its archive, in Berlin. (6 May 1933)

1933 Hugo Gernsback begins publishing Sexology magazine. (Summer 1933)
Historical Sexual

1936 Young's Rubber Company starts selling Trojans condoms. (1936)

1936 US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals nullifies remainder of Comstock act. (1936)
Tampax begins distribution of menstrual tampons in the United States. (1938)

Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, bringing the US into World War II. (7 December 1941)

Stanley Penska on Yonkers, NY, patents the "reservoir tip" condom. (1948)
1948 Alfred C. Kinsey publishes Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. (1948)
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death for espionage against the US. (1951)
1951 Beate Uhse opens her first Sexual Supermarket in West Germany. (1951)
Norman Vincent Peale publishes The Power of Positive Thinking. (1952)
1952 George becomes Christine Jorgensen. (1952)
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay scale mount Everest. (1953)
1953 Alfred Kinsey publishes Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. (1953)

1953 Hugh Hefner publishes Playboy no. 1. (December 1953)

1956 Wilhelm Reich's publications burned by the U.S. FDA (August 1956)
Historical Sexual
Supreme Court rules in 'Roth vs. US' that pornography must be utterly without redeeming social importance. (1957)
1957 SSSS: Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality founded (1957)

1957 Searle releases Enovid birth control pill. (1957)
Hawaii becomes 50th state of the U.S. (1958)
1958 U.S. Postmaster General Summerfield bans D.H. Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's Lover" from the mails on grounds of obscenity. (1958)
Jane Goodall observes chimpanzees in the wild using tools. (1960)
1960 Ira Reiss publishes Premarital Sexual Standards in America. (1960)
Instant color film introduced by the Polaroid Land Company. (1963)
1963 Betty Friedan pens The Feminine Mystique. (1963)
John F. Kennedy assassinated. (22 November 1963)

1965 COLOR CLIMAX in Copenhagen starts producing and distributing explicit books and films. (1965)

1965 PRIVATE in Sweden starts producing and distributing explicit books and films. (1965)
NOW, the National Organization for Women, founded. (1966)
1966 Researchers Masters and Johnson publish Human Sexual Response (1966)
US Supreme court rules against pandering in 'Ginzburg v. US'. (1966)
1966 Ted Marche starts manufacturing and selling rubber dildos and other prosthetic sex devices. (1966)
Historical Sexual

1966 Adam Film Quarterly premier issue (1966)

1967 AASECT, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists is founded (1967)

1968 Al Goldstein and Jim Buckley start SCREW magazine in New York (November 1968)

1969 Alan Ginsburg gets naked in Golden Gate Park (August 1969)

1969 Police raid Stonewall Inn, a gay bar, setting off days of rioting. (1969)
Summer of Love culminates with Woodstock festival of love and music. (1969)

Intel releases the 4004 chip. (1971)
1971 Technical Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography published. (1971)
Atari releases home video game PONG. (1972)
1972 Gerard Damiano releases film DEEP THROAT (1972)

1972 OUI, from Playboy pubilshing, premier issue. (1972)
The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from the DSM. (1973)
1973 Supreme Court ruling says that individual states may not stop abortions during the first six monts of pregnancy. (1973)
Historical Sexual
President Richard Nixon resigns from office. (9 August 1974)

Sony introduces the Betamax video format, doomed to failure. (1975)
1975 Ivan Stormgart comes to the United States. (1975)
JVC introduces VHS format for video tape. (1976)
1976 Reuben Sturman's company buys Doc Johnson, maker of erotic contrivances. (1976)
The Bakken Library and Museum of Electricity in Life moves to its present home. (1976)
1976 You premier issue (1976)

1976 Unique premier issue (March 1976)

1976 New Dawn premier issue (May 1976)

1976 High Society premier issue (May 1976)

1976 Fun! premier issue (1976)

1976 Cheri premier issue (1976)

1976 National Screw premier issue. (1976)
Historical Sexual
Paul Allen and Bill Gates found Microsoft. (1977)
1977 Joani Blank founds Good Vibrations in San Francisco, CA. (1977)

1977 At Home premier issue (1977)

1977 New Pink premier issue, (1977)

1977 Eve premier issue (1977)

1977 Touch of Velvet premier issue (September 1977)

1977 Jock premier issue (1977)
Mt. St. Helens erupts. (1980)

1980 Playbirds premier issue (May 1980)
US Centers for Disease Control first recognizes AIDS. (1981)
1981 Patrick J. Kearney publishes The Private Case, a study of the erotic collection at the British Library. (1981)

1983 Platinum premiere issue. (1983)
Historical Sexual

1986 Attorney General's Commission on Pornography (1986)

1987 Tail Ends premier issue (1987)

1988 T&A premier issue (February 1988)
bOING bOING issue #2 (1990)

1991 Thigh High premier issue (Spring 1991)

1997 Tight premiere issue (June 1997)

1997 Carnal Knowledge premier issue (September/October 1997)
Terrorists hijack 2 planes and fly into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City (11 September 2001)

2001 launches Web site (September 2001)

2002 Earl Kemp, longtime porn pulp editor, begins publishing e*I* Fanzine (January 2002)
Historical Sexual

2003 Sheryl Straight starts The Erotica Bibliophile. (2003)
George W. Bush re-elected to a second term as US President. (November 2004)
2004 Kinsey, the Movie, opens in Los Angeles and New York. (12 November 2004)

2005 Editors William J. Taverner and Elizabeth Schroeder begin American Journal of Sexuality Education. (2005) Timeline

Charles Carrington - Title Page Examples

Title Page Examples

A sampling of title pages from works published by Carrington
Copyright © 2003 Sheryl Straight

Loves of a Musical Student      Picture of Dorian Gray

Book of Expostion      Maison de la Verveine

Manual of Classical Erotoloy      Venus a la Fourrure

Old Man Young Again      Flagellation des Femmes
Charles Carrington - Title Page Examples