Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
| 2009 |
Dutch scientist von Leeuwenhoek develops the microscope. (1674)
|  | 1674 |
| 1725 |  | Casanova born. (2 April 1725) |
French explorer and mathematician La Condamine brings back caoutchouc (raw rubber) from Amazon trip. (1736)
|  | 1736 |
Jacques de Vaucanson builds automaton duck (Spring 1739)
|  | 1739 |
| 1740 |  | Marquis de Sade born. (2 June 1740) |
| 1758 |  | S. A. Tissot publishes On Onanism, or a Physical Dissertation on the Ills Produced by Masturbation. (1758) |
Storming of the Bastille (14 July 1789)
|  | 1789 |
| 1834 |  | Sylvester Graham writes Lecture to Young Men on Chastity. (1834) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
| 1836 |  | Leopold von Sacher-Masoch born. (27 January 1836) |
The Daugerrotype is the first commercially available photographic reproduction. (1839)
|  | 1839 |
| 1844 |  | Anthony Comstock, moral entrepreneur, born. (7 March 1844) |
Goodyear patents vulcanization of rubber. (24 June 1844)
|  | 1844 |
| 1848 |  | John Humphrey Noyes founds the Oneida Community in New York. (1848) |
Kingdom of Denmark reorganized as a constitutional monarchy. (1849)
|  | 1849 |
Charles Darwin publishes On the Origins of Species. (1859)
|  | 1859 |
Jules Verne publishes Journey to the Center of the Earth (1863)
|  | 1863 |
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born. (2 October 1869)
|  | 1869 |
A.M. Ward sends his first mail order catalog. (1873)
|  | 1873 |  | US Congress passes Comstock Act, prohibiting mailing of immoral, obscene, and indecent materials. (1873) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
Albert Einstein, German expatriat physicist, (and noted lover) is born. (1879)
|  | 1879 |  | German physician Albert Neisser discovers bacterium that causes gonorrhea. (1879) |
| 1880 |  | Marie Stopes, world famous pioneer for family planning, is born. (15 October 1880) |
Josef Breuer, Viennese physician, uses hypnosis to treat hysteria. (1882)
|  | 1882 |
| 1885 |  | Sir Richard Francis Burton publishes The Arabian Nights. (1885) |
Granville Stanley Hall founds the American Journal of Psychology. (1885)
|  | 1886 |  | Krafft-Ebing publishes Psychopathia Sexualis. (1886) |
H.W. Goodwin invents celluloid film. (1887)
|  | 1887 |
Christopher Lathan Sholes patents the QWERTY typewriter. (1898)
|  | 1898 |
Booker T. Washington publishes 'Up from Slavery.' (1901)
|  | 1901 |  | Henry Havelock Ellis publishes first volumes of his work Studies in the Psychology of Sex (1901) |
| 1903 |  | Viennese author Otto Weininger pens "Sex and Character." (1903) |
| 1908 |  | Iwan Bloch publishes Sexual Life of Our Time, coins the term 'Sexology.' (1908) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
| 1915 |  | A Free Ride, considered the first stag film. (1915) |
Sideshows, medicine shows, snake oil shows travel America. (1920s)
|  | 1920 |
| 1925 |  | The state of Tennessee forbits sex education in public schools. (1925) |
Margaret Mead publishes 'Coming of Age in Samoa,' an anthropological study of teens in other cultures. (1928)
|  | 1928 |
USA stock market crash, starting on Black Friday, leads to the great depression. (29 October 1929)
|  | 1929 |
| 1930 |  | Tijuana Bibles begin circulating in the US. (1930s) |
Carl Gustav Jung pens "Modern man in Search of a Soul" (1933)
|  | 1933 |
Hitler takes power in Germany after the burning of the Reichstag. (3 May 1933)
|  | 1933 |
| 1933 |  | Nazis burn Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sex Research, including its archive, in Berlin. (6 May 1933) |
| 1933 |  | Hugo Gernsback begins publishing Sexology magazine. (Summer 1933) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
| 1936 |  | Young's Rubber Company starts selling Trojans condoms. (1936) |
| 1936 |  | US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals nullifies remainder of Comstock act. (1936) |
Tampax begins distribution of menstrual tampons in the United States. (1938)
|  | 1938 |
Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, bringing the US into World War II. (7 December 1941)
|  | 1941 |
Stanley Penska on Yonkers, NY, patents the "reservoir tip" condom. (1948)
|  | 1948 |  | Alfred C. Kinsey publishes Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. (1948) |
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death for espionage against the US. (1951)
|  | 1951 |  | Beate Uhse opens her first Sexual Supermarket in West Germany. (1951) |
Norman Vincent Peale publishes The Power of Positive Thinking. (1952)
|  | 1952 |  | George becomes Christine Jorgensen. (1952) |
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay scale mount Everest. (1953)
|  | 1953 |  | Alfred Kinsey publishes Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. (1953) |
| 1953 |  | Hugh Hefner publishes Playboy no. 1. (December 1953) |
| 1956 |  | Wilhelm Reich's publications burned by the U.S. FDA (August 1956) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
Supreme Court rules in 'Roth vs. US' that pornography must be utterly without redeeming social importance. (1957)
|  | 1957 |  | SSSS: Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality founded (1957) |
| 1957 |  | Searle releases Enovid birth control pill. (1957) |
Hawaii becomes 50th state of the U.S. (1958)
|  | 1958 |  | U.S. Postmaster General Summerfield bans D.H. Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's Lover" from the mails on grounds of obscenity. (1958) |
Jane Goodall observes chimpanzees in the wild using tools. (1960)
|  | 1960 |  | Ira Reiss publishes Premarital Sexual Standards in America. (1960) |
Instant color film introduced by the Polaroid Land Company. (1963)
|  | 1963 |  | Betty Friedan pens The Feminine Mystique. (1963) |
John F. Kennedy assassinated. (22 November 1963)
|  | 1963 |
| 1965 |  | COLOR CLIMAX in Copenhagen starts producing and distributing explicit books and films. (1965) |
| 1965 |  | PRIVATE in Sweden starts producing and distributing explicit books and films. (1965) |
NOW, the National Organization for Women, founded. (1966)
|  | 1966 |  | Researchers Masters and Johnson publish Human Sexual Response (1966) |
US Supreme court rules against pandering in 'Ginzburg v. US'. (1966)
|  | 1966 |  | Ted Marche starts manufacturing and selling rubber dildos and other prosthetic sex devices. (1966) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
| 1966 |  | Adam Film Quarterly premier issue (1966) |
| 1967 |  | AASECT, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists is founded (1967) |
| 1968 |  | Al Goldstein and Jim Buckley start SCREW magazine in New York (November 1968) |
| 1969 |  | Alan Ginsburg gets naked in Golden Gate Park (August 1969) |
| 1969 |  | Police raid Stonewall Inn, a gay bar, setting off days of rioting. (1969) |
Summer of Love culminates with Woodstock festival of love and music. (1969)
|  | 1969 |
Intel releases the 4004 chip. (1971)
|  | 1971 |  | Technical Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography published. (1971) |
Atari releases home video game PONG. (1972)
|  | 1972 |  | Gerard Damiano releases film DEEP THROAT (1972) |
| 1972 |  | OUI, from Playboy pubilshing, premier issue. (1972) |
The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from the DSM. (1973)
|  | 1973 |  | Supreme Court ruling says that individual states may not stop abortions during the first six monts of pregnancy. (1973) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
President Richard Nixon resigns from office. (9 August 1974)
|  | 1974 |
Sony introduces the Betamax video format, doomed to failure. (1975)
|  | 1975 |  | Ivan Stormgart comes to the United States. (1975) |
JVC introduces VHS format for video tape. (1976)
|  | 1976 |  | Reuben Sturman's company buys Doc Johnson, maker of erotic contrivances. (1976) |
The Bakken Library and Museum of Electricity in Life moves to its present home. (1976)
|  | 1976 |  | You premier issue (1976) |
| 1976 |  | Unique premier issue (March 1976) |
| 1976 |  | New Dawn premier issue (May 1976) |
| 1976 |  | High Society premier issue (May 1976) |
| 1976 |  | Fun! premier issue (1976) |
| 1976 |  | Cheri premier issue (1976) |
| 1976 |  | National Screw premier issue. (1976) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
Paul Allen and Bill Gates found Microsoft. (1977)
|  | 1977 |  | Joani Blank founds Good Vibrations in San Francisco, CA. (1977) |
| 1977 |  | At Home premier issue (1977) |
| 1977 |  | New Pink premier issue, (1977) |
| 1977 |  | Eve premier issue (1977) |
| 1977 |  | Touch of Velvet premier issue (September 1977) |
| 1977 |  | Jock premier issue (1977) |
Mt. St. Helens erupts. (1980)
|  | 1980 |
| 1980 |  | Playbirds premier issue (May 1980) |
US Centers for Disease Control first recognizes AIDS. (1981)
|  | 1981 |  | Patrick J. Kearney publishes The Private Case, a study of the erotic collection at the British Library. (1981) |
| 1983 |  | Platinum premiere issue. (1983) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
| 1986 |  | Attorney General's Commission on Pornography (1986) |
| 1987 |  | Tail Ends premier issue (1987) |
| 1988 |  | T&A premier issue (February 1988) |
bOING bOING issue #2 (1990)
|  | 1990 |
| 1991 |  | Thigh High premier issue (Spring 1991) |
| 1997 |  | Tight premiere issue (June 1997) |
| 1997 |  | Carnal Knowledge premier issue (September/October 1997) |
Terrorists hijack 2 planes and fly into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City (11 September 2001)
|  | 2001 |
| 2001 |  | Alta-Glamour.com launches Web site (September 2001) |
| 2002 |  | Earl Kemp, longtime porn pulp editor, begins publishing e*I* Fanzine (January 2002) |
Historical |  |  |  | Sexual |
| 2003 |  | Sheryl Straight starts The Erotica Bibliophile. (2003) |
George W. Bush re-elected to a second term as US President. (November 2004)
|  | 2004 |  | Kinsey, the Movie, opens in Los Angeles and New York. (12 November 2004) |
| 2005 |  | Editors William J. Taverner and Elizabeth Schroeder begin American Journal of Sexuality Education. (2005) |
|  |  |  | |