June 7, 2022

Sweet Anita Tics Transcript #sweetanitatourettes #sweetanitatranscript

Sweet Anita Tics Transcript



switch games i really want to see if we

can hook that up yeah i'd love to try

um specifically breath of the wild

semen steeler do you have any pets not

what that game is about yes

i throw them against the wall

i throw them over my shoulder for views

is that content but no it's content

just just stop and they know better

anyway because they know that that would

set me off more

because the more inappropriate it feels

the more [ __ ]

the more [ __ ] the more [ __ ] my


the more i the more i tick


sorry i gotta get up for a second you

guys are killing me

sweet anita she did not have any


besides just some dudes with some big

bodies i mean i'm telling you chat

you could smell when sweet anita was

coming because you could just smell the


all around her just walking around and

making sure every time she stepped

that it was the most beautiful thing

they ever witnessed in her life slight


i was like right here


you know what's funny about that wait

wait a sec what's funny about that

he asked when i bumped into him for the

first time the only time i met him

he straight away went can i be a mod

so evidently if he could smell my mods

he could smell his people

because he was right up in that he was

just like

hello can i be a mod


and you know what if he wants to crowd

around me and make sure every step that

i take is the most beautiful one i've

ever taken in my life

you're more than welcome sweetheart

bring me your life i don't know what's


on oh sorry i didn't mean to say that i

have to i have

i have a tasty get [ __ ] i'm fine

i just got a tasty see you and t

why don't you use instagram q88 i don't

[ __ ] biscuits i [ __ ] the queen um

i don't have an instagram because


frankly i kind of feel like when people

are asking me for instagram

they're actually asking if i have like a

portfolio of softcore porn

um that want to see if there are any

sexy pics

and i just don't do that sort of thing

um i don't have anything against people

who do

i'm not gonna shame anyone for that

that's how they enjoy their sexuality

it's just not

for me and i kind of feel weird when

people are asking for that it's like

hi i like your face can i see you naked

it's just such a weird dynamic and

we all know that that's what dudes are

low-key asking for when they ask for

your instagram

to it i worked up to it for three years

before i finally gathered the courage to

do public speaking

and give talks um and that was

quite a milestone actually i think um it

was quite recently because

it was after i started streaming i think

streaming really bolstered my confidence

in that respect so thank you ever so

much to everyone who touched my

and fisted my kitten i will [ __ ] your

friends mate i will

um that was a lot of fun please not so

loud i'm watching you at work and

i'm scary i'm scared my boss will hear

the stream

fire him he's a little [ __ ] he's a

little [ __ ]

he's a little [ __ ] made my fanny itch

get him out

get him out

get out of my country are you planning

on playing any other games on this


i do play other games sometimes i'm

currently working on it with a

potato pc so i am it's given up on me a

few times when i've tried to play other

games but i do play the

forest i play bioshock i play with my

dick on a tuesday [ __ ] you and jesus

[ __ ] you

[ __ ] lasagna [ __ ] lasagna [ __ ]


um because if you're a noob on dota

people punish you

kitten i get punished punish me daddy oh

i never want to say that again

[ __ ] that you're in it's kind of like a

living room i don't

i i never used to really have friends so

i never thought i'd need a living room

but it turns out i do so i'm gonna

replace that couch

um with something actually worth sitting

on blah

like your face oh okay nice

um yeah

like i mean i don't think my face would

be as comfy as it used to be i've lost

quite a lot of

fluff on it so it's a bit bony though

are you a greek still friends no [ __ ]


[ __ ] him [ __ ] him wow because nobody

else does

um yeah i think i think he's awesome wow

um yeah why wouldn't we be friends

what did he say what happened

working in a supermarket is like you

know you you see the same [ __ ] in stream

on the other hand is completely

different you know you get all this [ __ ]

in supermarket you get all these people

coming in and it's like it's like

another life it juxtaposition of your

like your real life like

like you said you come here to relax you

come here

holy penis it's well it's it's

it's what

i think she means jelly penis it's jelly


uh-huh okay why is it jelly peanut he's

a [ __ ]

um that's enough for me he's out i'm



get him here get out of here get him out

of here

a few moments later hi

yeah it might be anita what might be

anita if it's not juice

it's not me i have tourette's okay that

was it was not me

yeah she's done that before and it's not

been huh yeah

yeah like yeah ticks are not always the

truth in fact most the time they're not

even what you're thinking

i'm sorry breakfast i'll kill you next

oh [ __ ] oh my god oh

okay i just finished my last task

wow could you finish me i'm sorry can

you [ __ ] can you [ __ ] off

do you like jizz i like jazz [ __ ] off


yo so where's the body what's happening

do you like tits i thought i thought i

thought i thought

i found i [ __ ] i found lena on a [ __ ] i

found leonardo tit i found leonardo

baseball [ __ ] i found



holy [ __ ] thank you


