February 1, 2022

breakfast AI by Janelle Shane

Cereal boxes: Orb Crumpets, Foam Squares, and Non-stick Carbonated Waffle Balls

breakfast AI

시리얼 박스 오브 크럼펫 폼 스퀘어 논스틱 탄산 와플 볼 AI 조식 시리얼. GPT-3의 문제는 인터넷의 예상치 못한 부분입니다. 아침 시리얼 보도 자료 아침 시리얼 보도 자료와 마찬가지로 아침 시리얼 애호가는 모든 식료품점의 온라인 시리얼 섹션을 복사합니다. 시리얼 세계에 대한 나의 브러시는 누군가 트윗에 2021년 말까지 4가지 새로운 시리얼이 나올 것이라는 태그를 달았을 때 시작되었습니다. 분명히 시리얼 제조업체는 훨씬 더 퇴폐적인 믹스를 가지고 있습니다( "CinnaGraham Toast Crunch", 누구?).

My own brush with the cereal world came when someone tagged me in a tweet about four new cereals being released in late 2021. Apparently, the cereal makers have continued to innovate on many fronts, including ever-more-decadent combinations ("CinnaGraham Toast Crunch", anyone?).

I took the four cereals (the other three: Strawberry Banana Cheerios, Reese’s Puffs Cluster Crunch, and Kashi Maple Waffle), found short descriptions of them, and gave them to GPT-3 as a list it could build on. I tried this experiment with DaVinci, the largest GPT-3 model, and Ada, the smallest.

DaVinci definitely understood the assignment.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch with marshmallow cream - features the classic taste of cinnamon toast with a marshmallow cream center. Kellogg's Eggo Nut Frosted Strawberry Pancakes - Nutty flavored strawberry frosted pancakes topped with colored confetti sprinkles.  Grahammeister - for fans 21 and up, this once limited-edition cereal has made a comeback. Rice Krispies Treats hazelnut fudge - exquisite hazelnut fudge gooey clusters made with 0% white cane sugar, inside the trusted taste of original Rice Krispies Treats cereal.

Ada, on the other hand, didn't understand that the examples were cereal, or didn't understand how cereal works, and/or didn't understand how humans talk about foods. Its ...cereals were a bit questionable.

OrbCrumpets - Bright yellow biscuit made with only high quality, raw ingredients. Foam Squares – Chewy and colorful fun fun fun foam squares deliver the fun flavor of muffins and covered train cars !!! Gudgetz Tallow Rolls - a science developed recipe. Non-Stick Carbonated Waffle Balls - Gold standard for fun waffle ball innovation using wheat-based flavors and crispy, aluminum foil

Many of Ada's cereals sounded like a really bad idea.

Original Cool Ranch Cheese and Dried Cranberry Oatmeal - all the wholesome, cheesy oatmeal with a choice of mild, sweet or salty!
Ingredis Fiberwaste Cream Cheese Cheerios  - kids grab a box and put them in their mouths, making fun flavors taste even better !!! !!! !!! !!!
The Brain Squirrels oatmeal box is the best oatmeal I've found that really tastes like the sourdoughty oatmeal best!

And are these even cereals?

Happy Day Candy and Treats - fun and sweet small puffs of real candy and treat that kids and adults can consume with their regular meal.
Paper dinner punches - Breakaway mini punch bowls filled with homemade cigars and foil dollar cups outdid those ear bonnets included
Two Finger Bobops - Unlike regular bobs and bastons that grow on their own, BBQ bobs, smitchers and hot bobs grow on trees.