January 25, 2022

Ksenia Parkhatskaya? Have you seen the worst reindeer: rudolph the red-nosed reindeer?

Charleston dance jam at Paris Jazz Roots

Here is a little extract that went viral all over the internet and became popular on Tik Tok and other social media. On the video it's myself, Ksenia Parkhatskaya, and my talented colleagues jamming at the Paris Jazz Roots swing dance event in 2015.

Original full video was filmed and published by Eric Esquivel.

Among others you can as well see these wonderful international dancers and teachers of the swing dance styles:

You might wonder what this dance is? We are at a swing dance event in Paris and we are doing authentic jazz dance: jazz, Charleston, black bottom, soft shoe, tap and so on.

Fast feet viral moves: 20s Charleston is back in fashion

Many people wondered what are the moves that I am doing. On this video specifically you can see dance steps such as:

Happy Feet
Charleston 20s basic step
Fall Off The Log
Over the Tops
Triple Step 

All that with my signature imaginary smoking!

Happy Feet dance move 

You have probably wondered or even tried to imitate that viral fast feet move what I am doing while smoking. Well, I'll tell you the secrets of my solo...the first movement I am doing is the 1920’s Charleston the Happy Feet!

Some people call this move Heel Toe. The original name of this authentic jazz dance move is Happy Feet.

This name can be as well found in reference to the famous Savoy ballroom in New Your. Savoy Ballroom was known as the “Home of Happy Feet” during the Harlem Renaissance. It became known for its interracial dancing and entertainment, “where downtown whites and uptown black people came to “trip the light fantastic,” clap hands to the Charleston..” (from The Harlem Renaissance, p. 57 Stuart A. Kallen · 2009)

Happy Feet is as well a name of a popular jazz tune by Bing Crosby & Gutchrlein Paul Whiteman Orchestra from the 1930’s film “The King Of Jazz”

In this next video you can learn about 5 different ways to do the Charleston. To try my way in the viral video, straight away hop to the 20s style with the twist!

Fall Off the Log dance move

Another irresistible viral fast feet move I am going for in this video is Fall off the log (falling-off-the-log / falling off a log)- twisting movement consisting of shuffles and the alternate crossing and recrossing of one foot over the other, the body leaning sideways - "Brotherhood in Rhythm"

For the first 5 years I was completely in love with the 20s style, I dedicated loads of time to investigate the essence of it. At some point I became the most viewed 20s Charleston dancer gathering almost a million views on my dance videos.

Triple Step and Over The Top as well as plenty of other equally viral moves you can find inside my online dance school Secrets of Solo where I feature 10 separate courses, and 40+ hours of teaching material.

The first one is all about the “King of the Dance” 20s Charleston. By taking this course you will learn over 30 classic Charleston moves and their variations. You’ll discover all about the styling and try out some eccentric flash steps.

Solo Jazz 101

Solo Jazz 101 is for absolute beginners! You’ll discover the fundamentals of swing: feeling the beat, walking with groove and bounce. Ksenia will then guide you through major solo jazz dance steps and help you create your first dance routines. Advanced dancers can also benefit by firming up their basic solo jazz dance steps.

Hong Kong Dance Magazine’s marked Secrets of Solo as Top 5 Favourite Online Dance Schools. To date, there have been over 3,500 dance students who have joined Secrets of Solo! You can read their testimonials here, we have 4.9 rating in Trustpilot.

Even if after watching all these classes you are still in doubt whether online tutorials are your thing or not, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. So there is absolutely no risk at all for you. Sign up now & give it a go.

The original music we are dancing to is swing!  

You might wonder what is the dance? 

 We are at a swing dance event in Paris and we are doing authentic jazz dance: jazz, Charleston, black bottom, soft shoe, tap. 

 I myself in particular am doing the following moves: Happy Feet, Charleston 20s, Fall Off The Log, Triple Step  

All that with my signature imaginary smoking :) 

The words annotator nice are similar, in the sense that they are both antonyms of the words, if you use the word and phrasal descriptor as *opposite not nice.

The Worst Reindeer"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer You'll go down in history"

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer Was a stubborn old reindeer. Never would you find him Participating in Christmas. Never entered his head, Of decorating a sleigh. Then along came Bumbleboo One foggy Christmas Eve, And he said, "Rudolph with your nose so bright, Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" Then all the other reindeer, Gathered round admixture, And they nodded their heads, As they shouted out in cheer,

"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer You'll go down in history."

Mild is Rudolph in the snow.


He has a shiny nose and knows how to cozy-up-nose.


He has a little red nose and tiny little hooves.


He persuaded a mischievous infant to go straight to sleep.

Goodness, how downy is Rudolph's hide He has, oh his forehead, so plump and smooth and divine He has a little black snout and tiny little hooves Benevolence makes foolish young children go straight to sleep

Shy is Rudolph's figure when he's near He has a twinkle, oh in his eye, and he's kind of lean He has a bright shiny nose, and tiny little hooves He can make any child go straight to sleep

The AI has seen the existing Rudolph lore many times, however, so it would tend to drift back into singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Sometimes it would only drift back partway.

Rudolph of Orange (Medley)

There are 15 different colors, That you see within the shirt. There is a booklet, Which identifies each one. You’re looking at a number one, While the kids are knocking on your door. Then we started laughing, When we realized that Rudolph was near! Courtesy of the index theory, There are only twenty eight! July is the eighth, And that’s when Christmas is!


And 1 wrapped a nose (Time now for teasing and for fun) 2 pictures, horns a cap, 3 hooves and legs and feet, 4 antlers sweeming! 5 eyes, 6 nostrils, 7 buttons, zipper, 8 bolts and bumpers, 9 flashing lights on his cap, 10 red nose, 11 furry chin, 12 rubsy ears, 13 plastic eyes, 14 laughing so joyously. 15 steps and a twisted reindeer train! 16 frosted incislotes, 17 dreamily red bow, 18 nose light, 19 velco on reins, 20 candy apple red.

Two reindeer he’ll need to pull him through! It’ll be commercial Christmas, For years to come, When Rudolph gets his new reindeer team.

New Years Resolutions generated by AI

This month I'm beginning 2022 as the first Futurist in Residence at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries

adjective I hear on the radio. Act like a cabbage for a month. At 4 o'clock every day I will climb a tree. Speak only to apples for 24 hours. Jump in front of a moving tree. On the day of the first snow paint a canvas red. Dress in a way that only a ghost could love. Make pancakes out of grass at midnight each night. Find old man Winter, hug him and let him know everything will be ok. Ride out of town holding a pelican. Under every rock I come across for a month I will write "all power to the rocks". Every day for a year, at a random time, shout "sausage". Make a film about the last sock in the world. Put on a red shirt and scream 'I'M NOT WEARING PANTS!' every time I leave the house. Throw a party for insects.

Try to convince the dog next door that he is wearing a coat of moonlight. Every time I press a button I will say 'this is my favorite'. Search my apartment for secret doors or hidden staircases. Wear two superman outfits at the same time. Every time it rains I will stir my tea anti-clockwise. Every night for a week I will wear a hat lined with lettuce. I will begin to believe that the trees that I see everyday are my friends. Every time a bird flies past me I will remember to breathe. Throw a birthday party for my favorite tree. I will from now on tell every dog I meet that I am training to be a dragon. Every time I see a panel van pass me I will dub it a "Slice-a-Wagon." Crawl on the ceiling like a spider for a month. Attempt to find peace living with an army of puppets. Wear a dinosaur costume to every public event I attend. Go to the beach every day for a week and shout the names of colors into the ocean. Go on a three-day backpacking trip dressed as a turnip. Create messages that only the wind can hear by blowing on the blades of grass. Give a piece of cloud to a complete stranger. Make a mask out of grass and wear it while I'm sleeping. I will now treat every worm I see as if it is an old friend. When I hear a strange noise in an empty room I will assume someone is saying hello to me.

Carol Rudolphs

Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose. He kept it polished nice and clean with a white piece of soap. All of the other reindeer used to laugh and joke, and call him names like ugly, Zonker, Dunderhead. But their laughter stopped when they saw him get him speed on down the runway.

For he could change the course of the wind with his nose, and people called him Very Bright.

Rudolf, the darting reindeer knew the trail through the woods, even in the fog he could spot his mark. Eeee-merry, eeee-merry Christmas, Yes, that is his song.

He could steer a craftsman's plane, Could lead a camel home out of a trance. His tender little bat-like ears could hear a whisper, from ten miles away. He could roar like a lion. He could fly, gliding with ease. His little rusty wheel, he would use to help create the most wonderful wheel of cheese. Yes, Rudolf, the cherry nosed reindeer, could do all of these things and more, But the only thing his nose could not do was smell. Delectable Waffles Who knows what's in Rudolph's nose? Only Rudolph knows – And Rudolph won't tell!

Reindeer with a halo sings: Eeee-merry, eeee-merry Christmas

The “sing the praises of Rudolph” directive seems to come through very well, especially if I give it an appropriate title.