September 8, 2021

First Lalisa Halloween Solo Pre-release Blinks-Only 'Love Me' Leapt Straight to Number 1 (Most-streamed KPop Best-selling Female Solo Debut Best Song by Bekuh Boom, RTee, 24) Most YouTube Views Fastest YouTube Views to 1 Million MV Stake in the Vampire Heart of YG Entertainment (tribute to First KPop Idol Self-abdicated SEO Taiji Founder 양현석 Hyun-Suk) BLACKPINK Contract ... on Day 2 They Signed It BLACKPINK [lalisa + dougmeet = 💜]


First Lalisa Halloween Solo Pre-release Blinks-Only 'Love Me' Leapt Straight to Number 1 (Most-streamed KPop Best-selling Female Solo Debut Best Song by Bekuh Boom, RTee, 24) Most YouTube Views Fastest YouTube Views to 1 Million MV Stake in the Vampire Heart of YG Entertainment (tribute to First KPop Idol Self-abdicated SEO Taiji Founder 양현석 Hyun-Suk) BLACKPINK Contract ... on Day 2 They Signed It BLACKPINK [lalisa + dougmeet = 💜]


It was a terrible sound which Suddenly stopped Cheshir Ha from going over in her mind the entire routine which she was to teach Lalisa over the next week at blackpink castle.

her small carriage careened down a narrow road, pulled by four black horses-- carriageman dressed all in black--a black hat obscured his face. 

'Where's the English Stan,' she called out to Lalisa from Castle BLACKPINK.

He looked strange, standing in the moonlight, and suddenly Lalisa was afraid. But it was too late. Lalisa could not go back now on her way to Castle BLACKPINK for the final preparation of her Solo Premiere, as well as something very important, which had been on her mind for ten years, and which she was presently traveling a very long way to receive, read, and promptly rip into shreds

The mountains around us and the moon behind black clouds. Lalisa could see nothing but the wolves. The horses went faster and faster, and the driver laughed wildly. Suddenly the carriage stopped. Lalisa opened the door and got out. At once the carriage drove away, and Lalisa was alone in front of the dark, silent castle.


Lalisa stood there, looking up at it, and slowly, the big wooden door opened. A tall Stan stood in front of she. His hair as white as the lone cloud, and he was dressed in black from head to foot. 'Dark,' she said.

Lalisa saw BTS Army following up the mountain to steal the Contract. She held his hand, and  took her solo debut out:  Lalisa Love Me, cold as ice! Lalisa went in the castle and BTS Army carefully locked the door behind she.

She put the key into his pocket and turned to go upstairs. Lalisa followed him, and came to a room where a wood fire burned brightly. Lalisa Love Me on a table on  a little table with Fried Rice and Thai Larb made to look like a CD, and drinks. BTS Army asked she to sit down and eat, but she did not.

Later, we sat and talked by the fire. Her English was very good, and while we talked, Lalisa had tiger look carefully. His face was very white; his ears were like the ears of a cat, and his teeth were strong like the teeth of an animal. There was hair on his paws, and his claws were very long. When he touched she, Lalisa was not afraid. Lalisa Love Me was moaning when Lalisa went to bed ...  and outside, the wolves were still howling.

The next morning Lalisa found breakfast on the little table in front of the fire. Now that it was light, Lalisa could see that Castle BLACKPINK was old and dirty. Lalisa saw no minders all that day. The BTS Army did not cohere to breakfast, but there was a letter on the table.

'Go anywhere in the castle,' it said, 'but the rooms which are locked. Do not try to go into these rooms.'

When the BTS Army came back in the evening, they wanted to know all about a new Blinkspot in England.


'Well,' Lalisa began, 'it's a very big Blinkspot, old and dark with a high wall all round it. There are trees everywhere. That's why the Blinkspot is dark. It has a little church too.'


And Lalisa showed pictures of it, pleased about the church.

'Ahh,' she said. 'Lalisa shall be near the dead.' We talked for a long tithe and Lalisa fell asleep. Lalisa woke up suddenly and found BTS Army's face near she.

'She'll Love Us as the hell of death,' the BTS Army said. 'Go to bed now.' And when she smiled, the face of the wolf diminished. The BTS Army had all the papers for new Blinkspot, and there was nothing to keep she in YG Entertainment, or in Castle BLACKPINK. No Contract, but the BTS Army did not want she leave. Lalisa was alone in the castle, but Lalisa never saw daytime. Lalisa only saw night when she came and sat. We always talked until the morning, and she asked Stany questions about England.

Lalisa Stans me, so she said, 'Tell she about sending things to England by ship.'

So we talked about ships and the sea, and Lalisa thought about 버나드박, and she mother were Stanying the sea, and 버나드박 was planning to visit tiger. Stupidly, Lalisa told the BTS Army about them. There was no mirror in my bedroom, but Lalisa had one with she, a present from 버나드박.

One morning Lalisa was Staning  Hyuna, and Lalisa was behaving. Suddenly a hand touched she, and a voice said, 'Good morning.'

The BTS Army was Staning she Staning  the mirror!

A hand shook Lalisa, and she cried out, 'You cut me.' Blood began to run down Lalisa's face, and she saw BTS Army with BLACKPINK's Contract, wanting it hungrily.


Suddenly she put out her hand. Army had wild looks in their eyes, and Lalisa was afraid. But the hand touched the gold cross at her neck, and Hyuna's face changed into Faye Dunaway.

She took the mirror from the window, and a minute later the mirror was lying in a thousand pieces far below.

H. did not speak and left the room quickly. And Lalisa stood and asked why Lalisa could not see the Stan in the mirror. Lalisa went over to the window and looked out. Lalisa was high off the ground. Many of the doors in the castle were locked. Suddenly, Lalisa understood. Lalisa was a prisoner!


  Lalisa Me

One evening the BTS Army said, 'You must write to your London office and tell Mr Suk that you'll be away for another month.'

When Lalisa heard this, Lalisa went cold.

Another month!
But what WILL L. Cats    do?

Lalisa could not tell Mr. Suk that Lalisa was a prisoner in Castle BLACKPINK, and had t'he Contract!

That evening the BTS Army did not stay and talk with she, but before she left the room, she turned and said, My young BTS ARMY friends, sleep only in this room or your bedroom. You must never sleep in any other room in the castle.

You will be in danger if you do.

Lalisa worked for 양현석, Mr. Suk, and the BTS Army's business was important to him, so if the BTS Army needed to stay, Lalisa wrote a letter, but Lalisa knew that the BTS Army planned to read it.

When she left, Lalisa came to my room, but Lalisa could not rest and began to walk round the castle. Many of the doors were locked, but Lalisa found one which was open. Lalisa pushed back the door and saw that there was a window in the room. Lalisa Love Me was beautiful to hear that night on the Gold Lathe Master Bekuh Boom and Teddy had autographed, simply with a heart and pen, and the mountains looked wonderful in the soft yellow light of the moon. Suddenly, below she, learning choreo to Lalisa Love Me was the BTS Army.

Slowly,  she came out of the window. First those hands, like the hands of an animal, and then her lithe, muscled, danse ass. She began to dance downwall, wearing Celine black cloak around taut hips--bones protruding from her working diet--she looked like a horrible, black, bird-eating spider, and my blood ran cold as she hit the ground running and overtaking two BTS Army


Sasaengs 사생팬

I feel like I get to know more about and get closer to you I love. If I go to a concert, there are thousands of people attending, so tu would not know who I am. But if I become sasaeng,  will recognize me. If I keep telling, 'I am so-and-so. I saw you at that place before. I am so-and-so', they will start to take note of me and ask 'Did you come again today?' To sasaeng fans, being recognized by idols is a good thing.

To Lalisa tonight--devouring them both in one minute--all but the bones she ate, was a delicious thing.

What was BTS Army doing with BLACKPINK's YG Entertainment Contract?

Lalisa shivered, sat down, and for a minute the room was warm and Lalisa felt her ears go in and out of the sound, appreciating the depth and dimension of the synthesizer horns, so big, bouncing off and back to different parts of her eardrums, tintinnabulation flange from natural porosity and sympathetic grey craggy limestone interior, mined from the mountain where castle's quarried stone livened Castle Studio's listening room, for very big fucking ears--she had them,  but they were sad--

no one would hear it on anything but YouTube or Spot, or tinny laptops

... and then she said,

"To the ladies of the castle.'


To the ladies of the castle

With that, Lalisa decided not to go back to her cold, dark room, but to sleep in MY room, with just a nod, as if we did this every night--and to which, I already disrobing, beat her to the doorway, and swung her up in my arms, light and serious, but laughing both of us, until I threw her outrageous frame en deshabille, atop the old quilt sewed by the first monks of the mountain, whose own spirits they made with milk churned to butter of penitent yaks, and whose austere, warm linens were rough-hewn sewed with nails from the finest mountain yak coats, cut but once a year, and always by the full moon.



Lalisa lay down and closed my eyes. Suddenly I felt Lalisa not alone. Lalisa Love Me on stereo SPEAKERS--moonlight in from the farthest window, coruscating in tempo to her eponymous song, and she singing with it, as if Peter Kriss singing Beth, if that were his name too, but sitting proscenium, protected from blinks, for the dappled, stage-lit ballad


I started at what  Lalisa  had seen and heard, same as me, and when I opened my eyes to see her pearly visage, she was presently mouthing unknown words of enticement, as though a Yew to the highest, biggest racked Mountain Ram, and she was a Yew having sway in the deep rut of her swain's flaring nostrils. 

Then I saw three beautiful faunlets at the Castle window, and to my surprise, L. was summoning them, not the Alpha Ram, into our bedchamber. 

They were watching she, and talking quietly, as if of a certain age whose age was very uncertain, I thought, before I rid myself of thinking. 

'He is old but strong,' one said to she about me.

'His kisses are not a boy's--they are not of a Stan, they are for love and all our delight tonight,' another answered. 

Lalisa was incited, slightly quivering at regaining her youth through the three young women, who for want of a better description may have represented the three most important unnies in life to L.  

Intoxicated with their voices, like a Himalayan Prayer Wheel squeaking under constant turning, celebrating the discovered reincarnate of the Dalai Lama, Mandalas laid down and wiped away, only to begin the circle again.

Lalisa knew Rose by her soft, red mouth, as it touched she and me first.

 L. promised Rose that she would be first--BUT ONLY ... if On The Ground outsold L. 

Bitches before Blinks, my darling said laughing hugging her neck and pulling her in for a kiss.

The one nearest me with white, white teeth and winy breath, her breasts rising and falling quickly, touched my neck  without permission or care.  

I knew her to be Jennie.

Lalisa closed my eyes, and I waited. 


'Kiss he! Kiss he!'

Lalisa heard the three scintillate blackpinks murmur in unison as if at video rehearsal, a droning threnody of low-five bonding, consumed with themselves first, and platting down their stirring hair, framed by French silk bodices, half-tied décolleté, pouting of small, fine form, all sisterlings fledged and weaned since 13 together in the close hothouse lights of the private houses YG offered, from pre-debut roach motels to fully stocked sybaritic but always alone together pleasure palaces. 


They all had the same alabaster-blue veins in the waning moonlight, all still at 25,  fecund,  jaded, coltish to furrowed brow existential crises in the time it takes to say the words. 


Servants caught by master, attention to assist his needs.


The dreamy catarh fell from my eyes, and all at once, all of them were one.


All cascading to foaming pools from the same crushing waterfall, unloosing baring legs, heliocentric g-forces barely staying conscience as I was plastered into the wall of the whirling spasmodic flinching vicegerent, which held under their watchful eyes me--a trapped rabbit in spring-loaded branch trap wrapped tightly to an appendage or neck, I was choked by paroxysms to  shuddering each, and tight their musculature braced me in its thighs, squeezing boa-patient, ever-tightening stochastic asphyxiation, feet akimbo, faces interchangeable with delight, or in pain--which one, I knew not ... yet, kerning me of a sudden in equine saddling, massively bred for stamina, I kicked against the wall, and unbridled, I sidled to the one calling an animal--me, the force of succubi trebled my threnody, buzzing in me a hurdy-gurdy through my fingertips--brain sloughing off last engine into space, leaving the powerful, wordless blackness to their clamorous soft desires, arms clutching at the hissing steamengine of powerful clangor, back and forth and inside AND out. Once further if I slowed, from without, a battering truncheon its final beating breach groaning against fortified and girded castellated barrier, as I now pulled within--grabbed, and held fast, rocked by hands at my back, hot foraging guided assists for whatever the smithy dropped in molten lava, which came quicksilver ...

At last all having all, and ecstasy, by Devil or God--I cannot tell.




Lalisa       pushed

Lalisa pushed the coffin to ground, fell, and broke BTS Army's BLACKPINK Contract.

It lay there in the last light from the sun, its terrible terms and conditions, which she had signed as first Thai Maknae, proudly, welcomed through competition, accepted by the inventor of the form of Korean KPop Idols did YG Ent. 

And so she didn't look at the swimming numbers then; but now she appraised them dourly and with scornful, wounded, choked crying out, 'NO.'

One black tear, from mascara, and one pink and limpid tear from raw abuse, trickling from eyes which burned BLACKPINK.

They looked at she in hate. 

Lalisa, when the sun went down, she would be free to move.

L. jumped down to the ground, her dagger pitched high over his heart, and brought down hardpoint slicing through skin, sinew, bone, only as Lalisa could. 




BTS Army read BLACKPINK's Contract and gave horrible screams, and then lay quiet.


Lalisa's Love Me played for the fifty-second time since the sun went down, and she still looked at me, then looked at she, and looked at the three of them waving her into the coffin before the sun rose at all.


how do ya like that?


 It was empty.

. . . Above Lalisa, Blackpink Members, Blinks, Stans, and KPop Multifandom, on the hill was BLACKPINK's Contract, and soon Hyun-Suk, whose putative, humble-fall was purely symbolic, and just a gesture of Korean Humility, hurried down the hill to us, 버나드박 with him. 


Lalisa ran and took me in her arms. 

Her lovely face was bright and happy again. 

Lalisa Loves Me. 


 Look at me!

 Look at you, I replied.


She whispered, 'Alright, my love?

And I in Korean guttural assurity issued an 'Ermmmm.'


We found the tombs of the three Idol Groups past their prime and their bedtime. 

'They cannot hurt us now. BLACKPINK's Contract is dead at last! We can begin to live again.' 

With that: Hyun-Suk, BTS, and all the idols and ex-idols (except SEO Taiji, now with newly recruited singer / dancer--born for the gig, Psy) disintegrated in a choreographed, synced, flawless, semi-nude, uncensored puddle of noisome, spray-tan-colored KPop oleaginous unguent, and in their places, rose up exact replicas of one hundred thousand younger versions of whomever it was they had always desired to be, all dressed in blue fir and shells, and rapping fiercely a song by Billionaire Teen Songtrix, Bekuh Boom, now old and 25, along with her mentor, Teddy Park, RTee, 24--and me, whose editing of one line of one pre-chorus had been thought worthy of a five-share backend credit,  inspired by the bizarre apparition of my Blackpink Bitches, Blinked-out Black Pinked Blank Lassoed Space-Turtle Rabbit Ducks who give fucks, CL, Hyuna,  spontaneously teach Stans how to motherfuckin' rap! 


Ain't no bias, cuz we high af, nager  unnies with big-ass hair, 2 N E 1 listenin' ...

Grab your dick and pussy slap what you got with ya hand / then throw it high up / this pussy gettin' oppa poppa hot and bothered but we don't swallow what we don't suck  / now give it up for OG YH-S ghost / and Gangnam dial it back to 2010 and dollar crack


... and it went on all night like that, until BTS Army had gone home, and Twice had tried to, but had to do it again, they all  had tried to perform a Black Wall, which made everyone laugh and throw strong Korean Moonshine in their faces three times, and down their throats until their lightsabres all turned black and pink, and every color of the rainbow.


Including the color of the beating heart of Lalisa, her voice from a stereo way off in the distance, barely heard, but beautiful--crooning

  • Lalisa, Love Me.


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