September 15, 2021

Alabaman Leprechaun Similar lyrics to "Unintentional or nonfunctional echolalia shows similarities to imitation behavior seen after disinhibition of the frontal network is most...":

of those winter-clad sleds, the first human Uber--grumpy, ill-humored Mustang steed, out-to-stud horse breed, and Shetland, two rugged Nordic stalwart tillers of plod and last plow, sandlotter Arabian roam arable half-acres of yellow, green, and nacre, fertile mother-of-pearl-grown orphanage of Nature's valuable, venerable, perfect foodstuff before its withered, blighted non-GMO proven, redundant, retried lack of evidentiary peer-reviewed evidence--incontrovertible, valuable plots  and parcels of land humans have which humans do not own, but are beginning now, beginning to realize Plague 4.0 released in purely Beta voluntary, beta diversionary edition anticipation, antipathetic (one wonders just how with what and what "trick" tricked Toto to afford year-round decadence of sun-hunting, sun-chasing decadence,  from-of his belittlement as never before achieved since-from  beginning-inception gnomish-gnomes in multifariousness sylphs of nymphs and faunlette fairy fairies-faeries, faerie fee vert.  

Alabaman ghetto
Elves, leprous internet trolls, Dark Web moles all about profiteroles, keeping Servers company around the clock shifts, high in Pussy, France at top of Crans Montana, yodeling Tirol bandeau echoes whose echolaliac replies play Telephone Games in the skies.


Similar lyrics to "Unintentional or nonfunctional echolalia shows similarities to imitation behavior seen after disinhibition of the frontal network is most...":

Transmitting little reliability, message received, having given it patiently, I wait for it to from cloud to amanuensis, transcription to translation--of a sort, through whistling, cracking report of God-clause exemption, insurance companies won't be paying tofamily or Olympic Committee, no matter how high Llloyd's policy.


Instance of AVALANCHE statistical probability of "Buying the Vineyard," calculated, crunching, amortized: 


how likely skiers going after gold medals throw caution to wind, precipitous, cold, ill-advised, risk reward practice off-off course, a 90 degree vertical pitch, accessible by helicopter, should foolishly inclined  of a whim, or a binge,  an Adrenalin rush, to push-off pinnacle, summit so high,  such fine powder, white, pristine, the last time it was skied was 1917.


Lorsque le chien de Jean-Paul Luc Napoleon Belmondo arrive, regardez dans la gueule du chien pour une salive importante dans la gueule du chien.

Son maître a nommé noblement son chien du nom de Danois Remy Cuorvosier, le chien dont l'âge en années-chien dépasse de sept ans l'âge d'un humain.



Le seul chien octogénaire du village de Pussy, France de l'Alpie Village de Crans.

Et le seul chien vivant actuellement à avoir vu le célèbre film classique de Bunuel, Un Chien Andalou, dont la célèbre scène où l'œil d'un animal est tranché avec un rasoir conçu et filmé par l'artiste moderne Salvador Dali.

Lui et Gala et le chien ont assisté à la seule Grande Première au nord de Cannes.

Ces yeux de chien qui ont vu Un Chien Andalou, sont les mêmes yeux que nous avons après avoir vu l'horreur dans des films comme Psycho et Jaws.

Le chien souffre tout le temps de la même condition que les soldats sont diagnostiqués. Il est le seul chien des Alpes à recevoir chaque mois un chèque de la Banque nationale de France, signé par le ministre des Finances, en compensation de son état de stress post-traumatique.



Hiding outside plein at Ricky Nelson Garden Party in Bob Dylan's The Garden, waiting for the man.


We know he chose EndNote odds picked to finish one of one intuitive crew's intuition, neither stable boy, nor local money man, repair, corner man fixer.
picture postcards from all over, shy-boast peaty beds near bogs,  Australopithecus loves, the pike's peaked pallor peaks through glass panes,  interpreting  Limousin d'abattoirs trash -  la rouge de la puta.
One wonders just how and with what he could chase all year round, diminutive decadence never achieved from Gnomish  to relatable cousins,  fairies, elves,  Alabaman Leprechauns, noshing profiteroles, outdoor plotzing.


Ricky Nelson and Bob Dylan sang Waiting For My Man, picked by intuitively by members, paid corner fixers, unassailable fixers, kid stays in the picture-- frostily maintained, leans Australopithecina,  exhumed, thawed,  disinterred,  observed for  pain Limousin Abattoir -- one man's carcass, as it were, so to speak ... La Gioconda