March 6, 2021

Blackplague in thy Fiefdom Do, do, do, do-do-do Do, do, do, do-do-do Thou willst like that

Thus tis collapsed, such as a wink Hither from foundation to the cellar I will retrieve all my garments

Once more dark returns yet here, mine sky shines bright I peer deep into thine eyes and kiss thee goodnight So terrible, this is, I laugh yet can't flee And sing ye too, one two three Ha! How dost thou like that? (zounds) Thou willst like that, that-that-that, that, that-that-that,-that How dost thou like that (Fala-lah, fala-lah, lah, lah,) How doth thee liketh that-that-that, that, that-that-that-, that? Now, see thyself, now gaze upon me (Uh) See thyself, now gaze upon me (Uh) See thyself, now gaze upon me How dost thou like that? Now, see thyself, now gaze upon me (Uh) See thyself, now gaze upon me (Uh) See thyself, now gaze upon me How dost thou like that? Thy Lady requires what is rightfully hers: One hundred of one hundred shares Divine retribution A pitty I could not aid thee, see? Pardon? I'll follow, Tis loaded: The Crossbow Lady Jane got the ax, lost her head Now tell me, How dost thou like that, like that? Once more dark returns yet here, mine sky shines bright I peer deep into thine eyes and kiss thee goodnight So terrible, this is, I laugh yet can't flee And sing ye too, one two three Ha! How dost thou like that? (zounds) Thou willst like that, that-that-that, that, that-that-that,-that How dost thou like that (Fala-lah, fala-lah, lah, lah,) How doth thee liketh that-that-that, that, that-that-that-, that? Now, see thyself, now gaze upon me (Uh) See thyself, now gaze upon me (Uh) See thyself, now gaze upon me How dost thou like that? Now, see thyself, now gaze upon me (Uh) See thyself, now gaze upon me (Uh) See thyself, now gaze upon me That fateful day, my guardian angel's wings were shorn and days became nights upon mine life's darkened shore Thy mission became my executioner's chore Look toward heavens Neither angel nor demon Aye-aye-aye-aye Bring out thy master's wench Aye-aye-aye-aye BLACKPLAGUE! Do, do, do, do-do-do Do, do, do, do-do-do How dost thou like that? Do, do, do, do-do-do Do, do, do, do-do-do Thou willst like that Do, do, do, do-do-do Do, do, do, do-do-do How dost thou like that? Do, do, do, do-do-do Do, do, do, do-do-do

While 2020 has already been an eventful year, Lexico is proud to announce an exciting one all its own: its first ever Word of the Year, quarantine, and its Spanish translation, cuarentena. Defined as ‘a state, period, or place of isolation in which people who may have been exposed to infectious disease are placed’, the word quarantine has stood at the centre of the profound ways Covid-19 changed society and language in 2020.
Record search volume for ‘quarantine’ in March 2020

The largest spike in searches for quarantine across Lexico’s dictionaries occurred on 18 March, coinciding with many of the first government lockdown orders and guidelines from leading organisations like the CDC (Centres for Disease Control) in response to the coronavirus. That day, just one week after the World Health Organisation declared Covid-19 a pandemic, lookups for quarantine surged 15,180% compared to the beginning of 2020. User interest in quarantine maintained significant volume through the year, averaging a 323% increase relative to data available for 2019.

An origin close to home

As used in medicine, quarantine is first recorded in English in the mid-17th century, a borrowing of the Italian quarantina, ‘forty days’, based on quaranta, ‘forty’, ultimately derived from the Latin quadrāgintā,  meaning the same. During the bubonic plague in the 1400s, quarantina referred to the period of time ships suspected of carrying disease were barred from port. The etymology is resonant, not only given its origins in a past pandemic, but also as some of the earliest outbreaks of Covid-19 struck cruise ships.

The Spanish word for quarantine, cuarentena, comes from the same Latin root as the Italian quarantina. Searches for cuarentena jumped 1,800% in Lexico’s Spanish dictionary on 28 April.

A whole new ‘quarantine’ vocabulary

Not only does the word quarantine capture the public health measures and lived experience of Covid-19, it also illustrates the astonishing transformation of the lexicon because of the pandemic. Quarantine is a prominent example of how an explosion of scientific terms suddenly became essential to daily life, such as asymptomatic, contact tracing, herd immunity, R number, social distancing, and superspreader, not to mention Covid-19 itself, plus coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2.

Early in the pandemic, use of quarantine largely adhered to its technical sense, specifically referring to the fourteen-day period of isolation urged, where not mandated, for people exposed to the novel coronavirus. In many places, this isolation was self-imposed, leading to a rapid rise of the terms self-isolation and self-quarantine, meaning ‘remaining apart from others for a period of time in order to avoid the transmission of an infectious disease’.

  the nurse's ass?

    what is art

pleasant tasting fat.

Comfort doesn't make a military officer?

    I like assured chicken: sensitive.

Ma'am, don't subscribe too much.
      no sir, however?

      Rarely finished.


    the man?


    the acuteness of the sermons?

    at the Moonlight.

The moments?

    on bass.

    fertile sight?






currently in place?

    and the sincerity of the provision?

    intentional ordered.

    do not do that.

It is?


     Partner H.

    for a profit.

    estimable in depth?


He is married?


    the woman went to your place?




    who is really suffering?


As far as I'm concerned.

    I donate to the parish?


    to access ?



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