February 22, 2021

Big Legged Woman, Keep Your Dresses Down, You Got somethin' under there, Baby, Make a Bulldog Hug a Hound (Bonnie Lee Bakley, Me, Dotterel Trees)

I was for strangeness, time warping posed an anomaly not anomalous any more, that time being before, the hipness sickened us.


COVID-19 pandemic might make young Gen-Zs quiver, au verso,  coming down with COVID -- they are right to think the End of the World is turning, it's been burning and burning and burning and burning.

maskless sexuality spilling girding loins, Bull studding Heifer on his day off,


  • Big Legged Woman,  Keep Your Dresses Down, You Got somethin' under there, Baby, Make a Bulldog Hug a Hound


for a second there;  and as a College Boy from the great State that ate its own weight in crustaceans, and whose feminine partners wear shirts men make which attest to it.

 Just 'do' as Huey Long, the Kingfish, 'do' (scrivener of Southern songs of my South, Louisiana -- where it used to be said on some Potato Chip Truck Panels,  then, and I'm going back  before my time, "60 Miles Fresher," -- a cuspy  'OK Boomer,' Late in the Season, but still IDing with  true 'Died-in-the-War,' 'army Coat, army car,' Vietnam-Go-Boomer -- then  boom-boom in the Boom-Boom Room Room)


*you shoulda seen the facial expression at the end of what Poe, Pynchon, and Kerouac, all up to NO-GOOD  and, if it were a thing for Edgar or Jack -- no-way, Jose, TP --merrily writing screeds of unending lucubration, peripatetic athletics, or that walkabout they go on and call its name in Pennsylvania Dutch, Amish, free ranging minds whose mouth they get through to introduce something potable, devotable, and dotable into the gut, whose  profundity in Jack and Poe's case (please don't read that in Afrikaans), notably lauded, queer ducks dined, sure, K., very believably, the story goes, having already, like us, but without Plague, except in   philosophic, temporal, semiotic, derangement of the senses-ways,   famously resourcefully did the ultimate hack, whose hat's colors were not white, nor black, but whose masterpieces, if not viral, scaled for lack of convention, burned, burned, burned -- because, well, they are respectively, 'Inventor of Short Story," First American Goth Aesthetic, and as for Jack, what Poe had in Spades, he had in Rolls, wound like toilet tissue tissues from the loo on which to type --  the Beer, Brats, bi-phetamine  -- possessing him  like  poor poet, Coleridge, who wrote on Laudanum, like Edgar A., who one night  and whilst bearing down hard on a nib, a knock at the door  ........     


(fell asleep) ......


blasted at pleasurable part Kubla Khan ...  skip a beat.

  Yes, because like Poe, whose requirement for ruminative prose was, unlike Jack, whose bulletproof condition could 'hear the grass grow,'

he needed a modicum, as in Salinger's Bunker-writing out-building lair, where sexy College Chicks could tend to him and then leave him be, to that Great unpublished bullet in  his chamber, really a safe, and never will be published, because he wants it that way, and after all, those girls are now grown  but still remember, and obey.

Jack was the first Houseproud Stay-at-Home Beat, and his Mom cooked him whatever it was he wanted to eat


and  like they didn't dig that like that.

But ... someone tapped my shoulder and didn't have to say, get to the point, Hux -- 

He MacGivered (sp? don't care, not late boomer shit), an ingenious way for him, Pillproud, polluted on  Bud, but  of all of the  troika-full of company, he got to that place where ...
Dylan Planet Waves, Richard Hell's Cover of Going Going Gone, is doing its thing in my head now too, what with the two people who are still humming along reading or quarantining down for so long and being read to, delivered Foodstuff, become thoroughly Cabin Fevered and Housebound, like what used to be on Dr. Phil, Donahue,  Oprah's Show, who are sailing by us loving the desperate, anonymous, camaraderie, which is not really there for which they have been delectating, at arms length, its still-too-social for agoraphobes with hella Social Distances,best friend, Social Anxiety, to a lesser extent, the 40 % of the hard-to-pin-down people who love to Tell the Alpha Type-As and overloud of us, what we think absurd, but if we heard what we said, the way they heard how it sounded (i really can't -- Fiona Apple's one -- first to post a meme about that 'type' of person who is, has been prepared for this day, they thought would never find them so suited for -- who, FIONA?  i never believe people who say they are that they think they are because, who are they to say?


Jerry Lee will never lay herein, ado.


Kenny Rogers (not related) will never own it again.

Bonnie Lee Bakley is murdered (the last danc


e with Evil). 

This barren reststop or Memphis cowboy Honky Tonk herder, Doug Easley and I wrought noneffective pre-internet systematizing of music connoisseurs, weirdness countermove roughhouse houseband trucker.

Jerry Lee Lewis trolling sin, 'round 3, a Rolls or Excalibur, paramedics,  recurrent  pursefull of pills, enough cake for Henry Hill to lush,  a profound Killer, forehead ever-throbbing -- the heart wants what it wants -- tightass Jordache-stitched dark denim pant vicing up his surfeit sexe opiate-redundant, soft plaisance of  satisfied mind's on the Green Green Grass of his Dopaminergic-rushing whorebrain --  no presentment -- the Sentinel is me.


My training and resourceful, harmless graft gives me country clout by pharmacy, phraseology,  fully erudite, by receipt of  endogenous substantiation, consecrate irrevocably the appearance-only,  of what's there and shouldn't be ad what is and should -- Bread, Wine, exigent. 


STILL, so  Let a Soldier Drink, Excellent Well.


Jerry Lee spake to me through the Bard, as told and shewn one gloaming meeting of mine and hers,  in his childhood room, Frankie Jean, his sister and I sat on his childhood bed in the museum she'd made of it and talked a lot about things that no one should really know but she;


but I already knew when to quit after being karate chopped by the Killer backstage at the Ritz for having to much brains ofr the head, as told to me also by Frankie Jean, which was a thing, one of the only things they had that they took out of that swamp where they lived with  snakes falling through the roof, Frankie Jean wrote out by Kerosene Lantern, a pretty good little first effort for a child, a song called End of the Road, her brother when signed to Sun recorded and had a small hit with, but forever will always remind me of her and I holding hands where she wrote it and talking about all the people hanging from the trees on Black River -- playing --


or knowing her, she made me think I did, which was doing fine, and then she got up, once more the clearing of the throat (well, she had to have had some kind of mild condition, and it might as well be minor Tourette's with a little Coprolalia thrown in for good measure, in case you were wondering why in the fuck she was always clearing her throat), and reached up to the top of the closet filled with miraculous things only known to her -- the best kind of curator, and she knew I knew the second it came down that what else would she show me that no one else would ever care or even know, or dare to think would be right within reach, and she handed me a small worn, dogeared Program from 1969, San Francisco, of Catch My Soul, with all the cast's signatures -- of which only one is memorable today, as her brother, whose Iago, the Dark Moor, some jokes there about it better left to the Bard to here, and his great anxiety at taking on the part ...





in situ entry, still remaining -- Tosches, Sam Phillips, Dewey Phillips, J.W. Whitten, Kenneth Lovelace, method of loci (loci being Latin for "places") is a strategy of memory enhancement which uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments in order to enhance the recall of information. The method of loci is also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or mind palace technique. This method is a mnemonic device adopted in ancient Roman and Greek rhetorical treatises (in the anonymous Rhetorica ad Herennium and Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria).


Many memory contest champions report using this technique to recall faces, digits, and lists of words on psychology, neurobiology, and memory.

  • The method of loci', an imaginal technique known to the ancient Greeks and Romans and Yates book The Art of Memory.

    the subject memorizes  layout of building, or arrangement of geographical entity composed of a number of discrete loci.

  • desiring recall, subject 'walks' through these loci in imagination and commits each, forming  image, item, and feature  locus.

  • Retrieval by walking through  loci, allow efficacy inestimable interference

  • Ferriday, LA, Clayton, LA,

  • chainlink Napoleonic ruler de sophist hectare, phrenoloment ...

    Broussais, F. J. V. (1847). Lectures on Phrenology, Delivered in the University of Paris. United Kingdom: George Routledge.

  • plausible, fallacious, uncommon ephemera, crepuscule lucubration,  substantive locus of  Vulgate confederacy, pleasureful viewing with no  intent, Jerry Lee was  giving these backroom party-walls at HH some fucked-up shit to hear tonight, so bear and stand witless, 

  • Hello, ceiling (how'd things go for you today?) ... tonight -- whenthefuckever!
    This irreal venue where Memphis meets something strange from somewhere proximate to Graceland, 24-hours a day --


    you will never see the Killer here, or like this again.


hiding in plain sight, Charlotte Rampling, or Catherine Deneuve sip espresso at your local bistro

recorded at Doug Easley's backyard studio; funded by New Rose Records'


Patrick Mathe


$6,000 1990-dollars (60k today); songs handpicked by me, an already-strange Memphis melange of Honky-Tonk Gumbo, or Soul Zydeco, already anomalous Memphis and Opelousas respectively.


Inherently NOT pristine -- no organic origin encumbers adherence.


No NATIVIST ollapodrida or MemphaeStheticians to correct -- 


undetectable ebullience makers, 'joyful accomplices,' I had to, of course, become inspired by


Doug 'K-dough' Easley 



D. Easley, DE, Doug, Doug "K-Dough" Easley (my sobriquet), Easley, Rev. Doug Easley

Hope The Killer shows.




a 'punny Loweism'  inserting all bang for a quid microdot cryptanalyst songwriting advanced for a 'frosh' disque, as JOC was, without counting his and Lee Brilleaux's 'cherry-popping' Pop of 'Stiff Records' (Sez(?) 001? or 101?), masterful label debut, without which, everything would be dull, "So It Goes," single, introducing the voice of a movement whose existence is livened by  Jesus of Cool.
indeed, a messianic figure much like the Modern Jesus of Cuba, El Jefe  Fidel Castro, young freer of Cuba, future logorrheic Dictator, Rebel (dictators'Little Hitler,' also major THEMATIC trope),  punning and twinning to  be assumed in  his contribution to many Stiff Records compositions, arrangements, and lyrical scraps and doffed caps, either attributable,  as co-writer, or uncredited, or by dint of  sporadic Producer roles, e.g., Elvis Costello's "Watchin' the Detectives," et al. (a supremely British preoccupation of -- having created the language, 'let's fuck it up, a bit') also SP for 'True,' ANOTHER oft referenced  in corpus linguistics,

is a series of words or terms that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance. In phraseology, collocation is a sub-type of phraseme. An example of a phraseolocollocation, propounded by the expression,


strong tea,


and in the songwriting catalogue, loci of Lowe, as
"What's So Funny ..."





Racehorse charlie – cocaine; heroin

Ragweed – inferior quality marijuana; heroin

Railroad weed – marijuana

Rainbows – depressant

Rainy day woman – marijuana

Rambo – heroin

Rail – single dose for snorting cocaine hydrochloride

R and R – Seconal (secobarbital) and Ripple wine (reds and Ripple)

Rainbows – Tuinal (amobarbital/secobarbital combo) (a multi- colored striped capsule)

Red birds – Seconal (secobarbital) (red capsules)

Red bullets – Seconal (secobarbital) (red capsules)

Red and blues – Tuinal (amobarbital/secobarbital combo)

Reds – Seconal (secobarbital) (red capsules)

Reds and Ripple – Seconal (secobarbital) and Ripple wine

Ripped – intoxicated

Roses – Benzedrine (amphetamine) tablets

Rush – initial euphoria at the onset of drug use

Rane – cocaine; heroin

Rangood – marijuana grown wild

Rap – criminally charged; to talk with someone

Rasta weed – marijuana

Raw – crack

Rave – party designed to enhance a hallucinogenic experience through music and behavior

Razed – under the influence of drugs

Ready rock – cocaine; crack; heroin

Recompress – change the shape of cocaine flakes to resemble �rock�

Red and blue – depressant

Red bullets – depressant

Red caps – crack

Red cross – marijuana

Red devil – depressant, PCP

Red dirt – marijuana

Reds – depressant

Red eagle – heroin

Red phosphorus – smokable speed

Reefer – marijuana

Regular P – crack

Rhythm – amphetamine

Riding the wave – under the influence of drugs

Righteous bush – marijuana

Ringer – good hit of crack

Rippers – amphetamine

Roach – butt of marijuana cigarette

Roach clip – holds partially smoked marijuana cigarette

Road dope – amphetamine

Roca – crack (Spanish)

Rock attack – crack

Rock house – place where crack is sold and smoked

Rock(s) – cocaine; crack

Rocket caps – dome-shaped caps on crack vials

Rockets – marijuana cigarette

Rockette – female who uses crack

Rocks of hell – crack

Rock star – female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack

Rocky III – crack

Roid rage – aggressive behavior caused by excessive steroid use

Roller – to inject a drug

Rolling – under the influence of MDMA

Roofies – Rophynol; a sedative that makes users feel very drunk

Rooster – crack

Root – marijuana

Rope – marijuana

Rosa – amphetamine

Rose marie – marijuana

Roses – amphetamine

Rox – crack

Roxanne – cocaine; crack

Royal blues – LSD

Roz – crack

Ruderalis – species of cannabis, found in Russia, grows 1 to 2.5 feet

Running – MDMA

Jerry Lee Lewis casually caresses the Hernandos house-Wurlitzer, perfectly accompanied by stalwart yet invisible Hernandos House Band, where on this night, they were videotaped by none-other than stoic, hairsprayed, immovable obelisk, guitar player -- Robert 'Mr. Shit' Tinsley (so-named by me, much to his chagrin, during one session at original Doug Easley Studio during recording for my virgin production gig with K-Dough for my negociated handily New Rose Records issued, Linda Gail Lewis comeback record, produced in the unfortunate, entertaining Groundhog's Day MOVIE which was my life experience living with the Killer's sister, attending her first gig in 10 years, the death slot of 12 am to 8 am, accompanied by Elvis impersonating Jersey husband, Bobby Memphis -- without a doubt, the only thing I have ever experienced, I know can never happen again -- even should I want it to occur -- which I might, some day soon, wish for.

'International Affair' Linda Gail Lewis's last-best career-changing project, financed by the most intuitive man, and New Rose Records Founder and Label President, Patrick Mathe, with whom you and I have, very possibly been one of the thousands of artists whose approval and small budget provided the career, which may almost entirely have been attributable to luck:  THE LUCK at having been fortunate enough to know Patrick Mathe.

He and his label will, of course, be known to half of Memphis, and wherever discriminating erudite music lovers may gravitate around the world.

Some of the talent which he was innately blessed to sign is:

Tav Falco and Panther Burns, Alex Chilton, Jim Dickinson's Mudboy, Country Rockers, Our Favorite Band, Hellcats, Linda Gail Lewis (and that's just a greatest hits of Memphis).

Patrick died suddenly and recently, entirely too young.

He had been on his Facebook doing what he loved one day prior (like me, playing videos of favorite artists), both obscure and classic to a small group of loyal fans, protegees and strangers, from France, America, and cities all over the world, where his eccentric but perfect ear corralled everyone into a club which is still the masterwork of a man with taste supreme enough to act quickly, sell immediately, and use the small profits from his ever-growing catalogue to exponentially fund someone even more obscure and less marketable.

His truly eclectic stable of New Rose artists will always remember his quick dealing, non-interference, and polite but firm confidence and mastery, signing a band only if he loved it realizing wisely that that was as sure an indicator, as its past track record.

Patrick either started your career in European markets, usually parlayed in America for more convenient touring, or more likely gave it the shot it needed to get off of its past and back catalogue in order to conquer a new lease on life, not with money but with one man's belief and enthusiasm which in many cases would be the first time anyone had been interested for many years.

one reason for the super-luxe and shiny New Rose upgrade has to have been the gifted graphic design team Huart and Cholley, with him for more years than i remember.

H & C consistently created album-cover art never to be seen again; exotic, luxurious while spending half the money, while always employing the most modern equipment, impossibly distinctive and with titles and freshly inventive distinction before the time of computer design, they represent the very best, last masters of the form.

Two unheralded geniuses whose loyalty and mutual respect for Patrick shows in every detail, finely produced for the brother in whom they had trusted and loved their entire career, album to album.

their style resulted in lush, decadently rich design unrivaled and out-spent by major labels 1000 to 1.

The secret may have been a very important, subtle logo, as chic and unassuming as Louis Vuiton but with much less ostentation.  I am referring to the secret weapon, which like Champagne may only be presented under very strict French laws to keep its integrity and awe, the elan proudly and prominently featured on every LP or single issued from this small but mighty brand, a hardly noticeable round stamp-like graphic of exquisite restraint and power, reading in 10 pt. brand-chic typography, "made in Paris," and whether you noticed it or your audience noticed the cover, you were seeing it and mesmerized by its elegance