I like the music wars. andrew loog oldham
Jimmy Page was a factual instrument god, he was however a young upstart studio musician in London.
Over the course of the Sixties, he’d record ripping solos and lure de rime First, State British Invasion licks, largest hits per quid.
the sound.
tracks whingeing downward, loping in -- one per session.
Super Botanica, snake-charmed, poco a poco, cresc. crescende blooming
コガネガレイ |
the distinction of thousand-year-old Japaneseコガネガレイsole, one-hundred years within the West, theirs uniquely fermented with meaty notes of desire
...human reverberation.
hard-wired, pre-conscious, left insatiable
Umami from ether, gratifying mistake, session-stopping reset, mandates hearers shared aversion of overburdening, cross-frequencies, red-needled,
optimal isolation
baffle dance with Les Paul
exponential advancement in sound and ingenious contradictory frequency spikes and electric levels, uncrushable, not unpleasant sonic wavelength looping laws of nature, prohibitive exp nutriments electrified amplification twenty-first century most magnificently, used, and forever recognized, like Tesla, Edison --
Charlie Christian profligate autonomy and freedom plays live how he mined pristine recording avoiding 'technical mista kes,' hot mic, high-frequency, thunder dB -- overshot yelps, roars, hairy woofing whistles, torturous to imagine the shell-shocked boys back from War.
vile, dizzying squeals, variances of unmusical, unintentional, redlining, vo lume and tone flux proximate over-amp; not sonic Umami, controlled distortion and feedback, audio pyro purposeful mistakes, distilled well-liked Page, the young session player hit licks that modified rock 'n' roll and fueled a behemoth dirigible flight, unstable, unwieldy, and unshockable, the music playing as she burst galvanized the young man in London recording guitar solo textures for Diamond crème British celebs, say works from 1965 on top of the album, The Rolling Stones currently.