October 6, 2020

Adam Sandler's Uncut Gems

The facts about Adam Sandler who showed off his career best acting with <Uncut Gems>

Cineplay Official Blog

2/21/2020 9:00


<Uncut Gems>

<Uncut Gems>, which was released on Netflix on January 31st, attracted attention by casting Adam Sandler, an actor most loved by the American public, by the Safdy brothers,


one of the most notable cineasts in the United States,


with <Good Time>(2017). It is a work.
The story of Howard, a New York jeweler who was chased by debt for gambling, dreams of the last bite when he holds an opal in his hand.


Let's take a look at all the details about Adam Sandler, who showed the best of his career.

He was born to a mother who is a nursing school teacher and a father who is an electrician. Russian/Israeli Jewish descent. Born in Brooklyn, New York, he moved to Manchester, New Hampshire at the age of 6, where he grew up until school days. He said his father was very angry, so he thought he had come up with the qualities of a comedian after devising tips to calm him down.

Adam Sandler and director Jude Aperto were roommates when they were unknown. The two people I met at the comedy club 'Improve' shared a room for $900 a month.



At the time, Sandler was said to have slept on a mattress without a bed linen.


After successively succeeding in <A Man Who Couldn't Until 40>



(2005) and <After Accident> (2007),  Apertoe cast Sandler to direct <Funny People> (2009).

Comedian Dennis Miller, who discovered Adam Sandler, who was performing at the LA comedy club, recommended him to Ron Michael, the general director of <SNL>.

On November 21, 1992, Adam Sandler, who came to the stage while working as a writer for <SNL>, showed off his own Thanksgiving songster Thanksgiving Song' on the air and made a clear face. The following year, he sang the same song like Bruce Springsteen. The song'The Hanuka Song', which was released on the broadcast on December 3, 1994, containing the hearts of Jewish children at Christmas, also received a hot response, and Neil Diamond made a remake.

When I was active as a member of <SNL>, I suffered from stage fright. In one interview, Sandler said, "I always did better at rehearsals. I knew nobody was looking at me." In the stand-up comedy <100% Freshness>, which was released on Netflix in October 2018, Sandler looks very resolute.

In 1993, he released the comedy album They're All Gonna Laugh at You, which sold 2 million copies and was nominated for the Best Comedy Album category at the Grammy Awards. The next album, "What the hell happened to me? (What the Hell Happened to Me?)> also sold more than 2 million copies. By 2004, a total of 5 comedy albums were released.

In 1995, he was fired along with Chris Farley in SNL. After appearing in <SNL>, Sandler was sold out to movies and soon became the most famous actor in America, so it might have been better.

Chris Farley and Adam Sandler

In late 1999, the production companionway Madison Productions' was founded. It is named after the titles of Happy Gilmore (1996) and Billy the Millionaire (1995). Deuce Vigalo, starring Rob Schneider, is his first film. To date, he has made more than 40 films and has recorded good grades, making it one of the few failed box offices. The production logo, which I have been using since 2005, is when a golf club hits a golf ball that has been running gracefully and the screen is shattered, and Sandler's father (who died in 2003) on the beat of the New Jackswing says "Terrific!"

Jacqueline Teton from Big Daddy

When Schneider was cast in <Big Daddy> (1999), he introduced Adam Sandler to Jacqueline Teton, who appeared as a minor role in the film Deuce Bigalo, where he played an active part as one top. Teton and Sandler, who met at the scene of <Big Daddy>, became lovers. In 2000, Teton followed Sandler to convert to Judaism, and three years later the two married. Having two daughters in 2006 and 2008, the whole family often appears in Sandler films.

The late 1990s deserves to be called Sandler's heyday. Between February 1998 and June 1999, three films, <Wedding Singer>, <Water Boy>, and <Big Daddy>, were released and made 40.5 million dollars in Korea alone.

<Punch Drunk Love>

Paul Thomas Anderson told a press conference that he would make a comedy starring Adam Sandler in the next film Magnolia (1999), and reporters laughed. It's probably because Adam Sandler, who has been working only on commercial comedy, with a young master who made <Boogie Knight>(1997) and <Magnolia> in his twenties in succession, was a combination that is hard to remember.


And indeed, in 2002, <Punch Drunk Love> was unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival and won the Director's Award (along with Im Kwon-taek in <Chwihwaseon>). Anderson referred to <Punch Drunk Love> as 'Adam Sandler's art film', and renowned American film critic Roger Ebert first wrote a favorable review of Adam Sandler's cast.

<Punch Drunk Love> team at the invitation of the Cannes Film Festival

I raised a puppy named Meatball. It is the child of Mr. Biffy, who appeared as the talking dog in <Little Nicky>(2000). Adam Sandler was so affectionate that there was a separate page for meatballs on the official website. Sandler's wedding captivated the audience by wearing a tuxedo and a kipa (a traditional Jewish hat). In 2004, when he was 5 years old, unfortunately, he crossed the rainbow bridge due to a heart attack.

It is the second most nominated/winner of the 'Golden Raspberry Award', which awards theorist' movie every year. In the case of the Best Actor Award, he was nominated 13 times in the past 25 years. Sylvester Stallone is the most nominated person after Adam Sandler.

There are many cases in which actors who are close to their movies appear several times. Alan Cobert, who is also a producer of'Happy Madison', has appeared in more than 20 Sandler films, including <Happy Gilmore>, <Wedding Singer>, <Waterboy>, and <Mr. Rob Schneider, Nick Swardson, Kevin Nelan and David Spade are also Sandler's favorite actors.

Alan Cobert from <Wedding Singer> / <50th First Kiss> Rob Schneider

I was supposed to take on the role of a taxi driver in <Collatral>(2004), but I was eventually left out because I appeared in <Spangled>(2004). Willie Wonka in <Charlie and the Chocolate Factory>(2005) and rocket voices in <Guardians of the Galaxy>(2014) have also been featured.

<Collatral> / <Charlie and the Chocolate Factory> / <Guardians of the Galaxy>

Dennis Dugan and Frank Corach are directors Sandler particularly trust. Dugan's Happy Gilmore (1996) gave Sandler a reputation as a movie star, and all six of Dugan's films since 2007 were produced and starred by Sandler. Korachi started with <Wedding Singer> in 1998, followed by <Water Boy>, <Click>(2006), <ZooKeeper>(2011), <Blend>(2014), and <Rediculus 6> in 2015. Collaborated on the side. With Drew Barrymore, he worked on three romantic comedies for <Wedding Singer>, <50th First Kiss>, and <Blended>, all of which were successful.

Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, Frank Corach

<Water Boy>

He is a big fan of professional wrestling. The settings related to professional wrestling often appear in works written directly, such as the principal of <Millionaire Billy>, Captain Inseino of <Water Boy>, and the technique of chopping the neck in <Big Daddy>. During the promotion of <Little Nikki>, he appeared in <WWF Smackdown>. In <Longest Yard>(2005),'Stone Cold' Steven Austin, Kevin Nash and Bill Goldberg appear as American football players.

<Longest Yard> Stephen Austin, Kevin Nash, Bill Goldberg

Bought Goldie Horn and Kurt Russell's house in Hollywood. Sandler's wife Jackie attended a party held by Goldie Horn's daughter-in-law friend Erin Bartlett, fell in love with it, and bought it for about $13 million.

Sandler's house seen on Google Maps

American Boys and Girls Club (I spent my childhood) in Manchester, who gave me a million dollars. Sandler also participated in this club as a child. 2007, which he donated, was the 100th anniversary of the American Boys and Girls Club.

Boys and Girls Club Manchester Branch

It is steadily on the list of'male actors with the most income in the world' by <Forbes>, an economic journal. It has been in the top 10 for the last three years in a row when it has joined hands with Netflix in earnest. In 2017, it ranked 4th with 50.5 million dollars, 8th with 39.5 million dollars in 2018, and 6th with 57 million dollars in 2019.

Netflix is ​​by far the most important keyword in Adam Sandler's moves these days. Netfli xand Sandler's production company'Happy Madison' signed a contract and produced 7 films, from <Rediculus 6>, which was released at the end of 2015, to <Herby Halloween>, which will be released later this year. <Rediculus 6> exceeded the number of views of all the movies serviced on Netfli xin 30 days, despite the consistent bad comments of the critics, and <Mother Mystery>, a co-starring by Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, released in June 2019 was 4 weeks. It exceeded 73 million views in the first place and recorded the highest box office among Sandler's works that were serviced as a streaming platform. Sandler's lead films, <The MyloWitz Story> (2017) and <Uncut Gems> (2019), not produced by Happy Madison, were also serviced through Netflix.

It has been reigning as Hollywood's leading box office actor for over 25 years, but it is the animation <Monster Hotel 3> with the most successful voice. It was released during the 2018 vacation season and earned a total revenue of $52.86 million. Sandler's eldest daughter Sadie also added a voice. Since <Monster Hotel 2>, most of Sandler's works have been released exclusively to Netflix, so this theater revenue record will not be broken for a long time.

Brother Safdi wrote a draft for Uncut Gems, inspired by a friend of his father who was a jeweler in New York. They wanted to play the protagonist Howard in the role of a Jewish actor, and they sent a screenplay to Adam Sandler, but were rejected. Harvey Caitl, Sasha Baron Cohen, Jonah Hill, and others were on the verge, but in 2017, ``Good Time'' was successful, and Sandler also liked ``Good Time'', and eventually he played Howard. Sandler also appeared in the 7-minute short <Goldman Silverman> released by the Safdy brothers on January 16th.

How to get a great patina on your iPhone leather case

Dieter Bohn@backlon

Step one: Acquire an iPhone or similarly expensive, common phone. Note that you probably want to protect it in some way. Understand that although it feels really good without a case, it’s really better if you use one for reasons that will become clear in later steps in this guide. Besides, that camera bump really is something, isn’t it? You can accept it, but honestly, you’ll never love it. So you might as well put a case around it.

Step two: Decide on a case you’d like to use. This is the most important step. It’s also a complicated process. I wish I could recommend that you do what I did in the above video and speak with Ashley Carman about her phone case series. You see, she regularly uses cases that many (aka a repressed person like me) might consider outrageously ostentatious cases shaped like hot dogs, stuffed bunnies, or giant cherry pom-poms. I got lots of useful tactics from our conversation, but you’ll have to settle for cribbing off my notes here:

  • In America, the trend is generally to get plain black cases, emphasizing protection.

  • That’s a shame because a case is a relatively inexpensive way to personalize your phone. Did you know that there are fashion trends in cases? There are! They are super weird and interesting, and I won’t blow up Ashley’s spot by talking about them too much here. But later on, she’ll write about it for you.

  • While you ponder phone case fashion trends, think about the objects that are on your body literally every day: clothes, your phone, and maybe a wallet and keys. You know your clothes express something to the wider world. Why not have your phone do the same?

  • Plus, that case could be a great conversation starter, just like a cool jacket or shoes.

  • Phone cases and fashion aren’t just about the image you project to the world. They are also a way for you to communicate with yourself. Different clothing makes you feel more comfortable or bolder or avant-garde or whatever. Next to clothing, your phone is the thing you have around you the most. It’s a missed opportunity not to do something with that.

  • While you’re at it, think about how your phone is an object in your personal orbit, like your coffee table and your coffee mugs. You have some preferences about those things; you want them to be comfortable or cool. These objects say something about you. They make you feel something when you see them or hold them.

  • Realize that, as humans, we see signs in everything no matter what. Everything is communication. You could consult an expert on that issue to verify my claim, but that expert would end up talking about semiotics, and nobody really wants that.

  • Besides, the smartphone is a super weird object relative to other mass-produced objects. Not everybody has the same watch or -shirt or coffee mug. They have a mix of new stuff, heirlooms that get passed down, and stuff they made themselves. Most of our stuff has a cultural resonance that speaks to its time and place and history, even if it’s mass-produced.

  • Except smartphones: they’re all basically the same, and they all basically get replaced every few years. They store our most intimate details, but they’re monolithic slabs that exist out of time and context, completely divorced from all the personality inside them. An iPhone is an iPhone, and a Galaxy is a Galaxy. Even if you go for some weirdo Android phone, it’s still hard to express your identity through a smartphone. (Well, okay. It’s not hard to express your personality through a smartphone at all, but it’s not a great or particularly interesting identity to express, so don’t pin who you are on what phone you buy.)

  • So think through all of this when you decide on a case — or don’t, honestly. If you tried to think about the cultural significance of every object in your life, you wouldn’t get anything done, and people would call you a semiotician behind your back, and nobody really wants that.

  • The point is: you shouldn’t feel bad for investing some care and thought into deciding which case to buy because it really does matter more than you give it credit for.

Step three: Having reviewed many of the existing leather cases for the iPhone , decide on the one Apple sells, even though it’s kind of pricey. You will have made this choice because you want something simple, protective, and of decent quality.

Apple iPhone saddle brown leather case: before and after.
Photo by Dieter Bohn / The Verge

Step four: Realize that the “saddle brown” color is actually kind of gross. The shade is way more yellow than you imagined. Look sideways at your friend who has had the case for a while, and note what a lovely patina it has. Ask how it got that way, and learn that his method was to “just use it for a long time, and it gets that way.” Decide that you will not wait “a long time,” but instead, you will jump-start this process.

Step five: Research methodology for tanning the leather on your phone. Or maybe “tanning” is not the right term. Kick some other search terms around. Watch some awkward YouTube videos. Stumble upon the most inadvertently heartwarming forum posts on the internet: the Patina Proud Photos thread on MacRumors. Here, people earnestly talk about their strategies for creating and maintaining the perfect patina on their iPhone cases. They are kind to each other, helpful, and supportive of each others’ efforts and methodologies. Please feel free to spend as much time as possible during this step; it is in these little corners of the internet where you are reminded of one of the reasons why you loved this online thing so much.

Step six: Realize there is no single, best method for getting a patina on your phone case. Also realize that it’s just a phone case, and it’s not that big of a risk to do some weird, DIY stuff to it. Resolve not to spend too much money (or any, if possible) on materials because you already overpaid for the case itself. Instead, you’re going to just muddle your way through this and accept two immutable truths:

  • When you’re done, you’ll have a case that you put some effort into. When you hold your phone or just see it sitting on the table, somewhere in your mind you’ll know: “I did that thing. That is the result of work that I did.” This is the feeling that craftspeople have all the time, and it is not a feeling you normally get from your phone. It is the feeling of pride from making something. This good feeling is not, to be clear, as strongly felt with a phone case as when you make something more ambitious like a chair or a meal or a Lego Millennium Falcon. However, though it is a smaller feeling, you will feel it more often because good lord you use your phone a lot.

  • Whatever method you choose, people who actually know a little something about leatherworking are going to be kind of horrified by what you chose to do. That is fine. This is not about Doing It Right. It is about Making It Yours.

Step seven: Remove the thin, protective coating on the iPhone saddle brown leather case. I used sand paper. I also paid special attention to wear away the Apple logo on the case because, you know what, it’s my case now. Don’t overdo the edges of the case, as that’s where your hand’s natural oils are going to darken it more anyway.

Step eight: Darken the leather. You can use pretty much any oil here. Some people pour espresso on theirs. Others spit on the leather. (Yes, it’s a thing. Don’t be squeamish.) Others use shoe polish. I used olive oil (it’s what I had) the first time, and coconut oil the second time (for the video above). It all works fine if you work it into the leather with a paper towel or something. You might have to do multiple coats. Try not to get too much on the felt lining of the case because it’s easier to wreck than the leather on the outside. Note that, as mentioned in step six, there is lots of advice about what is right or wrong here. Be confident and unapologetic in whatever method you choose, especially if it’s weird. It makes for a better story if anybody ever asks you about your case.

Step nine: Let it sit a while, preferably outside in the sun. The sun may help accelerate the patina process. Anyway, whatever method you used in step eight probably smells a bit, so leaving it outside helps to air it out.

Step 10: Put it on your phone and use it. You’ll notice that it feels weird and different, maybe too rough in some places and maybe the color is off in others. Let it ride. It will settle down over a week or so of use. You can accelerate that process by worrying the leather with your thumb. Just idly rub at the weird parts on the case while you’re zoning out at a meeting or in class.

That’s how to get a great patina on your iPhone leather case.

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge
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