October 7, 2020

\(^Д^)/ Eddie Van Halen Smile Gone \(^Д^)/ Bye Ouais bienvenue au revoir Emm désolé sensationnel au revoir toi, bye uh ah eh non non non désolé non

Runnin' with the Devil: A Backstage Pass to the Wild Times, ... Messy, loud, and most of all fun, this is a look inside Van Halen

bye Oui oui. 

bienvenue au revoir?

lisa … sweatband musical twerknation… 


hmm, hah. désolé. ouais. ooh le la. non. 

pas de tu. 

non. Oui. 

au revoir.  

Salut, bye, 

uh uh, ah, ehh, non, Oui, non.  


désolé. non.

Eddie Van Halen Smile Gone!

bye bye Hola a eh bien a bye? !

ok bonjour sensationnel à hmm. , Em bienvenue Oh hmm, au revoir?

réception oui hmm ha fille pas de hmm bye bye rien.

bienvenue au revoir oui? réception eh uhuh Emmmmm, eh oui uhuh non oui bien sûr hmm. aha Oh hmm Bon oui hmm ha importé. bye ha okay sensationnel hmm Emmmmm Shhhhh bye?

hmm Importateur résonnant Là merci.

vous avez Oui. un Damn Bye Emmmmm. eh bien là hmm hein?

retentissant Oh oui au revoir, hein.

album aquamarine archive back be beat bend boring but by can cola com date debut drop


Unclassified word types: 47

‘Yes uhuh aha! Shhhhh. There, there. Damn, her! Shhhhh. There, there. Hello no Yes hmm. Yes Yes, sorry. Hello bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye eh has a sensational reception?

Emm? Yes uhuh aha! Shhhhh. There, there. Damn, her! Shhhhh. There, there. Hello no Yes hmm. Yes, alright. Yes hmm ha no yes yes yes hmm ha resounding welcome. Goodbye. Oh sure okay. Yes hmm. Hello no Yes hmm Ha no yes hmm. Ah no Yes, sorry. Hola nada Bien hola adios eh ha resounding welcome. Yes hmm. Bye bye bye eh ha resounding welcome? Emmmmm? Ah no yes. Yes, thank you, thank you, yes uhuh aha imported. Oh sure okay. ha no Yes hmm. Yes, alright. Yes Yes, sorry.


Yes hmm ha resounding welcome. Oh sure okay. Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye eh ah resounding welcome? Emmmmm? Yes Yes hmm. Bye bye ha. Oh sure okay. Oh sure yes. Hello Hello nothing. Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye eh ah resounding welcome? Emmmmm? Bye bye bye bye bye eh has a sensational reception? Emmmmm?

Hello nothing Good bye bye bye eh has a sensational reception? Emmmmm? Hola adios eh ah nonsensical biennial?


Bye bye eh ah resounding welcome? Yes uhuh uh,huh. Oh, no? sorry. Ah no yes, thank you, thank you,


thank you, sorry. Yes hmm Ha no yes hmm. Hello bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye eh has a sensational reception? Emmmmm? Ah no Yes, thank you, well, well, thank you, yes hmm. Yes Yes hmm. Oh sure okay. Bye no goodbye bye ha resounding welcome. Hello no Yes hmm Ha no yes hmm. Bye no yes yes hmm ha resounding welcome? Emmmmm? Hello nothing Good bye bye bye eh has a sensational reception? Emmmmm? Hello bye bye bye bye bye bye eh ha ha resounding welcome. Bye bye bye bye bye eh has a sensational reception? Emmmmm? Bye bye bye eh ha resounding welcome? Emm? Importer Hello nothing Good bye eh ha no Yes hmm. Hello no Yes hmm Ha no yes hmm. Yes hmm. Yes, sorry. Oh right, thank you, sorry. Yes hmm. Hi baby. Yes Yes hmm Ha no yes. Hola nada Bien hola adios eh ha resounding welcome. Yes, thank you, thank you, yes uhuh aha imported. Yes hmm. Yes uhuh uh,huh. Oh, no? sorry. Yes Yes hmm. Bye bye bye eh has a sensational reception? Emmmmm?


Ah no yes, nothing Goodbye. Ah no yes, nothing Goodbye. ha no Yes hmm. Yes uhuh aha! Shhhhh. There, there. Damn, her! Shhhhh. There, there.

  • Hello. Hello girl. Oh, Emm, sorry. sensational. Yes. bye. you, Hello. Shhhhh.  bye uhuh. ah eh. no. Yes. no? no ha. sorry no.  bye bye. Hola. .well a bye?  ok. Sensational. hello to hmm. Em. welcome. Oh hmm, bye? .yes. hmm ha girl. no resounding hmm.
  • bye bye nothing.  welcome bye yes? reception eh uhuh Emm eh yes. uhuh. no.  yes. of course. hmm. aha. Oh. hmm. Good. yes. hmm. ha. imported. bye. ha. okay. sensational. hmm. Em. Shhhhh bye? hmm.  There. thanks.  you have. Yes. Damn there. hmm. eh? resounding. Oh. yes. bye. eh.
  • Yes Bye, thank you no bye bye ha. you bye ok yes there eh aha no sorry no. goodbye no. at ? eh, hi hmm oh bye oh yes?  Ha yes hmm Oh yes? Shhhhh goodbye absurd? Hello Hush bye. Yes bye. no, yes. thank you. Bye. yes. Good uh yes. Hello goodbye. hmm. aha. thank you. adios. good bye  mmm. Yes. ok. bye. Bye.  Yes ! . hmm. Yes. Shhhhh. bye bye. Yes. Yes goodbye.  here. thank you. Yes. Yes.  Yes.  welcome bye! eh. baby ah. good bye. thanks uhuh?
  • bye ah hmm no Ha, you ha bye yes yes no eh Emmmmm, Ah Bye you Bye nothing resounding bye ,? resounding. Ah welcome Ha bye? eh? Emmmmm Shhhhh bye hmm a ha, uhuh bye no.
  • Oh goodbye goodbye of course welcome nothing goodbye yes of course nothing goodbye yes ha no Ah. eh nothing sure goodbye. . adios you bye bye, yes Em Yes, eh thank you resounding. no ha no Hello Em aha, hmm ah Yes, yes Hello a bye Hola you, yes bye no resounding hmm nothing Hello Emmmmm there Yes Yes, bye sorry eh uhuh bye, nada. Is there bye bye bye? Bye resounding welcome bye aha imported? Sorry ? , ha? goodbye reception sorry goodbye Damn.

  • Yes hmm okay. sorry sensational goodbye Emmmmm thank you yes goodbye? a hmm Yes of course bye Oh, yes. . hola hmm adios Bye. ! sensational There yes Hello goodbye ha you you. Goodbye. Welcome bye. Emmmmm bye yes Hello. Ah sorry Yes sensational eh Goodbye. uhuh hola. thank you Yes Ah hmm ,. not here . welcome a hmm bye. eh no. Yes ! ? the reception did not you ah Yes huh no? Ha Hello ha eh Yes ok Bye hmm Yes? right, hello of course yes oh yes. bye hmm yes welcome resounding emmmmm resounding?

  • welcome hmm bye. bye her Hola There Ha, a bye no? eh.

  • Hi. Yes bye. hmm ha resounding reception. Hello, there.

  • Oh thank you, nada.

  • Shit, Yes.

  • hello uh.

  • Yes welcome.

  • Any aquamarine backbeats flexing Rooster art color palette.

  • Start date  violation previous commitment by email. celebrity. fashion. dark rub. gen z get getty group gloved girls heart grace. like hip pants they  pity  solo les isles insomnia just ladies Lana ladies. Lascivious laughter. life ...   pirouettes 266/5000 No. Yeah, really? O, sure. Okay. Yeah thanks sorry. Hey! Damn.


  • Hello, sad bitch.

  • Goodbye cunt!

  • Hello, goodbye, eh?

  • Ah ...

  • sensational.

  • Welcome.

  • Yes hmm ... Ha.

  • No. no. no.

  • Yeah, uh-uh, un-huh, uh-huh.



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