October 15, 2020


With the passing of Eddie Van Halen October 7 2020, pervasive social networking portends desirable artistic, motivational persuasiveness, where inhering refractory, commemorator-heavy disquisition and inestimable, nonrenewable social-strengthening represent tribute and repast from the New York Times, splayed out and variegating representations of words by particular typographic choice by ornament only, in order to design a virtual media expression through an obituary by  using online, freely accessible typography, endlessly renewable in modern, antique, and classic form from the earliest era of  printed word to today's continually changing iterations, an oroborous of typeface creating, rendering, then eating itself, until it self-generates that circular snake  into the mouth again, passed as 'new' again -- a typothesia, if you will, or at least an emotional deep dive into barely sub-epidermis whose  escape the author, opposed to symbolic metaphor  aping madding tropical fly larvae, hatched in-host, carried full gestation -- where it lives,  exploring the host in insufferable sleep-waking nights --




one evening he reads about the solution and smears the vent to its home -- his body --  its only source of oxygen using an oleaginous unguent whose purpose is the fly pupae's eviction in an assured egress or suffocation, when its inborn lifeforce will find it burrowing toward waiting pincers of steel, lilliputian vicegrip whose facility at expiation is as effective as any wolf for squatter pigs, or landlord for missing rent in lieu of a broken windo --  painless but traumatic -- unforgettable anthropomorphizing a musical earwig petering out some  unwanted circular loop where all brains gravitate late nights or  dream --  results demonstrate an effective method.


These studies do not consider how overall trajectory patterns of users change  the varying living styles we propose as  probabilistic generative model to latent lifestyle-related patterns from human trajectory data for inferring social strength.


It can automatically learn function location with similar service   transition probabilities over  functionality topics modeled as unique transition probability matrixes over  functionality topic preference distribution lifestyles he or she select  adapting contexts, learned lifestyle-related patterns,  subsequent supervised strength estimation and link prediction.


We conduct  experiments, evaluate performance of proposed methods on real-world datasets.