September 23, 2020

All-Girl "Coca Cola Shape" ALL GIRL KPOP “OLÉ” PLUS 'biscuit'! Tour Sweet Anita-ette and "Love is Just a Heartbeat Away" GLORIA GAYNOR from "Transylvania to Manhattan"

Love  is  Just  a   

Heartbeat Away 



All-Girl   KPOP   Sweet  Anita  Tourette   

"Coca Cola   Shape"  


IGAZ   Clones



i  just  been   loving  lisa   from




like these kids.   i'm losin' it.


But who is this?


fellow   teenage

kpop   girls?

IGAZ   Clones





LET'S   TAKE   THIS   CASE   FOR #CocaColaShape


Artist: Simpleton
Song: Coca Cola Shape
Style:  Dancehall

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I was trying to dial in the perfect b&w but the climate had me doubting mine and @henricartierbresson__ #decisivemoment, and the intolerance to the idea that there is one — and the quality of @guybourdinofficial light, my love of ASMR, @o.winstonlinkmuseum, @egglestonworks loudspeakers and the unbearable heaviness on why I am becoming immune to conforming to old passions, and how they’ve lost their timelessness, eg. I no longer secretly loathe younger people whose entire aesthetic existence consists of the enjoyment of audio, video, painting, photography, and most absurdly, cinematography (letterbox on an @apple iPhone, or explaining to someone — why they really have not heard @fionaappleig #ftbc over and again — even after they had listened from their device in front of me while waving the music in the air at me like some hoary Beethoven)—which means, that if I am sticking to my semantic, fine-pointless expiation of her enjoyment of a failure by me to consider her environmental appreciation and undifferentiated apex of Van Morrison’s ‘Musical Radio in the airwaves,’ as her normal, as opposed to my past’s now stuffy dependence on 50 lbs of audio equipment, and the truly freeing portability of its riddance & yards of media…. I will admit that, not only has she heard fiona’s and @caradelevingne’s dogs 🐕 on a play date listening to her ‘jam,’ but she has WAVED IT IN THE AIR AT ME! • #mrjyn • @dougmeet for @Instagram •

A post shared by doug💙meet (@dougmeet) on


I was trying to dial in the perfect b&w but the climate had me doubting mine and @henricartierbresson__ #decisivemoment, and the intolerance to the idea that there is one — and the quality of @guybourdinofficial light, my love of ASMR, @o.winstonlinkmuseum, @egglestonworks loudspeakers and the unbearable heaviness on why I am becoming immune to conforming to old passions, and how they’ve lost their timelessness,



I no longer secretly loathe younger people whose entire aesthetic existence consists of the enjoyment of audio, video, painting, photography, and most absurdly, cinematography (letterbox on an @apple iPhone, or explaining to someone — why they really have not heard @fionaappleig  #ftbc over and again — even after they had listened from their device in front of me while waving the music in the air at me like some hoary Beethoven)—


which means, that if I am sticking to my semantic, fine-pointless expiation of her enjoyment of a failure by me to consider her environmental appreciation and undifferentiated apex of Van Morrison’s ‘Musical Radio in the airwaves,’ as her normal, as opposed to my past’s now stuffy dependence on 50 lbs of audio equipment, and the truly freeing portability of its riddance & yards of media….

I will admit that, not only has she heard fiona’s and @caradelevingne’s dogs 🐕 on a play date listening to her ‘jam,’ but she has WAVED IT IN THE AIR AT ME!

#mrjyn@dougmeet for @Instagram