March 8, 2020

Toluene Gasoline additives Rubbing Alcohol Ether (starting fluid) Benzene Paint thinner Freon Acetone Chloroform Camp stove fuel

Tenny lived by the bottle part time,
and was killed by one in his favorite hotel,
the Elysée, off Madison & 54.
So awake in his opportune thoughts while stumbling in the dark.
Many, many friends have been gone for a long time.
The fire escapes with drizzle rain of August,
ups and downs of the semi-lit stairwells.
The warmth of a midnight train from Providence.

"Now, Gerard, you let them know it's a Coke
in my hand,"

as the camera clicks, we toast him ...
then I saw him in his taxi,
on the sunset from upper, upper Broadway.
His wide-eyed smile persisted.
His bear hugging business.

Gerard Malanga

First: Did You Read Part One?

If you didn’t read my first blog post I strongly urge you to read it now, before continuing. My first blog post can be found here and it’s called Does this identification mean anything? I do not know.  In summary, I discussed Dr. Wymore’s culturing of Pseudomonas Putida from Morgellons fibers and the ramifications which are many. It’s important to know that Pseudomonas Putida can and does turn things like oil and glucose into Toluene, a very toxic chemical. Remember that name, Toluene, it’s key to where we are going. However, if you do not take the time to read my first post you might as well stop reading now because you’re really not interested. If you want to understand this disease invest the 10 minutes it will take to read it.

The Morgellons / Methamphetamine Connection (Non Obvious Surprise)

Meth users will exhibit numerous signs of use, the most obvious of which are hyperactivity, incessant talking, and wakefulness. The drug produces a false sense of confidence in the user. Users will often have a loss of appetite and become extremely irritable and moody. Prolonged meth abuse can resemble symptoms of schizophrenia characterized by hallucinations, paranoia, and repetitive behavior patterns. Abusers develop delusions of insects under the skin known as “speed bugs” or “meth bugs,” which cause the user to pick at the skin incessantly resulting in open lesions. As the effects of the drug wear off, users may experience drug cravings, depressed moods, lethargy, and prolonged periods of sleep lasting 24 hours or more.

The part in “red” above is not the surprise, it coming though, sit tight. However, surely if you have been following the Morgellons mystery you have heard Morgellons written off as merely a bunch of former or current methamphetamine users. It’s quite common for meth users to totally freak out and claim that there are bugs crawling under their skin. Sound familiar? However, I am about to make a rather shocking claim that there is in fact a connection between Morgellons and Methamphetamine use, but not the connection you might think. Maybe there is a reason Meth users and Morgellon sufferers share these common traits? Hold onto your seat, this is going to get very interesting.

Methamphetamine Ingredients

There is a very interesting ingredient that is used by those running meth labs and that ingredient is Toluene. Yes, the very same chemical that Pseudomonas Putida can both create and bioremediate (degrade). I provided links with examples of Pseudomonas Putida creating Toluene in my first blog post. If you have any doubt regarding the connection between Pseudomonas Putida and Toluene click HERE.
Meth “cooks” use most or all of the ingredients below to make methamphetamine. Most all of the ingredients below come with a warning label telling the consumer not to ingest the product.

Gasoline additives
Rubbing Alcohol
Ether (starting fluid)
Paint thinner
Camp stove fuel
Anhydrous ammonia
White gasoline
Rock, table or Epsom salt Red Phosphorous
Toluene (found in brake cleaner) 
Red Devil Lye
Drain cleaner
Muraitic acid
Battery acid
Lithium from batteries
Sodium metal
Cold tablets
Diet aids
Energy boosters
Iodine crystals

Now, if that is not enough to make you use meth then I don’t know what is. Interestingly however, our friend Toluene shows up in the meth ingredient list (which they get from brake fluid).  Could there be a real connection here? Is this yet just another coincidence?

Both Morgellons sufferers and Meth users claim to have bugs crawling under their skin and can end up covered in lesions and sores.

“But there are so many chemicals in that list above” you say, “It could be any of them, or, meth users could be simply delusional and whacked out due to the overwhelming toxicity of meth”

I don’t think Meth users are delusional when it comes to “meth bugs”. No, they feel the same thing we do because they are ingesting Toluene into their bodies. But in order to prove that we would need to have evidence that Toluene is known to cause such manifestations and symptoms.

Toluene (a neurotoxin) – Toxicity Symptoms

Let’s start out with a series of links
Okay, so there’s some information regarding Toluene and it’s ability to cause itching, dermatitus, and other skin ailments, but is that enough evidence?