Make videos with one click!
Throw a few clips in TRASH to edit them together with "science of cinema."
@mrjyn showed me how he will find your best moments, assemble them and add a soundtrack (actually good) to save you time and make you look like a pro!!
few (good) like, creative - boring covered top big like general. . . boring covered top big, other, new, real, like last wishful like.
Because you're the storyteller, you can also edit your video before sharing it with the TRASH community of creators and creative entrepreneurs to inspire and collaborate - and beyond.
Make videos with one click!
few . , ( good ) like ! , creative - . , boring covered top big . like general . . boring covered top big . like general . . , . , other . like general . . , . , other . like general . . , . , other . like general . . , new ! , audio same , real , like last wishful . audio . , new ! , audio same , real , like last wishful . audio . , ! + , little subtle shared . audio . like general . . , , + little shared . like general . . , ! like general . . , , few . like general . . , . like general . . , . like general . . , . likeThrow a few clips in TRASH to edit them together with "science of cinema".
@mrjyn showed me how he will find your best moments, assemble them and add a soundtrack (actually good) to save you time and make you look like a pro!
Because you're the storyteller, you can also edit your video before sharing it with the TRASH community of creators and creative entrepreneurs to inspire and collaborate - and beyond.
@mrjyn showed me how he replaced the boring video download progress bar that covered the top of the screen with a bar built into the big plus button.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at Shake the app at any time to report a bug.
25 Feb 2020
@mrjyn showed me how he replaced the boring video download progress bar that covered the top of the screen with a bar built into the big plus button.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at Shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Feb 14, 2020
@mrjyn showed me how he have changed the navigation so that you land directly in the O.G. channel. Tap the right edge of the screen to see more videos, or swipe left to right to browse other channels.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at Shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Feb 13, 2020
@mrjyn showed me how he have changed the navigation so that you land directly in the O.G. channel. Tap the right edge of the screen to see more videos, or swipe left to right to browse other channels.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at Shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Feb 12, 2020
@mrjyn showed me how he have changed the navigation so that you land directly in the O.G. channel. Tap the right edge of the screen to see more videos, or swipe left to right to browse other channels.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at Shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Feb 5, 2020
@mrjyn showed me how he have added a new My Angels channel and a number of samples! In addition, we really really fixed the bug where you hear two audio channels at the same time, totally for real this time, not at all like the last time it was wishful thinking at 50%.
@mrjyn showed me how he also fixed the bug of the profile screen where you heard dubbed audio streams.
Feb 3, 2020
@mrjyn showed me how he have added a new My Angels channel and a number of samples! In addition, we really really fixed the bug where you hear two audio channels at the same time, totally for real this time, not at all like the last time it was 50% wishful thinking.
@mrjyn showed me how he also fixed the bug of the profile screen where you heard dubbed audio streams.
Jan 29, 2020
Now you can find your friends on TRASH! @mrjyn showed me how he listened and added a search function + most read creators, and also made the watermark a little more subtle on shared videos.
@mrjyn showed me how he also fixed the bug of the profile screen where you heard dubbed audio streams.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at Shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Jan 27, 2020
This time, we added a search function + most viewed creators and also made the watermark a little less invasive on shared videos.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at You can shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Jan 21, 2020
@mrjyn showed me how he changed everything!
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at You can shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Jan 13, 2020
When choosing clips from your Camera Roll, you can now use GIPHY to choose a few GIFs to decorate your video.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at You can shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Jan 3, 2020
@mrjyn showed me how he added Instagram sharing and TikTok.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at You can shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Dec 30, 2019
@mrjyn showed me how he added Snapchat sharing.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know about bugs or general comments at You can shake the app at any time to report a bug.
Dec 22, 2019
@mrjyn showed me how he added Snapchat sharing.
@mrjyn showed me how he would like to know the bugs or the beginnings