.@brucel Bruce Lawson UPDATE! Official #1 @W3C Standard Kitten Name 'Naughty' Sid Vicious tricks @T ≠ Loves —1 mars 2020
.@brucel Bruce Lawson UPDATE! Official Kitten @W3C Standard Name #1: 'Naughty' Sid Vicious tricks @T ≠ Loves Jesus
Kitten update: after a night of mayhem (swinging on blinds, jumping on me, parkouring on all the washing on the drying rack and pulling it over), the kitten's official name is Sid Vicious. pic.twitter.com/2dd47NBtFj
Howdy-doody, Pussy Pucey #2! Subs doms, St Marks PDA Support ends tent vs Indie text Baedeker Bang font; Fix bug thing JavaScript ray [sic] me, and lots more.
“Google is planning to move its British users’ accounts out of the control of European Union privacy regulators, placing them under U.S. jurisdiction instead, sources said. The shift, prompted by Britain’s exit from the EU, will leave the sensitive personal information of tens of millions with less protection”
[css-device-adapt] Remove @viewport – CSS Working Group proposes to deprecate this spec. (it shipped in Opera Presto and IE Trident, but those have joined the choir invisible)
The Great Google Revolt – “Some of its employees tried to stop their company from doing work they saw as unethical. It blew up in their faces.” Long read.