June 8, 2018

WATCH 'Absolutely' #MorwennaBanks destroy English and the boy she named Trampas Root - L'Incroyable Alligator

Trampas Root - L'Incroyable Alligator

Morwenna Banks, Absolutely Gameshow Hostess


Let's set the record straight with with gameshow hostesses; they may be good looking but they're not as thick and dim as we make them out to be, are they?

Let's spin the wheel and play a game of 'Spin to Win' to find out if we have a winner or if we have bust our bank!

Starring: Morwenna Banks as the 'Spin to Win' game hostess and Gordon Kennedy as the game show host.

This is a clip from the Channel 4 sketch show, Absolutely, written by and starring Pete Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Jack Docherty, Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy and John Sparkes

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