I found this 'Welmon Sharlhorne Endorsing Obama' video again for its 10th anniversary of what became 'this close' to a meme.
Welmon was one of Alan Boudreaux's and my most entertaining artists while we did our time at the infamous 526 Royal St. gallery.
He still roams the French Quarter, selling his deconstructed legal envelope art, made with his preferred medium of geometry tools, to tourists for $30 or much more, depending on how rich they look.
Little do they know that when he tells them he's in the Collection de l'art brut and Smithsonian, it's the only thing he hasn't bullshitted them about all day (no one ever believes him).
I'm glad to know he's okay--or, at least, hope so.
I wrote his Welmon Sharlhorne FB page tonight and asked its administrator to let me know.
Google him, as he is wont to say.
Published Mar 8, 2008
- I'm in the dragons den right now and this cat is sitting next to me talking to me hahahaha
I am at Dragons Den at this moment with Welmon, artist, in the flesh. Sitting, conversing and passing the pipe of peace, all about a round table.
Y'erd Me?
this guy is not a drifter, he is awesome. I met him at Marie Laveau's this past Friday and we had the most amazing conversation. He told his life story and regaled us with freestyle beat poetry. He's got a way with words that this video does not even come close to capturing. Solid gold.
I bought a totally wonderful piece from him about 5 years ago, in Jackson Sq in NO. Paid way more than $30 but way less than the galleries you can see on the web are charging! Had a great conversation with him as well. So kilroy238, you missed a chance!
If you offered $30 for his art work, you tried to rip him off!
Love you, Welmon!
Myrtle 3 years ago
This dude ripped me off for 30 bucks on this streets of New Orleans over some "art" he was going to make for me. Just another liar con-man on the streets of Nawlins.
well, he sold me a cheap ticket to jazz fest on the streets of new orleans and it worked out just fine. My experience was that he was neither liar nor con-man
CosmicUniquity in reply to kilroy238 (Show the comment) 3 years ago
Glad things worked out for you. All I can say is I think you got lucky.
kilroy238 in reply to CosmicUniquity (Show the comment) 3 years ago
Former President Clinton helped raised MILLIONS for hurricane Katrina victims-sounds like Louisianan is full of ungrateful people!