Your current follower audience size is 1,497
That's 17 more than the same time 30 days ago.
You've gained around 1 new followers per day
Interest name % of audience Tech news 68% Movie news and general info 63% Technology 58% Music news and general info 58% Music 56% Comedy (Movies and television) 47% Business and news 47% Marketing 45% Politics and current events 44% Entrepreneurship 34% Country
Country name % of audience United States 60% United Kingdom 7% France 3% Canada 3% Japan 2% Nigeria 2% India 2% South Africa 2% Netherlands 2% Australia 1% Region
State or region % of audience California, US 11% New York, US 8% England, GB 6% Texas, US 4% Florida, US 3% Georgia, US 3% Greater London, GB 3% New Jersey, US 3% Nevada, US 3% Ontario, CA 2%
Device categories
Device type
% of audience
iOS devices
Android devices
Blackberry phones and tablets
< 1%
Mobile web on other devices
< 1%
Desktop and laptop computers
The data reported on this page is an estimate, and should not be considered official for billing purposes. Data from Twitter partners is U.S. only. Some charts require a minimum number of users to display.