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of F℞EE• • Facebook • • • • Blog Feed • • \ x3drss • • Dailymotion • • • • • • 123video here are only approximate, if you have exact dates please tell.1930's - First Uniform This uniform was first worn by , the first
and also the first one in europe.
This uniform was all white, much like a nurse.
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- 1960's - Light blue Uniform
new Uniforms in a light blue.
1978 - New Joyful UniformThis Uniform was introduced in 1978. It was meant to show Class, Joy of Live and Voyages. Here you'll see the different variations of the new uniform.
1980's - Next Uniform ?Not quite sure if there was a different Uniform in between or if these are just Variations of the former and later uniforms...1990's - Colani UniformThe last Swissair Uniform was designed by Designer Luigi Colani.
2002 - Swiss UniformWith the change-over from Swissair to Swiss a new uniform was introduced, based on the former Crossair Uniform. It was sometimes worn on Swissair Flights during that time.
Old Pilot UniformsA couple of pictures of pilot uniforms from the 60's.
InsigniasHere some of the different insignias that were used over the time
1940's - This uniform was all white, much like a nurse.
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On this site you'll see the uniforms of the page in chosen language or to search results. If you have further information, pictures, or find something on this site is not correct please send a mail via 'contact us'. The Years that are mentioned here are only approximate, if you have exact dates please tell.1930's - First Uniform This uniform was first worn by , the first and also the first one in europe.
This uniform was all white, much like a nurse.
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- Tested: Firefox and Safari on MacOSX and WindowsXP
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- 1960's - Light blue Uniform
new Uniforms in a light blue.
1978 - New Joyful UniformThis Uniform was introduced in 1978. It was meant to show Class, Joy of Live and Voyages. Here you'll see the different variations of the new uniform.
1980's - Next Uniform ?Not quite sure if there was a different Uniform in between or if these are just Variations of the former and later uniforms...1990's - Colani UniformThe last Swissair Uniform was designed by Designer Luigi Colani.
2002 - Swiss UniformWith the change-over from Swissair to Swiss a new uniform was introduced, based on the former Crossair Uniform. It was sometimes worn on Swissair Flights during that time.
Old Pilot UniformsA couple of pictures of pilot uniforms from the 60's.
InsigniasHere some of the different insignias that were used over the time
- Tested: Firefox and Safari on MacOSX and WindowsXP
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- Created by admin of
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- 1960's - Light blue Uniform
new Uniforms in a light blue.
1978 - New Joyful UniformThis Uniform was introduced in 1978. It was meant to show Class, Joy of Live and Voyages. Here you'll see the different variations of the new uniform.
1980's - Next Uniform ?Not quite sure if there was a different Uniform in between or if these are just Variations of the former and later uniforms...1990's - Colani UniformThe last Swissair Uniform was designed by Designer Luigi Colani.
2002 - Swiss UniformWith the change-over from Swissair to Swiss a new uniform was introduced, based on the former Crossair Uniform. It was sometimes worn on Swissair Flights during that time.
Old Pilot UniformsA couple of pictures of pilot uniforms from the 60's.
InsigniasHere some of the different insignias that were used over the time