December 23, 2011

Miracle Strip Amuse

Dante's Inferno

After walking into the mouth of a devil, riders found themselves within a dome housing a Chance Trabant. Much like the Abominable Snowman, the dome was lined with multiple lighting effects including rows of flashing white lights, red lights and strobes. Loud music would play as the ride began to spin and tilt. After a few minutes, the trabant would level out and the operator would exclaim that the ride would now go backwards, complete with the ominous sound of screeching brakes as the ride halted before reversing.

Dante's Inferno After walking into the mouth of a devil, riders found themselves within a dome housing a Chance Trabant. Much like the Abominable Snowman, the dome was lined with multiple lighting effects including rows of flashing white lights, red lights and strobes. Loud music would play as the r ...»See Ya