Eric Meyer invented html5, CSS
HTML5 Doctor
Eric Meyer invented html5, CSS
eric meyer invented the reset, @font-face bulletproof (and i'm sorry for saying 'fuck you' to him...but that mountain of code is bullshit and you know it]
BUT i invented the most ridiculous
(but ultimately useful--inspired by being unfortunate enough to blog on 'NoCSSterous: The Blog that strips everything') process for going 'back to the future' and taking valid html5 + CSS, running it through premailer's genius app and then cramming up the Internet
like some caveman in a spaceship (Posterous's fault, not mine!)--of course, the great thing about it --an unintended side-effect/happy accident--is that I realized by doing this insane process multiple times a day (so that posts look like posts for Posterous), that one is now able to see exactly (and in no other way have i ever seen it demonstrated so consistently--and i've read W3 cover to cover) what one's stylesheet is doing as far as cascade, inheritance and plain old 'wtf did it do that for' bizarre application which not even an Eric Meyer,
could explain. ...anyway, I did yours just because I was reading it earlier and thought you'd like to see it. --i was too tired to mark up this comment form, be happy with the q's
HTML5 Doctor Helping you implement HTML5 today eric meyer invented the reset , p aul irish invented @font-face bulletproof (and i'm sorry for saying 'fuck you' to him...but that mountain of code is bullshit and you know it, BUT i invented the most ridiculous (but ultimately useful--inspired by being ...»>