… Previously, she and her girlfriend had been at a Halloween block party where she had four or
five alcoholic drinks. … Further, she did not try to escape because she was naked from the waist
Doug Maet
bookie five second video challenge: best drunk slutty girl at wedding reception dancing
August 27
Doug Maet
more bumper stickers i make up: i used to get drunk on Sunday's before work on Monday and I hated the hangovers, so I quit...I sure do miss the paychecks!
August 21
Cam Paterson
... and i was drunk. i don't make really good choices when i am drunk...or i mean when i was younger and drunk and the lil head did more direction thinking then the big head. but...i assure you the psycho bitch does indeed exist. if you meet ...
August 3
Bhagwan Shree Windysan Zog
I spent it drunk on the beach ogling wimmens.
April 24
Bhagwan Shree Windysan Zog
Oh, the old lady who lived there.....the drunk ghost was her brother. The lady who lived there didn't tolerate no drinking in the house and she made her drunkard brother live on the back porch. You can hear ice tinkling in a glass back there.
April 12
Dezi Desolata
oi Zog....how do you know it's drunk ?....
April 12
Bhagwan Shree Windysan Zog
We have a drunk ghost on the back porch. Fo real doe.
April 12
Bob Roehrman
That's right Tina! I buy betel nut from them & then feed it to the pigeon or maybe sell it to some drunk American Redneck Patriots...might go over well it the finger-fuck church too!
April 2
Cam Paterson
... fall down drunk and wobble home on my own....
March 24
Bhagwan Shree Windysan Zog
somehow, someway, i don't drunk as piss tonite. dang
March 20
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been at a Halloween block party where she had four or
five alcoholic drinks. … Further, she did not try to escape because she was naked from the waist