Today: Facebook Today 주아란 (Inappropriate Parry Hotter Crush) Fri May 6
- John Rock, Nicoletta Scherianz, and 11 other friends like your video SeX ☠ PisTOLS TEle Début ♔. 9:19pm
- Lisa van Ness and Marcel Veronesi like your comment: "it becomes less silly when you can't..." 7:58pm
- Jean Waldorf Black, Wayne Smith, and 3 other friends like your video Flying Kung-fu takeoff (FUNNY!) Friends of Friends ONLY. 7:33pm
- J.r. Klink, Albert Pacitti, and 3 other friends like your video Charlene DALLAS Tilton C'est la...Ouch TONEDEAF! 5:58pm
- Dezi Desolata and Taquila Mockingbird like your video Go-Gotanzexy 'LP' Opening with Suspender Girl (my fav). 5:42pm
- Rusty Spur, Lenny Smith, and 2 other friends like your video Go|Go|Tänzer und DISCO! (Went Deep in Russia for this). 2:09pm
- Punk Storytellers, Alan Pritchard, and 3 other friends like your video MOST Gogo-Tänzerinnen Mr Walkie Talkie (silliest song) WOW! 2:00pm
- Alan Pritchard and Thomas Damour like your video Gogo FULL OPENING MONTAGE AND HAYS FANTAYZEE SHINY SHINY!!! WTF? 12:10pm
- John Herman and 3 other friends answered and replied to a question you asked them Who else does Facebook naked? 10:11am
- Dampira Quin and John Herman are now friends, as you suggested. You can suggest more people John knows. 10:01am