April 6, 2011

World Wide Weird Words


The word weird in this section is interpreted broadly to mean words that refer to obscure or outlandish subjects, are in themselves rare, or which look odd.

A Abacot; Abditory; Abigail; Absquatulate; Acersecomic; Acronychal; Acrophony; Adipocere; Adumbrate; Adust; Agelastic; Agrestic; Albertopolis; Alegar and beeregar; Alexipharmic; Ampersand; Anadiplosis; Analemmatic; Anamorphosis; Anatine; Anfractuosity; Ansible; Anthropodermic; Antimacassar; Apocope; Aposematic; Aposiopesis; Apozem; Apricate; Arenaceous; Aristology; Astrobleme; Astrobolism; Ataraxy; Atrabilious; Attercop; Austringer; Autohagiography.

B Backronym; Bafflegab; Balderdash; Balductum; Bankrupt; Bant; Baragouin; Barmecide; Bathykolpian; Bedizened; Beghilos; Bejuggle; Bellwether; Bezoar; Blackguard; Blackmail; Blatherskite; Blood and thunder; Bloviate; Blurb; Bodacious; Bodger; Bombilation; Bonzer; Boondoggle; Bootless; Borborygmus; Boscage; Boustrophedonic; Bowdlerise; Bridewell; Brimborion; Brobdingnagian; Bromopnea; Brummagem; Bruxer; Burgoo.

C Cachinnatory; Cacography; Cad; Cadastral; Cadge; Caitiff; Calenture; Callipygian; Callithumpian; Caltrop; Camelion; Cancrine; Candent; Carphology; Carwichet; Cataglottism; Cataract; Catoptromancy; Cello scrotum; Cenatory; Cento; Ceraunograph; Charabanc; Chatoyant; Cheapskate; Cheat-bread; Chicanery; Chiliastic; Chrestomathy; Chronogram; Chthonic; Chuck-farthing; Circumbendibus; Clerihew; Clinquant; Cockaigne; Cockamamie; Cockshut; Codology; Codswallop; Cohobation; Colcannon Night; Collop; Collyrium; Collywobbles; Colophonian; Comeuppance; Commash; Conkerer; Contumely; Coopering; Copacetic; Costard; Costus; Coulrophobia; Coxcomb; Cribellate; Crimping; Crinkum-crankum; Cruciverbalist; Cucking-stool; Cucumber time; Culpon; Cunicular; Curtain lecture; Cyborg; Cymbocephalic.

D Dactylonomy; Daft-days; Dandiprat; Darg; Deasil; Deipnosophist; Deliquescent; Deray; Destrier; Didgeridoo; Digamy; Digladiation; Discombobulate; Divagation; Donnybrook; Doohickey; Doryphore; Dozenal; Dracontology; Droogish; Drunkard's cloak; Dumbbell; Dumbledore; Dwile flonking; Dydler.

E Eagre; Edacious; Egyptian days; Eleemosynary; Ell; Emmet and grockle; Empasm; Emuscation; Enchiridion; Engastrimyth; Ensorcelled; Epeolatry; Ergophobia; Erumpent; Esculent; Estovers; Esurience; Etaoin shrdlu; Etheromaniac; Eyot.

F Factotum; Fanfaronade; Fantods; Farb; Fardel; Fescennine; Fidimplicitary; Fimbriated; Financephalograph; Flabbergasted; Flagitious; Flapdoodle; Flavicomous; Fletcherise; Flibbertigibbet; Floccinaucinihilipilification; Florilegium; Fogou; Folderol; Foofaraw; Foudroyant; Franglais; Frigorific; Fritinancy; Frontispiece; Fuliginous; Funambulist; Furbelow; Fustigate; Fustilugs.

G Gaberlunzie; Gadzooks; Gafiate; Galanthophile; Galimatias; Galligaskins; Gallimaufry; Gallivant; Gantlope; Garbler; Garboil; Gargalesis; Garth; Gazebo; Gazump; Geis; Gelotologist; Ginglyform; Glebe; Gnathonic; Gobbledygook; Gobo; Gomer; Gonfalon; Gong farmer; Gongoozler; Gooding; Gorbellied; Gormagon; Gossypiboma; Gowk; Gowpen; Grawlix; Gremlin; Griffonage; Grok; Groze; Guddling; Guiser; Gurning; Guy Fawkes night.

H Haberdasher; Haggard; Ha-ha; Halcyon; Handfasting; Handsel Monday; Haplology; Haptic; Harum-scarum; Haruspex; Hearth-money; Hebesphenomegacorona; Hebetude; Heiligenschein; Heterography; Higgledy-piggledy; Higgler; Hircocervus; Hobbledehoy; Hocus-pocus; Hodening; Hokey-pokey; Honeyfuggle; Honorificabilitudinitatibus; Hoosegow; Hornswoggle; Houghmagandy; Hugger-mugger; Humdudgeon; Humicubation; Humongous; Hwyl; Hyetal; Hyperborean; Hypnobioscope.

I Ice house; Ichthyophagous; Ignivomous; Impignorate; In silico; Incalescence; Incarnadine; Incunabulum; Infra dig; Infundibulum; Inglenook; Ingrained; Insinuendo; Interrobang; Inwit; Isabelline; Ishkabibble; Ixnay.

J Jackalope; Jackanapes; Jactitation; Jaculation; Janus-faced; Jiggery-pokery; Jingoism; Jobbernowl; Jocund; Jollop; Jorum; Josser; Jumentous.

K Kakistocracy; Katzenjammer; Kelemenopy; Kerfuffle; Killick; Kinetoscope; Knucker.

L Labretifery; Lackadaisical; Lagniappe; Latrociny; Leechcraft; Leiotrichous; Leucipottomy; Lexiphanic; Linhay; Linsey-woolsey; Lipogrammatist; Lippitude; Liripipe; Lithophone; Logan stone; Lollapaloosa; Lollygag; Lorinery; Lustrum NEW ; Lycanthropy.

M Macaronic; Machicolation; Macilent; Magiric; Maieutic; Makebate; Malapert; Malarkey; Mallemaroking; Maloik; Manavilins; Mansuetude; Manticore; Maritorious; Materteral; Mattoid; Maundy; Megilp; Merrythought; Mesmerise; Metagrobolise; Metemptosis; Metoposcopist; Mimsy; Mithridate; Mongo; Mononymous; Mooreeffoc; Mortsafe; Mournival; Mudlark; Mugwump; Muliebrious; Mulligrubs; Mumping; Mundungus; Musterdevillers; Mutoscope.

N Namby-pamby; Natiform; Nepenthes; Nescient; Niddering; Nihilartikel; Nincompoop; Ninnyhammer; Nipperkin; Nostoc; Nubbing-cheat; Nugiperous; Nut-crack night; Nychthemeron; Nye; Nympholepsy.

O Oaf; Obdiplostemonous; Obnubilate; Oche; Octothorpe; Olitory; Ombre; Omnium-gatherum; Omphaloskepsis; Onomasticon; Onomatopoeia; Onychophagist; Ooglification; Oojah; Opisthograph; Opodeldoc; Orismology; Orotund; Orrery; Ostrobogulous; Oxter; Oyez.

P Pace egg play; Palimpsest; Pall-mall; Pandiculation; Panglossian; Panjandrum; Panking pole; Panorama; Pantechnicon; Paralipsis; Paraphernalia; Paregoric; Paroemiological; Pastinaceous; Patibulary; Pecksniffian; Pelf; Peristeronic; Perverb; Petard; Petrichor; Pettifogging; Phantasmagoria; Pharology; Phenology; Phrop; Picadil; Picayune; Piepowder; Pigwidgeon; Pilcrow; Pilgarlic; Pillaloo; Pinchbeck; Pinguescence; Pitmatic; Plenilune; Pocillovy; Pogonotrophy; Poodle-faker; Popinjay; Poppycock; Poppysmic; Portolan; POTUS; Pound; Preposterous; Prick-me-dainty; Pridian; Prodnose; Prognosticate; Protologism; Pulchritudinous; Purdonium; Pusillanimous; Pyknic.

Q Quidnunc; Quillon; Quincunx; Quinquagenary; Quocker-wodger; Quodlibet.

R Rambunctious; Rannygazoo; Rantipole; Rasorial; Rebarbative; Retronym; Rhadamanthine; Rhapsodomancy; Rhinotillexomania; Rhopalic; Richard Snary; Rigmarole; Ripsnorter; Robinsonade; Rodomontade; Roister-doister; Roo; Rumbledethumps; Rusticate.

S Sabermetrician; Sabrage; Saggar; Salmagundi; Sapid; Sarcophagus; Sardoodledom; Saturnalia; Scacchic; Scalene; Scallywag or Scalawag; Sciolist; Scofflaw; Scombroid; Scrimshaw; Scrumping; Scutching; Seersucker; Selmelier; Semordnilap; Sennight; Sequacious; Serendipity; Sesquipedalian; Sferics; Shemozzle; Shenanigan; Simoleon; Singultient; Sisyphean; Sitooterie; Skedaddle; Skew-whiff; Skillygalee; Skimble-skamble; Skimmington; Skulduggery; Sledging; Slipshod; Slubberdegullion; Slumgullion; Smaragdine; Smellfeast; Smouch; Snarge; Snickersnee; Snollygoster; Sockdolager; Solar sail; Sophrosyne; Spanghew; Spatterdashes; Sphairistike; Sphragistics; Spifflicate; Spissitude; Spondulicks; Sponging-house; Squabash; Staddle; Stammel; Stannator; Steganography; Sternutatory; Stillicide; Stotting; Stramonium; Struthonian; Stultiloquy; Stylite; Subfusc; Surrebutter; Swan-upping; Swazzle; Swoose; Symploce; Synaesthete; Syzygy.

T Tabnabs; Taghairm; Talaria; Tantivy; Tatterdemalion; Tautochrone; Tawdry; Teetotum; Teknonymy; Teleplasmic; Tergiversate; Termagant; Tetrapyloctomy; Thaumaturgy; Thelemic; Therianthrope; Tiffin; Tintamarre; Tintinnabulation; Titch; Titivil; Titubation; Tolfraedic; Tolley; Tontine; Totter; Trebuchet; Triacle; Tripudiate; Triskaidekaphobia; Truckle; Truepenny; Trussell; Tufthunter; Tumbarumba; Turducken; Turgescent; Turlough; Twitterpated.

U Ugsome; Ullage; Ultimo; Ultracrepidarian; Umami; Umquhile; Unipedal; Unobtainium; Urtication; Usufructuary.

V Vaccary; Vaccimulgence; Valetudinarian; Vellicate; Velocipedist; Venery; Verecund; Vexillology; Vilipend; Vinolent; Virescent; Volitation; Volvelle; Vomitorium; Vril.

W Wait; Wassail; Wayzgoose; Welkin; Whilom; Widdiful; Wigg; Will-o’-the-wisp; Willy-nilly; Wiseacre; Wittol; Wobbegong.

X Xenoglossy; Xeric.

Y Yaffle; Yclept; Yuletide.

Z Zany; Zenzizenzizenzic; Zograscope; Zymurgy.

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