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Wozzeck Connection Hu
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(video) Rock and Roll Guitar Fornicates A Women | ChristWire (sucker for a good title--didn't touch it)
"I had sex with (*)" Google SearchMaster Ex. 58 » Result » i had sex on my period | gURL
David Arquette On Sex With Cox
PHOTO » Kim Kardashian' Sheds Playboy Shame, Gets Assy Coat of Silver (color of loose change)! Thanks W, Mom, Tastefulness
inspectah deck, miners rescue, chile miners...
YouTube wins piracy case against Spanish TV MADRID
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Fácéboók 'No Me 'Gusta' Español' porque Facebook es un SLOW "dar un toque" (poke)
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- Who're Hot Google Trendies Googling and who're volcanic? Oct 13, 2010
- Peter Ablinger - english texts
- ロデオマシ Japanese occidentally found bull-riding girl girls
- (video 6) What Gets Me Hot Archive Six-Pack
- The Prince of Wales - The British Monarchy joins Twitter
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- Dear Posterous, Take Dailymotion off of your list of svcs if you can't make it embed
- (mp3) Kimene: Cicek Pasaji via waxidermy
- (video) Isn't it Sémantique (English Version by Popular Demand) Meet Marvinbot
- Invocation of my Demon Brother Anton Lavey: Satanic Weegee 666-fer| Facebook | Videos by whatgetsmehot.posterous.com
Quel est votre mot préféré? What is your favorite word? Quelle est votre drogue favorite? What is your favorite drug?Posted: 13 Oct 2010 12:27 PM PDT | |
Wozzeck Connection HuPosted: 13 Oct 2010 09:08 AM PDT | |
Weekly World News - Google BooksPosted: 13 Oct 2010 06:58 AM PDT | |
(video) Rock and Roll Guitar Fornicates A Women | ChristWire (sucker for a good title--didn't touch it)Posted: 13 Oct 2010 06:03 AM PDT WARNING: The following image video media shows a Satan possessed guitar using its vibrating sounds to fornicate a normal woman. Immediately dictate your wife and children leave the room and lock the door before reviewing for your parenting council/group. Every week, each and every one of you know your child is exposed to Satanic music. I cannot stress enough how this music is bringing the destruction of not only the American culture as a whole, but also your precious son and daughter. Satan loves a cheerful sinner, because it makes it easier for him to slip into their life and get them addicted to very dangerous habits. Satan's main vice is sexual fornications and his second favorite music after black rap, which is rock and roll (rock n' roll). The music perverts standard church music progressions by adding accidentals and diminished 7th bridges, then adds the rhythm of drums so women will gyrate to the beat of Satan's pelvic thrusts. Women are already morally weak enough as it is, so by the time Satan adds guitar to a rock musical score the game is already over. He's already won and his prize victory lap is getting women to do sick things on his searing sin lap. If your wife or daughter has attended a rock concert or gone over to friend's house where the music is playing, guess what? She's probably cheated and fornicated on you because that's how Satan works and why over 50% of marriages are divorced from guilt. Liberals will lie and say its not true. They will say that MTV and Top 40 radio is not bad for especially women to listen to. They will say it is okay for your daughter to go to the latest 'rock glam' concert with her boyfriends. They will say it's okay for your wife to have a 'girl's night out' with her friends and a few of their guy friends without you around.If such is the case, then why does this following video exist! Why is a woman being tempted to do gyrations on this guitars vibrating crescendos! Flangers and Wow boxboxes, tremolos and high-toned capos! Satan licks his chops when all of these are employed,because women are easy and also tricked by his rockabilly tones. Devil music. People laught at me and try to say it is not true, but we see that all you have to do to get a women going is play some rock music and gyrate a phallic symbol guitar on her bed and she will do whatever Satan desires. Beware men and keep and yes on your wife and daughter, because this is the reality and the video proves it all. This is someone's wife. This is someone's daughter. Satan has them and it is because rock and roll music. '030′ by The Good The Bad (UNCUT) from 030 on Vimeo. via christwire.orgPosted to What Gets Me Hot via DogmeatThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |
"I had sex with (*)" Google SearchMaster Ex. 58 » Result » i had sex on my period | gURLPosted: 13 Oct 2010 05:58 AM PDT
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David Arquette On Sex With CoxPosted: 13 Oct 2010 05:53 AM PDT | |
PHOTO » Kim Kardashian' Sheds Playboy Shame, Gets Assy Coat of Silver (color of loose change)! Thanks W, Mom, TastefulnessPosted: 13 Oct 2010 05:47 AM PDT
Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat | |
Posted: 13 Oct 2010 05:32 AM PDT Check out this website I found at this link
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YouTube wins piracy case against Spanish TV MADRID Posted: 13 Oct 2010 05:25 AM PDT YouTube wins piracy case against Spanish TV
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Fácéboók 'No Me 'Gusta' Español' porque Facebook es un SLOW "dar un toque" (poke)
Posted: 13 Oct 2010 04:30 AM PDT
San Francisco. San Francisco. (EFECOM).- La red social en Internet Facebook anunció hoy el lanzamiento de la versión del portal en español a la que seguirán versiones en francés y alemán en las próximas semanas. (EFE) .- The social networking site Facebook announced today the launch of the Spanish version of the portal will be followed by versions in French and German in the coming weeks.
Fácéboók 'No Me 'Gusta' Español' porque Facebook es un SLOW "dar un toque" (poke) Posted: 13 Oct 2010 04:30 AM PDT Facebook in Spanish 08/02/2008 | Actualizada a las 03:10h | Internet y Tecnología 08/02/2008 | Updated at 03:10 pm | Internet and Technology San Francisco. San Francisco. (EFECOM).- La red social en Internet Facebook anunció hoy el lanzamiento de la versión del portal en español a la que seguirán versiones en francés y alemán en las próximas semanas. (EFE) .- The social networking site Facebook announced today the launch of the Spanish version of the portal will be followed by versions in French and German in the coming weeks. MÁS INFORMACIÓN MORE INFORMATION
Desde hoy mismo, los usuarios pueden elegir ver la página de Facebook en español ya partir del 11 de febrero el portal se abrirá por defecto en este idioma si el usuario se encuentra en un país de habla hispana. Starting today, users can choose to view the Facebook page in Spanish and from February 11 will open the default portal in that language if the user is in a Spanish speaking country. Javier Olivan, responsable de internacionalización de Facebook, dijo hoy que el objetivo de esta red social es "ofertar el mayor número de idiomas lo antes posible" y que se decidió comenzar por el español porque hay 200 millones de hispano-hablantes en Internet. "En el entorno latino, la gente prefiere usar Facebook en su idioma", explicó Olivan, que destacó que la red social ha crecido con fuerza en España y en algunos países de América Latina como Colombia y México. Javier Olivares, head of internationalization of Facebook, said that the aim of this network is "to offer as many languages as soon as possible" and we decided to start with Spanish because there are 200 million Spanish-speakers on the Internet. " In the Latin environment, people prefer to use Facebook in your language, "said Oliver, who stressed that the network has grown strongly in Spain and some Latin American countries like Colombia and Mexico. Aproximadamente un 60 por ciento de los usuarios de Facebook se encuentran fuera de Estados Unidos. About 60 percent of Facebook users are outside the United States. La firma de Internet estima que tiene alrededor de 2,8 millones de usuarios activos en América Latina y en España. Internet firm estimates it has about 2.8 million active users in Latin America and Spain. La traducción al español del portal fue realizada por los propios usuarios mediante una aplicación aún en versión beta. The Spanish translation of the portal was made by users through an application still in beta. Esta aplicación utiliza un sistema de votaciones que permite a la comunidad elegir la mejor traducción entre las propuestas del resto de los participantes. "Lo hicimos así porque los usuarios son los expertos en Facebook", explicó Olivan. This application uses a voting system that allows the community to choose the best translation among the proposals of other participants. "We did well because users are the experts on Facebook," said Oliver. Casi 1.500 usuarios hispano-hablantes del portal realizaron la traducción completa -unas 43.000 frases- en menos de cuatro semanas. Nearly 1,500 Spanish-speaking users of the portal made a complete translation, some 43,000 phrases in less than four weeks. El resultado es un producto estupendo que suena muy natural«, valoró Olivan. Por ejemplo, los participantes en la traducción acordaron utilizar la frase "dar un toque" para traducir la expresión inglesa "to poke" y que en Facebook se usa para llamar la atención de otro usuario. The result is a great product that sounds very natural ", valued Olivan. For example, participants in translating agreed to use the phrase" dar un toque "to translate the English expression" to poke "and that Facebook is used to draw attention of another user. Fuentes de Facebok añadieron que los programadores que han desarrollado aplicaciones para este sitio en Internet también podrán pedir a la comunidad de usuarios que las traduzcan a los nuevos idiomas en los que la página está disponible. Facebok sources added that the programmers who have developed applications for this web site may also require the user community that translated to new languages in which the page is available. Facebook, la red social más visitada después de MySpace, superó en 2007 los 50 millones de usuarios y acaparó titulares en todo el mundo después de que Microsoft pagara 240 millones de dólares por una participación del 1,6 por ciento en su capital. Facebook, the most visited social network after MySpace, in 2007 exceeded 50 million users and made headlines around the world after Microsoft paid 240 million dollars for a 1.6 percent stake in its capital. La oferta valoró en 15.000 millones de dólares a este sitio en Internet en el que sus usuarios pueden crear algo así como su propia página web y comunicarse con el resto de los miembros de la comunidad. The offer valued at 15,000 million dollars to this website where users can create something like your own website and communicate with other members of the community.
via lavanguardia.es Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 13 Oct 2010 04:14 AM PDT
via google.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Who're Hot Google Trendies Googling and who're volcanic? Oct 13, 2010 Posted: 13 Oct 2010 04:08 AM PDT
via google.com http://www.google.com/trends/hottrends?sa=X dogmeat wgmh blogspot ywt by cynophagie Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat |
Peter Ablinger - english texts
Talking Piano Delivers Angry Schoenberg Message (Videocube) Incredibly strange Talking piano (speaking piano) by artist Peter Ablinger personifies the voice of 12-tone composer, Schoenberg, both musically and to a man, through this elaborately prepared piano's 'voice', delivering an angry letter to an artist with whom he accuses of compromising his artistic integrity and wishes by employing a woman in the lead for his 'Ode to Napoleon'... Very pissed off, indeed, and all the more when heard as a talking piano... Totally unique presentation both in concept and invention. Talking Piano Delivers Angry Schoenberg Message (Ablinger Videocube)
PETER ABLINGER english texts
"Sounds are not sounds! They are here to distract the intellect and to soothe the senses. Not once is hearing 'hearing': hearing is that which creates me."
The composer Peter Ablinger (born in Schwanenstadt, Austria in 1959) is, as Christian Scheib once put it, a "mystic of enlightenment" whose "calls and litanies are aimed at cognition." At the same time, the composer, who - after studying graphic arts - studied with Gösta Neuwirth and Roman Haubenstock-Ramati, and since 1982 lives in Berlin, is also a skeptic who understands the cultural rules and (destructive) habits enforced by tradition: "So let us play further and say: sounds are here to hear (-but not to be heard. That's something else). And that hearing is here to be ceased ('Das Hören ist da um aufzuhören'). More I can't say."
Christian Baier, transl. by Bill Dietz
"Once - I believe it was 1986, high summer - I came on something remarkable while on a walk through the fields East of Vienna near the Hungarian border and close to the birthplace of Haydn. The corn stood high and it was just before harvest. The hot summer east wind swept through the fields and suddenly I heard das Rauschen (noise/the sound). Although it was often explained to me, I can still never say how wheat and rye are different. But I heard the difference. I believe it was the first time I really heard outside an aesthetic circumstance (say, a concert). Something had happened. Before and after were categorically separated, had nothing more to do with each other. At least it appeared to me then that way. In hindsight I recognize/remember other comparable experiences that had to do with a jerking open of perception, but the walk through the corn fields was perhaps the most momentous. For one way or the other, it seems to me, all the pieces I've made since have to do with this experience. Even the pieces not dedicated to noise, or those played with traditional instruments, etc."
Peter Ablinger, transl. by Bill Dietz
an essay by Peter Ablinger
written in 2003
generals about opera and musictheater,
seeing them as two anthithetic principles
QUADRATUREN V (Squarings V) "MUSIC" for orchestra (1997-2000)
Quadraturen (Squarings) is the name I have given to a method that seeks to present in visual terms any type of recorded sound. It may be compared to the phenomenon of grain encountered in photographs. Frequency f and time t are used as co-ordinates for a screen comprising a number of small noise fields whose format may, for example, be 1 second (time) multiplied by 1 second (interval).
Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat
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ロデオマシ Japanese occidentally found bull-riding girl girlsPosted: 13 Oct 2010 02:28 AM PDT
Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
(video 6) What Gets Me Hot Archive Six-Pack Posted: 13 Oct 2010 02:09 AM PDT Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Prince of Wales - The British Monarchy joins Twitter Posted: 13 Oct 2010 02:04 AM PDT
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Posted: 13 Oct 2010 02:03 AM PDT | ||||
Dear Posterous, Take Dailymotion off of your list of svcs if you can't make it embed Posted: 13 Oct 2010 01:53 AM PDT CARMEN ELECTRA montré ses seins dailymotion.com Dear Posterous, Please Take Dailymotion off of your list of services, if you can't make it work Posted to What Gets Me Hot via Dogmeat | ||||
(mp3) Kimene: Cicek Pasaji via waxidermy Posted: 13 Oct 2010 01:46 AM PDT
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(video) Isn't it Sémantique (English Version by Popular Demand) Meet MarvinbotPosted: 13 Oct 2010 01:31 AM PDT
Marvin bot is a technology for the Semantic Web different and powerful.
Three Laws of Robotics100% In science fiction, the Three Laws of Robotics are a set of three rules written by Isaac Asimov, which almost all positronic robots appearing in his fiction must obey. Introduced in his 1942 short story "Runaround", although foreshadowed in a few earlier My AutoTags Generator Abstract: My AutoTags Generator: Evaluate Similar ArticlesImages Knowledge Langage: 19Knowledge Meaning: -82 | ||||
Invocation of my Demon Brother Anton Lavey: Satanic Weegee 666-fer| Facebook | Videos by whatgetsmehot.posterous.comPosted: 13 Oct 2010 12:57 AM PDT AntonLaVey: organist (1930-1997) HALLOWEEN Door: Mrjyn