January 28, 2011

« L'HTML5 » « l'htmlcinque » « Le CiNque » «Vidéo » et heureux cinq-ment

« L'HTML5 » « l'htmlcinque » « Le CiNque » «Vidéo » et heureux cinq-ment


J'ai décidé de monter haut sans lumières et écrire sur notre blog sur l'énorme buzz médiatique qui a été causé par la dernière version de la langue Américains appellent balisage hypertexte. Il est vraiment unique, même pour la société de l'information moderne. Néanmoins, la viande de chien est d'avis que la plupart du temps les gens française connaître le cœur de la question sans support de la vidéo Flash sur certains appareils populaires et le succès soudain de lecteurs vidéo HTML5.


I decided to get high without any lights on and write on our blog about the huge media buzz that has been caused by the latest version of the language Americans call hyper text markup. It is truly unique, even for the modern information society. Nevertheless, Dog meat believes that most of the time French people know the heart of the matter with no support from Flash video on some popular devices and sudden success of HTML5 video players.

Implantation techniques dissolve difficult tasks into very easygoing times like ballplayers who work out at Spring training due to performance enhancing drugs among the local salopes from the provinces with their super-big breasts heaving against the chain link fence like so many panthers in estrus; so is Java Script and the grand new baby monster boy, HTML5 working out in the blogs of French bloggers as we parlez right now--and with only a little journey to the baseball diamond on the Ille de Paris next to the flying buttresses of Notre Dame or in Meudon under the elevated train track where I walk from work with my framed art under my arm at lunch, can be achieved even by French people who only speak the language of love and not html so well, pardon me for saying so bluntly this opinion.
Techniques d'implantation dissoudre les tâches difficiles dans des temps très facile à vivre comme joueurs de baseball qui travaillent à la formation au printemps en raison de drogues améliorant la performance parmi les salopes locales des provinces avec leurs seins super-grand soulèvement contre la chaîne à maillons clôture comme autant de panthères en oestrus; est si Java Script et le grand garçon de nouveaux monstre bébé, HTML5 de travail dans les blogs de blogueurs français comme nous Parlez à l'heure actuelle - et avec seulement un petit voyage au terrain de baseball sur le Paris Ille de côté les arcs-boutants de Notre-Dame ou à Meudon sous la voie ferrée surélevée où je marche de travailler avec mon art encadrées sous mon bras pour le déjeuner, peut être atteint même par des Français qui ne parlent que la langue de l'amour et non html si bien, pardonnez-moi de le dire sans ambages cet avis .
"Video" is what I teach French men and women about, and "tag" is something good to know. In fact, it's really interesting to see how standard webs can compete with the giant web third party software product.
«Vidéo» est ce que j'enseigne le français et les hommes des femmes environ, et "tag" est quelque chose de bon à savoir. En fait, c'est vraiment intéressant de voir comment des bandes standard peut rivaliser avec la troisième bande de produits géant du logiciel parti.

L'HTML 5 or "l'htmlcinque" or as they say in the boites of Marais and other tony arrondisements, "Le Cinque", defenders argue is faster than Flash, like Superman, because you do not need to wait for video to buffer like aspirin.
L'HTML 5 ou "l'htmlcinque» ou comme on dit dans les boites du Marais et d'autres arrondissements Tony, "Cinque", affirment les défenseurs est plus rapide que Flash, comme Superman, parce que vous n'avez pas besoin d'attendre pour la vidéo à un tampon comme l'aspirine.
The crazy Flash parade that the apologist Flashers now installed on 95% of all computers in the world is hard to beat even such statistics, and even in 5 years.
Le défilé fou Flash que les clignotants apologiste désormais installé sur 95% de tous les ordinateurs dans le monde est difficile à battre, même de telles statistiques, et même dans 5 ans.  

Anyway, we're not going to take one of these sides, because we believe it is your personal decision as a French citizen of the net, or as is sometimes said in America, a netizen.
Quoi qu'il en soit, nous n'allons pas prendre un de ces côtés, parce que nous croyons que c'est votre décision personnelle en tant que citoyen français du filet, ou comme on dit parfois en Amérique, un internaute.
We just want to show you some options that French people might like to play French videos of Edith Piaf and Cooking shows which feature the cheese and the wine...there's even a Dailymotion video player in "Le Cique" here (even though between you and I, they have sold out more than a whore in the French Onion Soup line at the market, if it is interesting for you.
Nous voulons juste vous montrer quelques options que les Français aimeraient lire des vidéos française d'Edith Piaf et les émissions de cuisine qui présentent le fromage et le vin ... il ya même un lecteur vidéo Dailymotion dans "Le CiNque" ici (même si entre vous et moi, ils ont vendu plus d'un putain de la ligne française Soupe à l'oignon sur le marché, s'il est intéressant pour vous.
So please welcome our list of HTML5 Video Players by saying Bonjour and Bon Voyage.
And happy cinque-ing (five-ing).
Alors s'il vous plaît accueillir notre liste de HTML5 Lecteurs vidéo en disant
Bonjour et Bon Voyage.
Et heureux cinque-tion (cinq-ment).
Big kisses to you and your girlfriend.
Gros bisous à vous et votre petite amie.


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Video JS

Video JS is a javascript-based video player that uses the HTML5 video functionality built into advanced browsers.

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JW player

The JW Player for HTML5 is a fully skinnable and configurable player based on the new 'video' tag.

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Sublime Video

This is another great HTML5 video player that doesn't require browser plugin, has standalone pure JavaScript library and of course is supported by iPhone & iPad.
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DailyMotion video player based on HTML5 video tag + javascript/CSS3, also has svg filters and animated PNG.

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This is an open-source full HTML5 Video Library that works on all major browsers, and with any online supported video format. This player identifies the best playback engine (Native HTML5, Flash, VLC or Java Cortado) for your settings and video format.

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YouTube HTML5 Player

Media giant was one of the first video sevices to have launched the HTML5 version of their player - a pretty obvious move given the fact it's a Google company. You may remember how widely this event has been discussed all over the Internet.To enable the HTML5 player please click "Join the HTML5 Beta" on YouTube HTML5 section.

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Vimeo HTML5 Video Player

Soon after YouTube's release another big player regarded its favour to HTML5 video by releasing their own player. Click "Switch to HTML5 player" link below any video to enable the HTML5 player.

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FlareVideo player supports HTML5 video with Flash fallback, full screen mode and can be esialy customized in CSS/HTML/JS.

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Open Standard Media (OSM) Player

Open Standard Media (OSM) Player is an all-in-one media player for the web. This open-source media player is written in jQuery and delivers any type of web media, including HTML5, YouTube, Vimeo, and Flash.

HTML5 Video

HTML is the markup language that makes up every page on the web. The newest version, HTML5, includes specifications for a video tag, that is meant to allow website developers to add a video to a page the same way they would add an image. In order for this to work, web browser developers (Mozilla, Webkit, Opera, etc.) have to build the video functionality into their browsers. The W3C has created directions on how video should work in browsers, and it’s up to browser developers to follow those directions, so that video works the same across all browsers. This doesn’t always happen thanks to technology, legal, and financial choices made by browser developers, but so far no one’s varying too far from the specifications. However the specifications are still being changed and refined, so browsers developers have to keep up with that as well.
Playing video in a web page may not seem so special since you can already view video on a web page through plugins like Flash Player, Quicktime, Silverlight, and RealPlayer, however this is a big step forward for standardizing video playback across web browsers and devices. The goal is that in the future, developers will only need to use one method for embedding a video, that’s based on open standards (not controlled by one company), and it will work everywhere.
A prime example of this is the iPhone and iPad. Apple has decided not to support Flash on their mobile devices, but they do support HTML5 video. Since Flash is currently the most common way video is added to web pages, most web video (aside from YouTube who has a special relationship with Apple) can’t be viewed on the iPhone or iPad. These devices are very popular, so many web sites are switching to hybrid HTML5/Flash player setups (like VideoJS).

HTML5 Video Strategies

There are two strategies one can take when providing both Flash and HTML5 Video:
  1. Default to Flash and only use HTML5 video when the browser or device doesn’t support Flash (or other video plugins).
  2. Default to HTML5 video and only use Flash when the browser or device doesn’t support HTML5.
There are positives and negatives to both strategies (and VideoJS can do both). Video sites that have invested a lot in their Flash video player and are using advanced functionality will probably choose the first strategy for the time being. This allows them to continue to provide the extra features for most users, while also supporting devices like the iPhone. Sites with more standard video player requirements that are interested in using a technology that will probably become the standard, may choose the second strategy. Every site has different needs so there’s no right answer for everyone. If you need help deciding, you can start a discussion.
RTMP Steaming vs. Progressive Download. One major factor in deciding which strategy to use is whether or not you need to use RTMP streaming through a streaming server like Flash Media Server or Wowza. The major benefit of streaming video is that it protects it from being downloaded and copied.
Sites like Hulu that have copyrighted content, use RTMP streaming. HTML5 video (or more specifically HTML5 compatible browsers) doesn’t support RTMP streaming yet. With “Progressive Download” video (the most typical method for serving video), you can still make it difficult to copy the video file, however it won’t ever be as secure as RTMP streaming.
The downside of RTMP streaming is that it’s not accessible by devices like the iPhone, and definitely not accessible by older mobile devices, so you still need to provide other less secure versions for those devices, or not support them at all. I would guess this is why you see sites like Hulu only providing iPhone videos to paid subscribers.

HTML5 Video Resources

  • Dive into HTML5 by Mark Pilgrim. Mark has written a incredible web book on all things HTML5.
  • Video for Everybody. The embed code by Kroc Kamen that showed us how we could use HTML5 video right now, and support older browsers at the same time, without any Javascript tricks.

HTML5 Resources

« L'HTML5 » « l'htmlcinque » « Le CiNque » «Vidéo » et heureux cinq-ment   J'ai décidé de monter haut sans lumières et écrire sur notre blog sur l'énorme buzz médiatique qui a été causé par la dernière version de la langue Américains appellent balisage hypertexte. Il est vraiment unique, même pour l ...... Read MORE » on Dogmeat